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The Uncommon Thread是美国休闲运动时尚品牌STANCE的品牌宣言,中文含义是“拒绝妥协”,STANCE的目标是把日常生活中最普通的袜子做到极致。

2018年10月12日,位于浙江海宁经济开发区的FUTURE STITCH针永体育全新智慧工厂(Smart Factory)建成投产,这座2.68万平方米的现代化厂房是全球唯一的STANCE产品专业生产基地,未来将实现由袜子生产向整个运动系列产品生产的辐射。


STANCE, an American fashion brand in the leisure sports field, is featured for its brand declaration of The Uncommon Thread, aiming to make socks, the most common items in people’s daily life, excelsior.

The New FUTURE STITCH Smart Factory is located in the economic development zone in Haining, Zhejiang Province and has been completed on October 12th, 2018. This modern factory of 26,800 square meters is the only professional production base of STANCE all over the world that will radiate its production types from the socks to all types of the sports production.

Based on the process of the producing and logistics, as well as the space requirements, the design features a distinctive scheme and an alternative function as the art museum.

▼建筑东立面外观,exterior view of the east elevation ©️姚力

拒绝妥协 | The Uncommon Thread

在传统观念里,袜子是没有什么存在感的物品,虽然我们每天在用但却未必在意。在义乌这样的小商品批发市场,袜子论斤甩卖成本不超过1块钱。而STANCE每双袜子均价却高达100 多元人民币,限量销售却依然能卖到脱销,在品牌创立六年之后,2015年STANCE在全世界卖出了3600万双袜子。

STANCE的 Punk & Poets(“雅痞”)文化吸引了了大批体育明星和时尚领域有领导地位和标志性文化的领导者加入,合作伙伴包括NBA、MLB(美国棒球大联盟)、NCAA(美国大学生篮球联盟)和迪士尼等。

STANCE代言人包括了电影演员 Will Smith (威尔斯密斯) 以及NBA巨星 Dwyane Wade(德维恩韦德) 、James Harden(詹姆斯哈登)等。Rihanna (蕾哈娜)2014年加入STANCE成为创意总监和代言人,以日本文化为灵感,演释现代街头风格和庞克主题,受到狂热追捧的Fenty Puma系列让Rihanna (蕾哈娜) 成功跻身“设计师”的行列。

Although the average price of per pair of STANCE socks is up to more than 100RMB, nothing can change the fact that all of the production is out of stock even though there is a limited sale.

In 2015, 6 years after the brand creation, STANCE has sold 36 million pairs of socks worldwide.

STANCE’s Punk & Poets culture attracts a large number of sports stars and leaders in the fashion industry and iconic culture, making its cooperators include NBA, MLB (American Major League Baseball), NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), and Disney.

▼建筑南立面外观,配有充满仪式感的户外楼梯廊道流线系统,exterior view of the south elevation features the system of outdoor stairs and corridor circulations, which is full of sense of ritual ©️姚力

楼梯作为要素和事件 | Stairs as Elements and Events

始建于384-417年的麦积山石窟(Maiji Mountain Grottoes)位于甘肃省天水市,木栈道“凌空飞架”,连接开凿在悬崖峭壁之上分散的石窟。二十世纪70-80年代,木栈道被更换成为钢筋混凝土栈道,每年接待50万游客的凌空栈道在解决垂直连通难题的同时,自身也成为独特的风景。



The idea of stairs is inspired by the Maiji Mountain Grottoes and The Centre Pompidou completed in 1977 in Paris.

▼建筑南立面外观局部,立面上配有红色的室外楼梯,part of the south elevation, the facade is decorated with red outdoor stairs ©️姚力

智慧工厂的要求 | Requirements of Smart Factory

STANCE创始人Taylor Shupe2006年在南京大学约翰斯霍普金斯大学中美文化研究中心(HNC)学习过一年,对中国文化非常了解。他否决了已经完成施工图设计准备开工建设的原厂房方案,在美国和AZL取得联系希望张雷老师能够帮助STANCE重新考虑,针永体育创始人师彦飞先生也连夜从海宁赶到南京商讨并确定设计合作计划。

Taylor Shupe, the founder of STANCE, who has ever studied at the Hopkins–Nanjing Center (HNC) for one year, has an amazing understanding of the Chinese culture.

▼建筑南立面外观局部,南立面广场上的大型雕塑作品和建筑结构编织的原色立面要素相得益彰,part of the south elevation, the large-scale sculpture on the southern square of the building complements the façade elements weaved by architectural structure ©️姚力

Taylor希望新的智慧厂房不仅是生产车间,更要具备和STANCE日常极致性品牌理念相匹配的建筑理念,拒绝妥协!他希望厂区要creative and artistic,有大量艺术作品,有体育活动场所和花园,员工在工作之外能够享有更多的公共交往空间,厂房要充满体验性、归属感和自豪感。


STANCE品牌CTO Avi Cohen则是一位非常关注技术细节的资深织袜专家,拥有大量工艺流程和生产制造成熟经验的Avi一开始就明确了设备布局、空间尺度等具体的设计条件,他自己认为是正确的想法很难被说服和改变。

Taylor expects that the Smart Factory can be equipped with the architectural concept that matches the brand inspiration of daily extreme that is The Uncommon Thread, with the prerequisite of being a production workshop. He expects a creative and artistic factory with a great sense of experience, belonging and pride, as well as with a large number of artworks, sports areas and gardens, providing his employees with more public communication space.

For the production workshop, these design requirements, definitely, are forward-looking and inspiring. Besides, Avi Cohen, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of STANCE, is a senior expert in the hosiery field who pays great attention to technical details. From the very beginning, Avi, with a lot of experience in the technological process and production industry, has defined the specific design conditions such as the equipment layout and the scale of the space.

▼南立面外观和南广场局部,part of the south elevation and southern square

设计理念及策略 | Design Concepts and Strategies



FUTURE STITCH will add 500 hosiery machines in the next three years with an additional annual output of 60 million pairs of socks. The rapid development of the enterprise will bring about changes in the space requirements and adjustment requirements of functional blocks. This means organizing the auxiliary circulations such as evacuation stairs and corridors at the outside of the workshop functional blocks to ensure the integrity of the production workshop and provide flexible space for the further development of the brand.

Verandahs will make it possible to adjust evacuation egresses in the future, while corridors and stairs will become temporary outdoor playgrounds for workers.

▼南立面局部,将疏散楼梯和走道等辅助流线布置在车间功能区块外侧。 Part of the south elevation, organizing the auxiliary circulations such as evacuation stairs and corridors at the outside of the workshop functional blocks.

设于室外的廊道和楼梯,其支撑结构采用V型钢架连接,the outdoor corridors and stairs whose supporting structures are connected by V-shaped steel frames  ©️姚力(下)

▼V型钢架表皮下的室外的廊道和楼梯,the outdoor corridors and stairs under the V-shaped steel frames ©️姚力(上)



▼品牌推广参观空间,the exhibition space of the brand promotion

The east and south facades of the building feature the system of outdoor stairs and corridor circulations, which is full of sense of ritual. The interior space of the factory has a special visiting circulation corresponding to the manufacturing process, which runs independently from the lobby and connects every production workshop located on each level, exhibiting the modern manufacturing and logistics process from the storage of raw materials to the completion of the packaging. The visiting circulation stays at the triple-height STANCE gallery in the central factory for a while, and finally reaches the basketball court on the rooftop and the long-haired grass roof garden. Production workshops and public art playgrounds alternate to focus on the brand promotion of STANCE and welcome a large number of visitors.

Workers’ commute circulation is concentrated on the south side of the building. After changing clothes in the locker rooms next to the entrance hall on the ground floor, workers can take special elevators up and down. Most of the workers will reach the production workshops on each floor through outdoor evacuation stairs and corridors. The red steel staircase is extremely simple. The crowds of commuting workers flow on the red corridors and stairs, creating a warm production atmosphere with a sense of ritual.

▼生产车间,the production workshop


The main entrance hall of the Smart Factory faces the main entrance of the east part of the factory, serving as the administrative management and guest access. On one side of the entrance hall is an independent design and development center where the development of the next generation of STANCE production will be secretly in progress.

Through a long corridor that leads to the second floor from the entrance hall and the double-height packaging workshops, visitors can reach the triple-height STANCE gallery located in the central building. The visiting circulations of the gallery and the three-storey workshops on the east and west sides of the factory combine spontaneously from bottom to top, creating a visiting experience of being in the alternation of the production process and artworks.

Eventually, the visiting circulation leads visitors to the basketball court that can also serve as the stage at the rooftop. One day, you probably encounter an NBA superstar or involve yourselves in pop stars’ concerts in the future.

▼位于工厂中央三层挑高的STANCE美术馆,the triple-height STANCE gallery located in the central building ©️姚力



On the large wall of the gallery that faces to the east, there are 100 portraits of workers took by photographer Luo Yuqian hung neatly.

▼美术馆室内,朝东的一大片墙面上悬挂着工人肖像作品,interior space of the gallery, the large wall facing to the east hangs 100 portraits of workers.

结构编织与空间艺术 | Structure and Space


擅用等线白描的美国加州插画艺术家Zio Ziegler在建筑南面广场上的大型雕塑作品和建筑结构编织的原色立面要素相得益彰。他在STANCE美术馆对景的另一幅壁画作品,延续了受土著文化影响的神秘象形线描传统,是The Uncommon Thread的另一类表现。

The supporting structures of the outdoor stairs on the east and south facades are connected by V-shaped steel frames to form an enlarged rhythmic weaving texture, establishing an intrinsic formal relationship between the structure and the identity of the hosiery space.

The large-scale sculpture on the southern square of the building created by Zio Ziegler, an illustrator from California, USA specializing in contour painting complements the façade elements weaved by architectural structure.

And another mural painting on the other side of the gallery continues the mysterious pictographic traditions influenced by aboriginal culture, serving as another manifestation of The Uncommon Thread.

▼美术馆室内,壁画是品牌宣言The Uncommon Thread的另一类表现,interior space of the gallery, the mural painting serves as another manifestation of The Uncommon Thread

2018年10月12日FUTURE STITCH智慧工厂举办盛大开幕典礼时,摄影师、滑板家、艺术家Mark Oblow在美术馆进行互动创作。他把自己家乡夏威夷的棕榈树、爱猫、蛇以及骷髅头等带入现场即兴发挥,充分表现STANCE的“雅痞”文化。

The FUTURE STITCH Smart Factory held a grand opening ceremony on October 12th, 2018.

▼美术馆室内,即兴创作的壁画充分表现STANCE的“雅痞”文化, interior space of the gallery, the improvised murals fully express STANCE’s Punk & Poets culture

▼作为演艺秀场的屋顶篮球场夜景,night view of the basketball court as the stage on the rooftop

▼用STANCE长筒袜做成的玩偶,dolls made of STANCE stockings

▼建筑外观渲染图,exterior rendering

▼屋顶篮球场渲染图,rendering of the basketball court at the rooftop

▼长毛草屋顶花园渲染图,long-haired grass roof garden rendering

▼建筑模型,physical model

▼爆炸流线图,exploded axon with visiting circulation

▼剖透视图,perspective section

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,1F plan

▼一层夹层平面,1F mezzanine plan

▼二层平面图,2F plan

▼三层平面图,3F plan

▼四层平面图,4F plan



项目地点:浙江海宁 建筑面积:26800 平方米 设计/建成时间:2017/2018.10 设计单位:张雷联合建筑事务所 主持建筑师:张雷、戚威 建筑设计:刘俊明、景怀睿 室内设计:杜月、马海依、刘平,李季,朱文健,蒲思睿 景观设计:陈隽隽、赵敏、姜志远 施工图设计合作单位:浙江华恒建筑设计有限公司 项目摄影:姚力、张雷联合建筑事务所

Location: Haining, Zhejiang Area: 26,800 ㎡ Design / Completion Year: 2017/2018.10 Architects: AZL Architects Lead Architects: Zhang Lei, Qi Wei Architectural Design: Liu Junming, Jing Huairui Interior Design: Du Yue, Ma Haiyi, Liu Ping, Li Ji, Zhu Wenjian, Pu Sirui Landscape Design: Chen Junjun, Zhao Min, Jiang Zhiyuan Cooperator of Construction Drawings Design: Zhejiang Huaheng Architectural Design Photographer: Yao Li, AZL Architects


STANCE中国智慧工厂,浙江 / 张雷联合建筑事务所
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