Walker Workshop
01.Wild Lilac
住宅占地 3200 平方英尺,拥有 800 平方英尺的泳池。
设计初心作为 San Bernardino 国家森林的避难所。
This 3200 SF single-family residence and accompanying 800 SF pool house were envisioned as a refuge cradled within the foothills of the San Bernardino National Forest.
The design uses a series of thickened walls which run east-west along the topography of the dramatic mountain site to establish discrete programmatic zones and protect the interiors from the sun.
Each resulting zone affirms its connection to the surrounding hillside, while the thickened walls demarcate successively more private areas of the house.
02. Portland Hilltop House
This two-story single-family residence is located atop a hill in Portland, Oregon. The house is positioned at the edge of a broad level area, pushed out as far as possible without disturbing the protected environmental zone below.
Tucked into the slope, the lower level hosts bedrooms and other private program looking out toward Portland’s characteristic treeline.
The upper level rests just above the adjacent landscape and contains the more public parts of the house, giving the impression of a simple single-story structure from the approach.
The house’s long pitched roof provides deep eaves to offer protection from the rain and emphasize the site’s panoramic views, and dramatic cantilevers on either end lend drama to the most spectacular views.
03. Oak Pass Main House
项目位于加利福尼亚州比佛利山的橡树林中,由洛杉矶的设计师 Walker Workshop 着手打造,充分利用其风景如画的地理位置,为住户提供全景的峡谷风貌以及最优雅的居住环境,完美的将建筑与自然融合在一起。
Sitting atop a ridge amongst Oak woodlands in Beverly Hills, California, this modern residence by Los Angeles based architectural studio Walker Workshop takes full advantage of its picturesque location to provide its occupants with panoramic canyon views along with an environment of minimal elegance, while maintaining a diminutive presence among the rolling landscape which surrounds it.
Oak Pass 住宅周围有超过 130 棵需要被保护的橡树。
The pristine surroundings that include over 130 protected Coast Live Oak Trees was the main driving force behind the designers’ decision to submerge two thirds of the 740 square meters of floor space into the hillside in order to minimize the house’s visual mass. The subterraneous spaces contain four bedrooms, a study room and a gym, which emerge along the hillsides to offer generous views of the canyon and plenty of natural light, as well as a wine cellar and a home cinema that are located deeper into the hill. An angular courtyard on the same level brings daylight into the adjacent corridors as well as creating a more intimate environment for the house’s private quarters. Above, the living and dining area, kitchen, and car park take the form of one-storey pavilions, each one slightly rotated to frame different vistas.
The use of structural concrete for most of the building’s construction allows for larger cantilevers that give a sense of weightlessness, and column-free expanses which, combined with the floor-to-ceiling glazing, ensures uninterrupted views. Moreover, wherever possible, the glass facades were designed as a series of sliding or pivoting panels that once opened allow the interior spaces to flow onto the outdoor terraces in order to take advantage of the mild, Mediterranean climate of Southern California.
The designers have submerged two thirds of the 740 square meters of floor space into the hillside in order to minimize the house’s visual mass.
The interiors are designed with a minimalist aesthetic using a palette of natural materials such as limestone for the pavilion floors, walnut wood for the lower-storey floors and wall paneling, and marble for the kitchen and bathroom counters. Similarly minimalist, a series of grass-paved terraces that include an herb garden, constructed as a roof over parts of the lower level, and an infinity pool that reflects the abutting Oak trees, reconstruct the excavated hill and harmoniously assimilate the grounds into the surrounding landscape.
Oak Pass 住宅如同 Frank Lloyd Wright 的流水屋、Mies van der Rohe 的范思沃斯之屋和 Philip Johnson’的玻璃屋都是现代主义的标志性建筑。
In forming such an intimate and respectful relationship with the site it sits on while using an architectural language of simplicity, transparency and openness, Oak Pass Main House follows in the steps of iconic modernist residences such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater House, Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House and Philip Johnson’s Glass House, which all endeavored to wed architecture to its natural context.
Walker Workshop
Noah Walker & Charies Chambers & Will Pyatt
Walker Workshop 由著名建筑师 Noah Walker 创办,设计风格自然大气,追求建筑与自然环境的完美融合,是当代最重要的别墅建筑师之一。
Walker Workshop 是一家位于洛杉矶的建筑公司,成立于 2010 年,其宗旨是创建现代化的建筑结构,根据项目的独特之处对空间进行设计,使建筑温暖而简约。
G&K 桂睿诗/不失经典的优雅
DOMANI 东仓建设 / 艺术近在咫尺
GRANDRAW 观筑/品牌形象新定位