发布时间:2020-03-19 21:04:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


20世纪50年代,心理学家皮亚杰(J.Piaget)提出了建构主义教育理论(Constructivism ),理论核心强调以学生为中心,鼓励学生对知识的主动探索,力图通过学生之间以合作、交流、讨论的方式培养他们的思维能力。它指明了当代多元化教学的方向。四教的空间改造遵循着这一理念,目标是将原有70人教室进行设备更新,并在现有空间中增加大量小型研讨间以及自由学习区域,从而适应当下大学开放、灵活的多元化教学模式。

The Fourth Teaching Building(Jeanswest) of Tsinghua University, was completed and delivered in September in 1990. There are 4-story large classrooms on its west side which can hold 70 people, and 5-story public areas in the east. The mainstream of people is led by the walking stairs in the east as the major vertical traffic.

In the 1950s, the psychologist J.Piaget came up with Constructivism. The core of theory emphasizes the student-centered idea of encouraging students to actively explore knowledge and striving to develop their thinking ability by cooperation, communication, and discussion. The theory gives the direction of modern diversified teaching. Following this idea, the space reconstruction of the Fourth Teaching Building aims to update the equipment of the original 70-people classrooms and add a large number of small-sized research and discussion rooms and free learning area to the existing space so that they can adapt to the current open, flexible and diversified university teaching model.

▼项目概览,从中庭看开放楼梯间,overview, viewing the open staircase from the atrium ©金伟琦


As the typical public teaching building, the Fourth Teaching Building not only undertakes the function of the classroom but also serves as a public area where students of different majors of the university converge. In such a place comprised of unfamiliar people, people will usually feel an innate sense of alienation from the space. And the resulting core issue is how to make students’ staying in the public area as an opportunity for them to know each other. We hope a free and open situation for students where they will encounter and know each other can be created so that we can maximize the value of the public areas.

▼开放楼梯间与站立式学习区,让学生们在公共空间中通过“停留”是实现人与人相识的契机,the open staircase and the standing learning area, making students’ staying in the public area as an opportunity for them to know each other ©金伟琦

▼开放楼梯间与站立式学习区,为学生创造一个温暖、自由,开放的情景,the open staircase and the standing learning area, providing students with a free and open situation ©金伟琦


▼楼梯间改造概念,renovation concept of the staircase ©张丹莉

▼各楼层空间概念,concept of the space on the different floors ©张丹莉

The concept of openness lies in to enlarge lighting and visual scale to the maximum. The original stairs of the 1-5th floor of the eastern hall were isolated from the hall. In this reconstruction, we dismantled the wall to present the great stairs and strengthen the sense of ceremony and visual impact of stairs by color and shape building. Open stairs connect all floors and form a multi-layer and mobile stereoscopic space structure. The interleaved original construction framework and stairs enable people to feel the openness of space from the line of sight of different layers by walking.

▼中庭与开放式楼梯间的关系,the relationship between the atrium and the open staircase ©金伟琦

▼开放楼梯间入口,the entrace of the open staircase ©金伟琦

▼开放式楼梯空间内部,通过色彩和形体塑造来强化楼梯的仪式感和温暖的视觉感受,interior view of the open staircase, strengthening the sense of ceremony and visual impact of stairs by color and shape building ©金伟琦

▼开放式楼梯空间细节,details of the open staircase ©金伟琦


▼开放式的自由学习空间,the open learning areas ©金伟琦

A complete learning process not only takes place in the classroom, the communication and cooperation after class can better promote students’ consolidation, organization and deep research of knowledge. At the same time, knowledge sharing among individuals is also realized in the process. The conventional large-sized classroom is not the only model in the current classroom teaching and realizing the randomness and flexibility between the cooperation of the use of teaching space and diversified teaching is becoming a tendency. Therefore, we extend teaching to the public area of the eastern side. We add 13 more flexible small-sized research and discussion classrooms on the 3-5th floor and forms several open learning areas and resting rooms by using the space debris of all floors. So students can meet their temporary learning needs at different times. Glass corridor connecting the Fourth Teaching Building and lecture theater on the west side is built. The glass folding door of two sides can open and close and the angle of electric-drive blinds on the top can be adjusted by remote control, so it can adapt to the different weather and lighting outdoors and become a comfortable semi-outdoor place for communication and learning.

▼室外连廊上的阳光房,两侧玻璃折叠门可开可合,顶部的电动百叶可以遥控调整角度,the glass corridor, the glass folding door of two sides can open and close and the angle of electric-drive blinds on the top can be adjusted by remote control ©金伟琦


There are 24 standard public classrooms in the 1-4 floor in the west. In the corridor of a standard classroom, the southern wall is designed to be light-transparent grafting in order to draw natural light into the corridor. We break the conventional single straight-line path and set up box-seats in several space joints where people can stay. Then the closed lengthy passage becomes a public environment like a block.

▼标准教室走廊,南侧墙面被设计成透光的格栅,the corridor of the standard classroom, the southern wall is designed to be light-transparent grafting ©金伟琦

▼走廊等候座椅,在空间节点上设置包厢式的座椅用以容纳人停留,setting up box-seats in several space joints where people can stay ©金伟琦

▼独立学习空间,the individual study space ©金伟琦


Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge through the cooperation and communication of students in a certain situation. The situation is not only a psychological intention but also a type of physical environment and even a kind of cultural atmosphere. The ultimate goal of creating all situations is to construct students’ sense of belonging and passion for learning places. We hope the Fourth Teaching Building can become a diversified interactive place which collects class teaching, communication and research and group learning and integrate into the daily campus life space of teachers and students.

▼夜晚从校园内看内部楼梯间,viewing the interior staircase from outside at night ©金伟琦

▼一层平面图,1F plan ©清华大学美术学院

▼三层平面图,3F plan ©清华大学美术学院

▼五层平面图,5F plan ©清华大学美术学院

项目名称:清华大学第四教学楼室内空间改造设计 项目地点:清华大学 设计机构:清华大学美术学院 施工图设计:北京清尚建筑设计研究院 面积:5000平方米 项目策划:杨冬江 设计团队:杨冬江 杨宇 管沄嘉 石硕 李正友 张霏赫 曹宇 刘璇 摄影:金伟琦 设计时间:2018年1月 完工时间:2019年9月 主要材料: 天花:石膏板、穿孔吸音铝板 室内地面:环氧彩砂 家具:Steelcase

Project name: Interior Renovation of the Fourth Teaching Building of Tsinghua University Project location: Tsinghua University Design firm: Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University Construction Drawing: Beijing Tsingshang Architectural Design and Research Institute Total area: 5000 square metre Project planning: Yang Dong Jiang Design Team: Yang Dong Jiang、 Yang Yu、 Guan Yun Jia、 Shi Shuo、Li Zheng You、Zhang Fei He、Cao Yu、Liu Xuan Photography: Jin wei qi Project date: Jan.2018 Completion date: Sept.2019


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