发布时间:2021-10-09 00:55:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Manhattan West是目前纽约城中正在进行的最为巨大和复杂的开发项目之一。项目最初设想于1990年代,由Brookfield地产公司牵头,计划在仅有少量可建设用地的铁轨上方开发一片65万平方米的混合空间。这是一个全新的街区,由第九第十大道和西31西32街道围合,在SOM的总体规划下,它将成为更大范围内曼哈顿西郊复兴的一部分。总体规划包含六栋建筑,其中三栋由SOM设计,六栋全部都由SOM负责建造,为这片发展中的地区带来了零售、办公、居住和娱乐等功能。部分建筑,包括67层、300米高的最高建筑One Manhattan West,已于2019年开放。整个Manhattan West开发项目则将在2021年秋天正式向公众揭开面纱。

Manhattan West is one of the largest and most complex developments currently underway in New York City. The project, first conceived in the 1990s and led by Brookfield Properties, is a seven-million-square-foot, mixeduse development above active railroad tracks where minimal buildable land existed. It is an entirely new neighborhood, bounded by Ninth and Tenth Avenues and West 31st and West 33rd Streets, that SOM master planned as part of the larger revitalization of Manhattan’s Far West Side. The master plan encompasses six buildings – three designed by SOM and all but one engineered by SOM – that will bring retail, offices, residences, and hospitality to a previously underdeveloped district. Several buildings, including the tallest tower – the 67-story, 995-foot-tall One Manhattan West – opened in 2019, and the entire Manhattan West development is making its formal debut in fall 2021.

▼项目整体外观效果图,overall external view of the project ©Miller Hare Limited

公共空间是总体规划的核心。SOM与景观设计公司James Corner Field Operations合作,在通往Penn车站的铁轨上方建造了一片2.6英亩的平台,并在其上围绕一系列独特的广场布置建筑。中央广场结合20000平米的零售,创造了一个充满活力的集会空间,供附近居民、办公室职员和车站旅客使用。从第九大道开始,公共空间沿西31和西33街道形成一系列城市走廊,中央广场则利用了西33街道被第七大道的Penn车站截断后剩下的空间。这些城市连接体共同把Manhattan West变成一个方便所有游客前来的目的地,同时创造了一条迫切需要的东西向通路,把Penn火车站和Moynihan火车大厅与Hudson Yards以及滨河空间连接在一起。项目也将实现曼哈顿西郊的主要街道景观的复兴,从把James A. Farley邮局改造为Moynihan火车大厅,到35 Hudson Yards的设计,均由SOM整体操刀。

Public space is the heart of the master plan. The buildings are organized around a series of distinct plazas – designed in collaboration with landscape architect James Corner Field Operations – that were enabled by the engineering of a 2.6-acre platform that covers the rail tracks connecting to Penn Station. The development’s central plaza is lined with a combined 225,000 square feet of retail to activate a vibrant new gathering space for residents, office workers, and travelers from the station. From Ninth Avenue, the public space will form a series of urban corridors along West 31st and West 33rd Streets, and the central plaza will pick up where West 32nd Street – which terminates at Penn Station on Seventh Avenue – left off. Together, these urban connections will make Manhattan West an accessible and welcoming destination for all visitors, and at the same time create a much-needed new east-west pathway linking Penn Station and Moynihan Train Hall to Hudson Yards and the riverfront. It will also complete the major reactivation of the streetscape on Manhattan’s Far West Side – a revitalization in which SOM has played an integral role, from the transformation of the James A. Farley Post Office building into Moynihan Train Hall to the design of 35 Hudson Yards.

▼项目与Penn火车站相连,project connected to the Penn Station ©SOM

One Manhattan West和Two Manhattan West是项目中两栋最大的塔楼,成为了从第九大道通往街区的门户。塔楼分别位于基地的东北和东南两角,建筑面积超过18万平米,均以LEED金标标准设计,迎接从北侧、东侧和南侧前来的游客。东塔由高性能玻璃幕墙覆盖,以柔和而优雅的简洁体量反射天空景观。地面上,二者通过附加的室内外空间扩展了中央广场,使公共生活更加丰富。三层通高的公共大堂让行人的视线可以穿透建筑看向中央的开放空间,同时提供了连接中央广场的通路。两栋塔楼和Moynihan火车大厅在第九大道上隔街相望,通过退界创造出室外公共空间,将游客迎入基地。

The largest towers, One and Two Manhattan West, will mark the Ninth Avenue entry into the neighborhood. Located at the northeast and southeast corners of the site, the two-million-square-foot, LEED-Gold-targeting towers are designed to welcome visitors arriving from the north, east, and south. Each tower, clad in high performance glass, is designed to accentuate a soft, elegant simplicity that reflects the sky. On the ground, they enhance the public realm by extending the central plaza with additional space both indoors and outside. With triple-height, transparent lobbies, the buildings provide views from corner to corner to reveal the central open space to pedestrians and to offer a permeable connection to the central plaza. The towers are set back from Ninth Avenue – opposite Moynihan Train Hall – to create outdoor public spaces that welcome visitors into the site.

▼简洁的体量和通透的大厅,simple volume and transparent lobby ©SOM

▼大厅内部,interior of the lobby ©SOM

塔楼的地面和空中形态清晰规整,其最为复杂的部分均设在地下。两栋建筑坐落在正在运行的铁轨上,基地条件极具挑战性。为了迎接这一挑战,需要综合考虑设计和工程的问题。每栋塔楼由核心筒支撑,倾斜的边柱从下方铁轨周边可用的基础上伸出。在One Manhattan West中,塔楼的核心筒从基岩升起,一直延伸到顶层,楼板对称向外扩展。在靠近地面层的位置,围绕建筑的立柱向内倾斜,以加强结构,并且创造了一个无柱大堂,结构被引人注目的石灰华大理石覆盖。Two Manhattan West与之类似,仅有一般核心筒接触到了地面。因此,SOM在建筑外围建造了巨大的立柱,与铁轨之间的地基对齐。这是一个综合性的解决方案,在街道和广场之间建立了不受干扰的视觉连接。

While the towers’ presence at grade and in the sky is rigorous and clearly defined, their most dramatic complexities lie underground. Both towers stand on extremely challenging sites above active rail lines. Navigating this challenge required an intricate synthesis of design and engineering. Each tower is supported by a central core with sloping perimeter columns that reach available foundations around the active tracks below. At One Manhattan West, the tower’s central core rises from bedrock to the top level, with floorplates that branch out symmetrically. Near grade level, the building’s perimeter columns slope in toward the core to reinforce the structure and create a column-free lobby, where the structure is clad in dramatic, vein-cut travertine marble. Similarly, at Two Manhattan West, only half of the core could touch down to solid ground. As a result, SOM aligned sculpted mega-columns at the building’s perimeter with subgrade spaces between the tracks – an integrated solution that opens clear sightlines from street to plaza.

▼广场与商业,plaza and retails ©Jakob Dahlin

除了办公塔楼,Manhattan West是一个全年无休的社区空间。23层的Pendry和62层的Eugene中包含休闲娱乐和豪华住宅。Pendry内设有164间客房和套间,拥有由玻璃和花岗岩组成的引人注目的波浪立面,使这栋23层的精品酒店在开发项目中拥有了超乎自身体量的视觉冲击力。创新的立面不仅赋予了建筑独特的外观,还具有可持续效用,同时体现了建筑作为酒店的功能。凸出的弧形玻璃形成了富有当代感的飘窗,每间客房都可以通过其享受没有遮拦的城市景观。

Beyond the office towers, Manhattan West is a 24/7 neighborhood. The 23-story Pendry and the 62-story Eugene bring hospitality and luxury residences (respectively) to the site. The Pendry – comprising 164 guest rooms and suites – is characterized by a dramatic, undulating glass-and-granite façade that gives the 23-story boutique hotel an outsize visual impact within the development. Beyond giving the building a distinctive identity, this innovative façade design provides sustainability benefits and subtly indicates the building’s role as a hotel: the convex glass curves of the glass become a contemporary take on the bay window, which allow each of the 164 guest rooms panoramic views of the surrounding city.

▼酒店,富有冲击力的波浪立面,hotel with impact undulated facade ©SOM

Eugene是一座包含844个居住单元的住宅塔楼,由SOM和SLCE Architects合作设计建造,在31号街道和连接中央广场的抬高室外空间之间建立起了关键联系。设计还将两栋原本的工业建筑改造成为现代办公空间,分别是Five Manhattan West(由REX负责设计,SOM负责工程)和1913 Lofts,进一步强化了区域的开发。作为改造的一环,Five Manhattan West南侧的一部分被挖去,形成了一条抬高的有顶过道,将公共空间延展到第十大道,提供了看向高线公园的视觉通路,并最终将Manhattan West和Hudson Yards连接到了一起。

The Eugene, an 844-unit residential tower that was designed in collaboration with SLCE Architects, integrates a crucial outdoor connection between 31st Street and elevated outdoor space connecting to central plaza. The development is further enhanced by the renovation of two former industrial buildings – Five Manhattan West (engineered by SOM and designed by REX), and the 1913 Lofts building – into contemporary office space. As part of this repositioning, a portion of the south side of Five Manhattan West was carved out to create an elevated breezeway and passage that extends the public space to Tenth Avenue – providing a sightline to the High Line and ultimately connecting Manhattan West to Hudson Yards.

▼连接不同区域的通路,pathway connecting different districts ©Jakob Dahlin

Loft Building大楼,Five Manhattan West,Eugene和Pendry酒店现已全面开业。整个开发项目的施工预计将于2023年完成Two Manhattan West后彻底结束它将成为曼哈顿西郊长达数十年的转型工程的新里程碑,创造新的目的地,在Midtown商业区、Penn火车站综合体、Chelsea北端和Hudson Yards之间建立起一条充满活力的连接纽带。

The Loft Building, Five Manhattan West, the Eugene, and now the Pendry Hotel are fully open. Construction for the entire development is anticipated to conclude in 2023, with the completion of Two Manhattan West. It will mark the latest milestone in a decades-long effort to transform the Far West Side of Manhattan – and bring a new destination to life that also establishes a vital link between the Midtown business district, the Penn Station complex, the north end of Chelsea, and Hudson Yards

▼室外公共空间,outdoor public space ©Jakob Dahlin


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