发布时间:2020-12-26 06:14:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Wick Architecture & Design和LAND设计事务所合作,完成了Lazy Eye产品工作室一期工程。项目位于洛杉矶Frogtown地区的一栋面积约为460平米的单层混凝土砌块建筑中,分两期建造。一期工程的主要任务是将原仓库的前部改造成意见创意办公室,面积约为123平米。新设计的空间包括一片公共办公区,一间会议室,两间办公室,两间剪接房以及一个小厨房。

Wick Architecture & Design, in partnership with LAND Design Studio, is proud to unveil Phase 1 of the Lazy Eye production studio project in the Frogtown district of Los Angeles. Built within the shell of an existing 4,957 sq. ft., single-story CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit) block building, Phase 1 of the two-phase project focused on a creative office build-out of the front portion of the former warehouse. Completion of Phase 1 delivers 1,325 sq. ft. of newly-designed space comprised of a common work area, a conference room, two offices, two editing bays, and a kitchenette.

▼空间概览,overall view of the space ©Nicole LaMotte

“Frogtown地区中多是独栋住宅和工业建筑。近年来的发展,包括洛杉矶河绿带自行车道复兴,为这片区域创造了新的关注点。”Wick Architecture & Design的主创建筑师David Wick说道,“一批艺术家首先涌入了这里,产品设计公司紧随其后。”

“Frogtown consists mainly of single-family homes and industrial buildings, but recent developments, including rejuvenation of the Los Angeles River Greenway Trail bike path, has created new interest in the neighborhood,” says David Wick, principal and lead designer of Wick Architecture & Design. “It started with an influx of artists, and now production companies have followed.”

Lazy Eye产品工作室的粉色立面采用喷砂处理,室内原有的围墙和隔断全部被拆除,成为了一张空白的画布。设计将原本的混凝土地面打磨光整,并以哑光密封材料修饰;1932年建造的木制桁架和托梁表面喷砂,依旧暴露在人们眼前。原混凝土砌块墙面的内部剖面也被保留,不均匀的分红色调喷砂传达出建筑的历史。

Within the sandblasted, pink-primed exterior of the Lazy Eye production studio, the designers demolished all existing interior walls and partitions in order to create a blank canvas. Existing concrete floors were then ground, polished, and finished with a matte sealant, and original wood trusses and joists of the building, built in 1932, were sandblasted and left exposed. Sections of the original CMU block wall were also maintained internally, with sandblasting exposing non-uniform, pinkish-red tones that express the building’s history.

▼建筑外观,粉色墙面,external view of the building with pink toned surface ©Nicole LaMotte

“业主想要一个永恒的设计,尊重建筑原有的部分元素。”LAND设计事务所主创建筑师Andrew Lindley解释道,“我们的选材反映了这一过程,翻新的复古吊灯、灰泥、木材和钢等材料作为原有混凝土砌块和木结构的补充,使空间更为完整。”

“The client wanted a timeless design that respected some of the original elements of the building,” explains Andrew Lindley, principal and lead designer of LAND Design Studio. “Our use of materials reflects that process, with vintage refurbished pendant lights, stucco, wood, and steel that complement the existing CMU blocks and original wood structure.”


The design tandem established a horizontal datum line within the framework of the structure’s rejuvenated historic charm, marking a delineation of materials applied to the space’s newly constructed walls. The abundant use of book-matched white oak paneling adds a contemporary feel to the lower interior, with stucco applied above the line and jutting slightly outward as if resting on the wood. Along the new stucco wall at the rear of the building, a mounted black steel inset also respects the datum line.

▼水平线条标识出新建墙面,horizontal line marking the newly constructed walls ©Nicole LaMotte

▼上方的灰泥墙面略凸出于下方木板,stucco wall lightly jutting outward the wooden panels below ©Nicole LaMotte


The functional areas are organized around an open, communal working space, with enclosed offices and editing bays designed along the perimeter. Abundant light permeates the enclosed spaces through a combination of industrial lighting and custom-built circular skylights. The conference room’s stucco ceiling cap features three circular skylight cuts, each embedded with a cylinder housing a suspended pendant light. By day, the skylights infuse the room with an abundance of natural light, while the pendants emanating from the same location assume that role at night. In all, 14 industrial light fixtures were imported from UK-based Trainspotters, which the design team rewired and installed in accordance with the specifications of the project.

▼位于空间边缘的会议室,conference room located along the space perimeter ©Nicole LaMotte

▼会议室天花上设有三个圆形天窗,three circular skylights mounted in the ceiling of the conference room ©Nicole LaMotte

▼天窗和灯具细部,details of the skylight and the lightings ©Nicole LaMotte

▼定制灯具在夜晚可以代替天光,customized lightings replace the skylights during night ©Nicole LaMotte


The nature of the work to be conducted in the client’s editing bays required a different lighting scheme altogether. In order to provide less direct illumination, the team designed a lowered ceiling plane, clad in stucco, which conceals hidden perimeter cove lights. The cove lights are directed towards the CMU wall surface, resulting in lower intensity reflective lighting in the rooms.

▼压低的灰泥天花减少空间中的直接光照,lowered stucco ceiling reducing direct lighting in the space ©Nicole LaMotte


Further integrating the blend of old and new, Wick and Lindley custom-designed a series of steel-framed glass doors and windows as a contemporary interpretation of the building’s existing vintage steel warehouse windows. Tempered glass doors with thin black steel frames embrace the vernacular of that classic style, combined with the overall modern design aesthetic of the project.

▼纤细的黑钢框架呼应工业建筑特征,thin black steel frames corresponding with the industrial character of the building ©Nicole LaMotte

▼材料细部,material details ©Wick Architecture & Design + LAND Design Studio


Phase 2 of the design project will begin soon and will consist of retail space, a market, and a restaurant featuring outdoor dining in a tree-lined setting.

▼平面图,plan ©Nicole LaMotte

Project Name: Lazy Eye Project Size: 1,325 square feet Client: Lazy Eye Project Location: 1993 West Blake Avenue Los Angeles, CA. 90039 Architect: David Wick of  Wick Architecture and Design in collaboration with Andrew Lindley of LAND Design Studio. General Contractor: Analog Construction Structural Engineer: J & J Engineering and Testing Inc. Mechanical Engineer: Linwood Engineering Photographer: Nicole LaMotte Lighting: Bauhaus Pendant from Trainspotters Wood: Rift Cut White Oak Opening Date: May 2020


洛杉矶 Lazy Eye 产品工作室,工业风与现代美学的完美融合
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