发布时间:2021-12-08 11:12:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located in Lille, in the new developing area situated on the banks of the Deûle within EuraTechnologies – the new economic hub dedicated to information and communication technology, which brings together many local and foreign start-ups.

▼建筑概览,overview © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

项目所坐落的场地开放且复杂,整合了多个不同尺度的公共空间。新欧洲科技经济中心的大型入口广场向布列塔尼法院开放,并面向当地的标志性建筑“Le Blan- Lafont”纺织工厂。“Le Blan- Lafont”纺织厂的工业建筑群以钟楼为主导,彰显出里尔悠久的纺织工业历史,整个工厂的翻新改造是当地城市更新计划的重要组成部分,象征了新经济的重组与振兴。在场地的核心区域,一座尺度较小的砖砌建筑与其前方的集散广场则被特意保留了下来。

The project site is open and complex, integrates into a plural public space, at various scales. It opens to the “Cour de Bretagne”, the large entry plaza of the new EuraTechnologies economic hub, and faces “Le Blan- Lafont”. The “Blan-Lafont”, dominated by its Bell Tower, is the main building of this new urban project. It represents the heritage of the past thread mills of Lille and symbolizes the new economic restructuration. In its core, the project site regains a smaller scale that includes a square in front of the existing brick building.

▼由布列塔尼法院广场看建筑,viewing the project from the plaza © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna


The project consists of an office space of 1465 m², enclosed in a transparent volume that reveals the depth of the block. Flexible workspaces inside a low consumption building have been created. The four building facades are exposed to the sun most of the day, with no immediate building proximity. This exceptional situation offers a large view to the surrounding landscape and public areas, as well as noticeable illumination throughout the day to the interior spaces.

▼由“Le Blan- Lafont”砖砌建筑看本项目,viewing the project from the Le Blan- Lafont brick building © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

▼现代风格的建筑为街道带来了新的景观,The modern architecture brings a new landscape aspect to the street © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

设计挑战之一是,如何在保证采光的情况下控制室内空间对太阳热能的吸收,使建筑符合当前的能源要求。为此,Barbarito Bancel事务所特别设计了一种独特的立面系统,该系统由混凝土基础结构与结构之上的垂直玻璃百叶窗组成。通透的玻璃材质反射着周边的砖材、混凝土建筑与桦树,仿佛消隐在周围的环境中,增强了场地通透性的同时,在场地的中心创造出深远的视觉体验。

However, this significant solar intake is controlled to comply with the current energy requirements. To this end, Barbarito Bancel architects created an original composition of facades, a vertical glass louver facade positioned on a concrete base. This evanescent plane plays with the fragmented reflections of its surrounding, made of brick, concrete and birch, and create deep visual perspectives into the permeable heart of the project site.

▼建筑近景,closer look of the project © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

▼垂直玻璃百叶立面系统,Vertical glass louver facade system © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna


The vertical orientation of the glass louvers is chosen to protect from the southern sunrays and provide large visual perspectives. For the main facades – southwest and northwest – the project outlines the idea of a double skin that naturally creates a transparent and luminous curtain wall while protecting from the sunrays. The secondary southeast and northeast facades are composed of single walls and alternate surfaces of opaque polished aluminium and glass surfaces that follow the overall geometry of the inclined glass sunscreens by prolonging the gradual and increasing change of rhythm of the inclined panels. Finally, the volume is completed with a more slender attic reaching to the sky.

▼立面由单层墙体、不透明抛光铝饰面与透明玻璃交替组成,The facade is made up of single walls, alternate surfaces of opaque polished aluminium and glass surfaces © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

▼极具节奏感的立面效果,the facade with great sense of rhythm © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

▼建筑核心筒位于南侧,立面更为封闭, The core of the building is located on the south side and the facade is more enclosed © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna


The main entrance of the building, opens to the “Cour de Bretagne” square, the main public space of the district. It fits into the depth of the concrete base and reveals a neat and contemporary entrance lobby, with the use of elegant materials: concrete and wood. The building core, which groups together the annex spaces and the distribution of the floors, is rationally positioned to the south to protect the main workspaces from sunrays.

▼底层立面上倾斜的铝板呼应了玻璃百叶的设计语言, Sloping aluminum panels on the ground floor facade echo the design language of glass louvers © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

▼立面细部,detail of the facade © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna


The internal layout of the building comprising of prestressed lightened concrete slabs combined with an ingenious cooling-ventilation-heating system, built into the thickness of the structural slab/engineered floor complex, which makes it possible to create a fully modular platform at each level, free of columns and networks, enables the creation of a fully modular platform at each level that is free of columns and network cables. Visual comfort and luminosity are accentuated by the open view, the wide spaces and the grey painted concrete ceiling.

▼室内概览,overview of interior © Alessandra Chemollo | design +fortuna

建筑的尺度虽小却十分精致,如同一件珍贵的玻璃艺术品。优雅的形态与合理的比例巧妙地创造出充满反射效果的光线游戏。设计核心旨在通过该建筑为当地赋予一种全新的精神,并与当地共同发展。十多年的实践积累与不同的生活经历,使Ivana Barbarito与Benjamin Bancel在设计理念上形成互补,并在共同愿望的驱使下,于2011年创建了他们的事务所Barbarito Bancel Architects。每个新项目的设计过程都是他们对建筑的乐趣、光线与空间的思考,更是通过设计团队、业主、建造商的多方合作,对新技术与新材料而进行的建筑实验。可以说他们的设计是在严谨、幻想、敏感、方法、讨论、倾听和大量绘画之间的不断转变,并最终获得和谐的平衡。

The final product is a small precious object, similar to a delicate and evanescent set of glass scales, with elegant proportions and shapes. It subtly creates a game of transparency and reflections fragmented with its environment. The aim is also to give new neighbourhood a new spirit and to go along with its development. In a shared desire, Ivana Barbarito and Benjamin Bancel founded their firm Barbarito Bancel Architects in 2011 after more than ten years of experience, different life paths and complementary insights. They are united by the common desire to renew, with each new project, the pleasure of architecture, for the thinking of space designed by light, for the design, teamwork, meetings with clients and craftsmen, experimentation of new techniques and materials. A continuous transformation in search of a balance between rigor, fantasy, sensitivity, method, discussions, listening and a lot of drawings.

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Barbarito Bancel Architectes

▼标准层平面图,standard floor plan © Barbarito Bancel Architectes

▼立面图,elevations © Barbarito Bancel Architectes

Location:Lille, Zac Rives de la Haute Deûle, EuraTechnologies Project type:Office building Client:Foncière de L’Érable (Crédit Agricole Nord de France) Real-estate developer:Ervefel et Promonor Land developer:Soreli Urban planner:PDAA Project team: Project architect::Barbarito Bancel Architectes Structural eng.: Masse and Somete HVAC eng.: Réflexion Energy consultant: Greenbirdie Facade eng.: EOC RFR Electric eng.: Kee Contractors: Facade installator: STM Groupe Roger Delattre Aluminium cladding: Soprema Entreprise Suppliers:Saint-Gobain Glass Phase:Completed in 2020 Budget:1 760 euro/ m² Surface:1 465 m²



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