发布时间:2020-06-08 00:17:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Knitting machinery leaders Santoni, have officially opened their new Materials Experience Centre (MEC) at Santoni’s headquarters in Shanghai. The new space, designed by architects Bylu Design, is a contemporary research and inspiration centre for leading professionals the textiles industry to meet clients, research ideas and work on bespoke projects. It will be a pivotal space for inspiration, ideation, implementation and knowledge sharing.

MEC的设计是为了迎合现代纺织品生产商在产品方面所一贯倡导的可持续性和未来设计思维。圣东尼无缝和圆针织技术促成了这样成功的合作伙伴关系的行程,材料和设计之间可以实现完美的协同。圣东尼上海首席执行官皮特(Gianpietro Belotti)表示:“建立这一新的协作网络让我们能够以不同的方式思考,并洞察不同的新领域。从而更好的完成我们用尖端解决方案激励世界编织者的使命。”

The MEC is designed to meet the needs of a modern textile producer that consistently champions sustainability and futuristic design thinking when it comes to textile products. The addition of Santoni’s seamless and circular knitting technology makes this a winning partnership where the perfect synergy between material and design can be achieved. Santoni’s CEO, Gianpietro Belotti, said: “Establishing this new network has allowed us to think differently and to be ready to penetrate new frontiers. This will enable us to achieve our mission of inspiring world knitters with cutting edge solutions.”

▼体验中心入口,entrance of the MEC  © Sven Zhang



Santoni wanted a space that was flexible and easy to adapt to different uses and projects. To accomplish this goal, the architects designed the MEC with an adjustable hanging light system and low-levelled cabinets that were easy to move around. Simplicity and adaptability were central to the finished design. The idea was that the client could effortlessly slot in different products, samples and demonstrations within the space, using the areas provided.

The company also requested a space that was open, luminous and high-tech. To achieve this effect, Bylu Design used crisp white paint and a terrazzo floor which enhanced and reflected the light coming in from the windows. To create a technological feel, they added elements like metal mesh, stainless steel, LED walls and touchscreens. In the areas where the interior needed to feel warm and welcoming, wooden floors and pastel colours were used to create a more human ambiance. The result is a clean, sophisticated and airy space where one feels in harmony with all that is technological and futuristic.

▼打造灵活易变的空间 a space that was flexible and easy to adapt to different uses © BYLU DESIGN

空间本身是所有圣东尼上海的访客都会参观的一个重要区域,由入口、概念阐释区、一般展示区、特色概念区和休息室组成。游客首先触达的是入口。这一入口连接圣东尼工厂前台与材料体验中心。“这不仅仅是一个入口,”总建筑师路易吉·阿卡杜(Luigi Arcadu)说,“这是一次体验。这是针织技术从现在走向未来的象征。”入口的外形是一个平行六面体,表面覆盖着铝面板。内部采用了蓝色环氧涂料,并制造出一个轻微的反向漏斗形状效果,以一个3x4m的透明LED墙作为结束。由此产生的空间使参观者从进入展厅的那一刻起就赞叹不已。

The space itself will be a key attraction to visitors who are meeting with Santoni Shanghai, and is comprised of an entrance, concept, exhibition area, feature room and lounge area. The first area that visitors encounter is the entrance, an area that connects the reception area of the Santoni factory with the Materials Experience Center. “This isn’t just an entrance,” said Chief architect Luigi Arcadu, “it’s an experience. It’s symbolic of the passage from the present to the future of knitting technology.” The outside of the entrance is the shape of a parallelepiped and is covered with aluminium stainless-steel panels. The interior is painted electric blue and has a slight reverse-funnel effect that ends on a 3x4m transparent LED wall. The resulting space is one that wows visitors from the moment they enter the showroom.

▼入口的六面体,parallelepiped at entrance  © Sven Zhang

概念阐释区是参观者进入的第二个区域。它包含两个白色立方体、用于演示的数字屏幕和一个LED墙,给人一种标志性的感觉。接下来是令人印象深刻的一般展示区,专门展示圣东尼的机械、面料和生产工艺。这个空间被分为三个不同的区域。藉由独立的悬挂灯光系统、配色方案和隔离物,每一个区域都被显著区隔并且独具特色。整个区域有趣而且灵动,游客在其中可以方便的游走和查看样品或产品。创意工作室总监伊娃•德•拉特(Eva de Laat)表示,鼓励游客进行收集、探索和发现的想法是圣东尼的愿景和最终设计的核心。


▼概念阐释区,concept area  © Sven Zhang

The concept area is the second area you encounter; it contains two white cubes, digital screens for presentations and an LED wall, giving it an iconic feel. Next comes an impressive exhibition area that is dedicated to Santoni’s machinery, fabrics and production process. This space has been divided into three different zones, each of which stands out as unique thanks to their different hanging light systems, colour schemes and partitions. This creates an area that’s fun and dynamic, yet easy for visitors to roam around whilst examining samples or products. The idea of encouraging visitors to search, explore and discover was central to Santoni’s vision and the resulting design, says Creative Studio Director Eva de Laat.

The exhibition area also features low cabinets for showcasing samples, along with a framed glass area with a touchscreen incorporated. The glass touchscreen will be used for storytelling; it will be used to illustrate the function and the process behind each item. Additional information can be added in the form of stickers which, when overlapping the item on the screen, could be used to create the effect of augmented reality.

▼一般展示区概览,overview of the exhibition area  © Sven Zhang

▼展示区通过灯饰及不同的配色分为不同区域,exhibition area is divided into different areas by lighting and different color © Sven Zhang

▼各式各样的展品, various of exhibits © Sven Zhang

▼生活化的展区陈设,the furnishings of daily life © Sven Zhang

▼触摸屏阐释每个展品背后的故事,touchscreen will be used for storytelling © Sven Zhang

▼展示样品的矮柜,low cabinets for showcasing samples © Sven Zhang


A special feature room offers the chance to discover new products and textiles, giving visitors a view of the latest projects. The room is separated by a white metal mesh partition giving it a private and cosy feeling. A long wooden table in the middle provides an excellent focal point and area for discussing samples and prototypes.

▼白色金属网格开的特色概念区及休息区,pecial feature room and rest room separated by a white metal mesh partition © Sven Zhang

▼中间的长桌方便讨论,long table in the middle is convenient for discussion © Sven Zhang


The lounge area is the final destination, a comfortable, inviting place to relax and discuss projects. It contains a sofa with a raised wooden floor and mesh partition, giving it a warm and intimate feel. A ribbon window connects it to Santoni’s material library.

▼舒适的休息区,cozy lounge area © Sven Zhang

圣东尼的材料图书馆是整个空间的点睛之笔;这个图书馆中可以收藏多达2000件样品,并且管理高度自动化,令人印象深刻。图书馆中心的机械臂可以将把访客选中的任何样品送到休息室。这一机器人应用无疑将成为访客们谈论的焦点,它是对圣东尼及其合作伙伴所具有的创造力和技术创新的致敬。首席执行官皮特(Gianpietro Belotti)评论道:“材料图书馆空间是我们知识的顶峰,是我们活动的总和。实验室测试、创新思维、新设计和出人意料的成果在这里被系统地收集和存档。我梦想有一天,机器人能全天候运行,以满足远程和现场客户需要以及他们的创新欲望。”

Santoni’s material library is the finishing touch; an impressive automated storage room that can store over 2000 samples. A mechanical arm in the centre of the library will deliver any requested sample to the lounge area. This robotic aspect is sure to be a talking point with all who enter the space and is a nod to the ingenuity and technological innovation that Santoni, and its partners, are synonymous with. CEO Gianpietro Belotti commented: “The material library space is the pinnacle of our knowledge, the sum of our activities. Laboratory tests, innovative thinking, new designs and surprising outcomes are systematically collected and archived here. I dream of the day when the robot will run 24/7 to satisfy remote and on-site customers and their appetite for innovation.”

▼图书馆中心的机械臂将成为访客们谈论的焦点,this robotic aspect is sure to be a talking point with all © Sven Zhang

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing  © BYLU DESIGN

▼平面图,plan © BYLU DESIGN

▼剖面,sections © BYLU DESIGN


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