发布时间:2017-05-04 14:51:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

IRD 100, 2016 ‘ I underline the study of color above all.’ Luis BarragánLuis Barragán, a Mexican architect, is well known for his mastery of the use of color in space. His designs consist of many primary forms such as walls, columns, floors and stairs painted with vibrant colors and shades. He calls color “a complement to architecture. It can be used to widen or enclose a space. It is also imperative for adding that touch of magic to an area ”.The objective of this exercise is to develop your spatial awareness through an in-depth study of form and color and understanding effects of daylight on both. It is an opportunity to integrate your knowledge of geometry, grid, surface, form-making and structural explorations from the previous assignment. Your focus will be the creation of an imagined space and form that is enhanced but not lost with the inclusion of color and daylight. You will merge your experiential, theoretical and technical knowledge of color within your own design process while producing informed two and three-dimensional works.        This structure was designed with the intention of creating a monumental impact on the viewer through the use of colour and size. The design was influenced by the colourful mind of Luis Barragan and it is meant to evoke the same colour theory he used on his buildings. The colour it was based around is green and green is a dynamic colour to work with because it can be both calming and energetic. This design uses green to create a more energetic reaction. This is done by placing it in an analogous colour scheme. The bottom and top of the structure are white to influence the vibrant colours on the inside panels that reflect off the floor and create glowing shades of reflected light off the surface. So, when the sun shines on it and the viewer is standing in the room they are encased in beams of reflected colour. The scale of the structure would be quite large as well and it would be placed in an area without many other buildings so the rich shades of green from the grass and shrubs around it create another contrasting colour, giving it an even more dynamic impact. The scale is also very important because it is meant to again encase to the viewer. They walk in a space that surrounds them with large sheets of colour they have no other choice but to stop and take in it, much like the work of Mark Rothko. The viewer is meant to enjoy the colour and the reflections it creates that will sort of jump from surface to surface as the light shines in and it will sort of peer around the walls and create the massive beams of colour. 


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