发布时间:2020-12-08 21:06:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Batawa市位于多伦多东部175公里处,与Trent河毗邻。近年来,该城镇正在经历复兴,在此过程中,Sonja Bata在建筑和建成环境上倾注了许多热情。作为一个适合21世纪生活的可持续社区和卫星城,居民可以在亲近自然的同时,通过高速通道保持与工作的连接。她将Batawa视为一个社会和环境可持续发展的社区模型。

The late Sonja Bata pursued her passion for architecture and the built environment through the revitalization of the town of Batawa, located 175 km east of Toronto on the Trent river. As a sustainable community and satellite town adapted to 21st century living, where residents could live close to nature but maintain a connection to work through high-speed broadband, she envisioned Batawa as a model community for social and environmental sustainability.

▼项目外观,external view of the project ©Scott Norsworthy

Bata是一个家族鞋业王国,于二战开始的时候迁到加拿大,改造鞋子的制造厂是Bata实现其城镇梦想的核心。原本的工厂位于城镇的门户位置,设计将其转变成了一栋包含居住、商业和社区建筑的综合体。项目由Quadrangle和Dubeldam Architecture+Design合作完成,提出了充满野心的再利用方案,在产生强烈的社会效益的同时,将对环境的影响控制在最小。

Central to Bata’s vision for the town was the conversion of the manufacturing facility built by her family’s shoe empire, who relocated to Canada at the beginning of World War II. Located at the gateway to the town, the conversion of the former factory into a mixed-use residential, commercial and community building, designed by Quadrangle (Architect of Record) and Dubbeldam Architecture + Design (Collaborating Design Architect), is an ambitious adaptive re-use project with a light environmental footprint and a strong social mandate.

▼改造后的建筑成为一栋社区综合体,rehabilitated building transformed into a community complex ©Scott Norsworthy

在鞋厂最为强盛的时期,近1900名员工支撑齐了整个社区,其中包含两所学校、两座教堂、以及运动设施。社区是Batawa发展至今的动力,同样的理念也运用在了此次更新项目中,将旧工厂变为一座充满活力的新设施,为社区添砖加瓦。改造后的建筑首层为商业空间,出租给本地商户;二层计划设置教育孵化器和带户外游乐场的日托所;最上面的三层中包含47个高品质出租住宅单元。住宅单元大小各异、经济灵活,满足家庭成长的需要,并且鼓励希望维持与社区联系的居民在此养老。为了创造一个社区中心,建筑为楼内居民和更大的社区提供休闲娱乐设施,包括一个展览/社区空间;位于二层的多功能房间,供会议、演讲等活动使用;一个可上人的屋顶露台,带来 Batawa滑雪山丘以及Trent河的无垠美景。

In its heyday, the shoe factory employed close to 1,900 people and supported the entire community, which included two schools, two churches and sports facilities. It was the force that bound and oriented Batawa. That same philosophy was taken in the design vision for the revitalization of the old factory into a new and vital facility that serves the community – the building is now home to ground floor commercial spaces leasable to local businesses, a second floor intended for educational incubation, a daycare with an outdoor playground, and 47 high-quality rental residential units on the upper three storeys. The residential units are of varying sizes to provide both affordability and flexibility as families grow and contract, and to promote aging-in-place for residents who want to stay connected with the community. With the intent of creating a community hub, the building offers amenities open to both residents and the community-at-large, including an exhibition/community space and multi-purpose rooms for meetings and lectures on the second floor, and an accessible rooftop terrace with panoramic views to the local Batawa ski hills and the Trent River.

▼建筑外观,一层为商业,二层为多功能房间,三到五层为住宅,external view of the building, commercial space on the first floor, multi-functional rooms on the second floor, above are residential units ©Scott Norsworthy

由于Sonja Bata希望项目成为一个可持续建筑的模型,改造的工厂保留了1939年的混凝土结构,节省了原建筑中约80%的隐含碳排放,并且通过新的材料和设计元素赋予建筑现代活力。喜欢现代工业感建筑的商户将会十分欣赏这里的环境。原建筑的井格楼板结构是当年Bata从欧洲带来的一项创新,它形成了宽敞的大跨度空间,使得改造后的商业空间拥有3.7米的大层高和充沛的自然光照。立面使用新的玻璃幕墙和砖覆板,呼应工厂原本的外观,新增的阳台悬挑在立面之外。悬挑结构的地面和阳台墙面采用木材饰面,以温暖自然的加拿大风格中和了建筑外观的工业化特质。中部突出的体块打断了立面的节奏,凹进的阳台在立面上形成富有趣味的空间;底层入口雨棚上设置醒目的LED灯光,欢迎住户和游客进入。

▼新增的悬挑阳台和中部体量凹进的阳台,additional cantilevered balconies and recessed balconies in the central volume ©Scott Norsworthy

In alignment with Sonja Bata’s vision of the building as a model of sustainable architecture, the renovated factory retains the original 1939 concrete structure, saving close to 80% of the embodied carbon from the original building, while revitalizing its Modernist heritage through new materials and striking design elements. Tenants with a taste for authentic industrial modernist architecture will find much to appreciate here. The original building’s waffle slab structure (an innovation that the Bata’s brought with them from Europe) and its generous open spans allowed for its conversion into residential units with 12-foot-high ceilings and abundant natural light. The façade features new glazing and brick cladding that echo the factory’s original appearance, with the addition of cantilevered balconies throughout. Wood cladding on soffits and balcony walls soften the exterior’s industrial character with natural warmth and a distinctly Canadian flavour. The regular rhythm on the façade is interrupted by the projecting central volume, with recessed balconies that add playful voids to the otherwise planar façade; below this, an entrance canopy with dramatic LED lighting extends outward, welcoming residents & visitors to enter.

▼悬挑部分底部采用木材,带来温馨的质感,wooden cladding on the soffits creating warm feeling ©Scott Norsworthy

▼露台,terrace ©Scott Norsworthy


On the main level, new terrazzo flooring in the public spaces and on the stair treads speaks to the vintage of the building and ensures durability for a high-traffic area. The lobby features a double-height space with a faceted sculptural steel staircase that wraps around an exposed concrete column, highlighting it in place as a homage to the original factory structure. The geometric shape of the stair instills a sense of strength and permanence in a building that has been given a second life. An oversized light fixture floats over the lobby sitting area comprised of furniture from primarily local fabricators and suppliers.

▼大厅,围绕原有混凝土柱设置雕塑感的楼梯,lobby, sculptural staircase around an original concrete ©Scott Norsworthy column

▼地面和楼梯踏步采用水磨石,terrazzo used on the floor and stair treads ©Scott Norsworthy

▼多面体式的楼梯,faceted staircase ©Scott Norsworthy

▼楼梯细部,closer view to the staircase ©Scott Norsworthy


The interior material palette is rich in colour and warmth. Extending from the entrance canopy to the lobby ceiling to the upper floor elevator lobbies, wood panels connect the various spaces together. On the upper residential levels, the unique lighting layout in the elevator lobbies and corridor ceilings provide a focal point to divert the occupant’s eye from the long double-loaded corridor.

▼住宅区走廊和楼梯间,elevator lobby and corridor on the residential floor ©Scott Norsworthy

整合的可持续能源系统是Sonja Bata对项目提出的主要目标之一。改造完成的建筑中供热和供冷系统均采用地热能源,为了建造后者,工人在停车场中挖了63个深183米的洞。可持续设计也结合了被动策略,包含加强建筑维护系统气密性和设置可开启窗扇。对于新材料,设计师尽可能选择可持续性高、经久耐用且对环境友好的材料,如回收渔网制作的方块地毯和低挥发完成面。在环境可持续策略之上,Bata鞋厂承诺将长期致力于社区培养,提供经济适用的出租单元,而非独立产权公寓。据Dubbeldam Architecture+Design的主创建筑师Heather Dubbeldam 所说,“这个项目将成为环境和社会可持续发展的模型,在对环境产生最少影响的条件下,增加郊区的住房密度。改造后的工厂将再一次成为城镇中的灯塔,指引可持续发展的未来。”

▼住宅单元室内,interior of the residential units ©Nanne Springer

Among the key priorities that Sonja Bata outlined for the project was the integration of sustainable energy systems. As a result, the building’s heating and cooling systems are powered entirely through a geothermal energy source comprised of 63 holes drilled to a depth of 600 feet under the parking area. Sustainable approaches work in conjunction with passive strategies including an airtight building envelope and operable windows. Any new materials were selected to be as sustainable as possible, with long lifespans, durability and eco-friendly characteristics, right down to the carpet tiles made from recycled fishing nets and low VOC finishes. Further to its adoption of environmentally sustainable strategies, the Bata Shoe Factory demonstrates its long-term commitment to fostering community by offering an affordable rental model rather than condominium units. According to Dubbeldam Architecture + Design’s principal Heather Dubbeldam, “This project is a model for environmental and social sustainability and increased housing density in a rural setting with the lightest impact on the environment. The renovated factory now stands to once again become a beacon within the town, focused on a sustainable future.”

▼总平面图,site plan ©Quadrangle Architects & Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

▼标准层平面图,typical floor plan ©Quadrangle Architects & Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Location: Batawa, ON Size: 88,200 s.f. / 8,200 s.m. Architect of Record: Quadrangle Architects | Team: Leslie Klein, Dev Mehta, Hannah Tabatabaie, Kathryn Douthart Collaborating Design Architect: Dubbeldam Architecture + Design | Team: Heather Dubbeldam, Joseph Villahermosa, Scott Sampson Photography:Scott Norsworthy; Nanne Springer (suite interiors)


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