发布时间:2021-02-24 20:26:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


VOYA Landscape: Guangzhou, Zengcheng. Lingnan water town, the new city of the times. The continuous mountain range, the flowing river valley. Hidden river valley, future village, boundless territory, this is place where dream rests.

场地 Field

广州增城-新塘版块,是城市化建设的活跃区域,区位优越,交通方便,“新”,是这块土地的基因,新人居、新活力、新艺术,吸引大量 90 后 95 后,在此落足,一种新的生活方式将在这片土地呈现。


Guangzhou Zengcheng-Xintang area, is an active area of urbanization construction, superior location, convenient transportation, “new”, is the gene of this land, new living, new vitality, new art, attracting a large number of the generation of 90s and 95s, settled down here, a new way of life will be presented in this land. The display area is located on the west side of the site, utilizing the public construction facilities of the sports stadium and stores to be transformed into display space in advance. The planned road to be built in place of the site is connected to the main road of Xinsha Avenue on the west side.

东侧紧邻城市主干道,主要依托 4km 范围内的新塘 TOD,未来交通便捷,发展空间巨大 The east side is adjacent to the main road of the city, mainly relying on the Xintang TOD within 4km, with convenient transportation and large development potential in the future.

概念 Concept


The group of buildings is a future community gymnasium and activity center, in the shape of a combined village, with a strong sense of sculpture, using a combination of glass blocks and white concrete, reflecting a combination of reality and illusion, a light and transparent sense of the future.

▼建筑设计理念:无边之境、无限星城 Architectural Design Concept: Boundless Territory, Infinite city of stars

面对艺术性极强的“强势建筑”,面对有别于常规示展区的场地逻辑(开放性、公共性),景观如何应对重重挑战: –如何不抢建筑“戏份”但又有表达的空间? –如何处理场地本身及周边的关系? –如何解决开放性的公共空间与展示流线及节奏的矛盾?


Facing the artistic “strong architecture” and the site logic (openness and publicness) that is different from the conventional exhibition area, how to deal with the challenges of the landscape? -How to keep the space for interpretation without stealing the “role” of the building? -How to deal with the relationship between the site itself and its surroundings? -How to solve the contradiction between the open public space and the flow and rhythm of the exhibition?

Combined with the characteristics and challenges of the project, the landscape and architecture are integrated, and the outdoor space adopts the technique of earth art, with a powerful sense of art in the building clusters, forming an integral street corner public art space. The specific technique of landscape selection is ” concession ” and ” integration “, integrates into the site, delineates the fading river valley, merges into the building, lining with the borderless territory, ” river valley “, ” mountain shape “, ” big trees at the entrance of the village “. The “river valley”, “mountain shape”, “village trees”, “starry sky”, cleverly form a poetic entity, a futuristic space that carries a beautiful resting place.

▼设计分析 Design diagram

▼实景鸟瞰图 Bird’s eye view

引导的“河流”Guiding river


Based on the “concealment” of the Parking lot and the openness of the site, the landscape is unable to guide the traffic through the conventional traffic line and façade, and in order to solve this problem implicitly, the “white river” ground line combined with the simple and elegant green slope is finally adopted as a guide, allowing people to enter the realm of art without thinking and arrive between the haze and the undulation.

消隐河谷—“清风雾霭,山河云隐”Hidden River Valley-“Clear wind and mist, invisible mountains and clouds”“星空下的原野、村落,山川冲刷出来的河流,缓缓流淌,萤火虫星星点点……”这是小时候记忆中美好画面,也是项目设计灵感来源。



"The wilderness and villages under the starry sky, the rivers that washed out from the mountains and rivers, flowing slowly, and the glowing fireflies" This is a beautiful image from our childhood memories and the source of inspiration for the project design.

The corner space adopts a minimalist artistic approach, the "river valley" cut out from the earth, disappearing under the ground level, winding, people walk down along with the river valley, the surrounding scenery gradually hidden, and finally you arrived in the valley, the river valley is sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes open, sometimes closed,concrete cliffs staggered undulating, moving through the smoke, shadows, sometimes back to a line of sky, sometimes in the building in the air.As the river valley gradually rises again, the green slope between the blue water, crystal transparent boundless realm is coming to you. It gives people a unique experience of walking from surprise to surprise.

In the hot summer, the fading river valley provides a fun place for the surrounding residents to cool off, with misty lights, lingering smoke, skateboarding teenagers playing in it, running on the lawn, chasing and screaming in the river valley, and the elderly can also enjoy it.


Rough concrete, winding roads, misty lights and smoke form the secret realm of the hidden river valley

为模拟崖壁的质感,河谷采用铝模清水混凝土做法,精致的粗犷感,衬托出强烈的艺术性 In order to simulate the texture of the cliff, the river valley adopts the aluminum-molded concrete approach, with an exquisite roughness that underlines the strong sense of artistry

独特的体验—河谷渐起,无边之境如梦幻之境浮于眼前 Unique Experience – The river valley rises gradually, and the boundless realm emerges like a dream

未来村落—“绿树成荫,光摇星河”The future village – “green trees, the light swaying the star river."



"The green trees close to the village, the green hills outside the nation ". The big trees at the entrance, benches, the old man who is cooling off, the children playing, the dogs, the slanting sun …… This is a wonderful memory of the village.The future village, carrying memories of the hometown and visions of the future. The white band wall and benches are the extension of the building, the long shadow cast by the big tree is the place where people gather and cool off.in the evening, the perforated scenic wall, casting a long river of stars, connects the past and the future, the band sets up, and the villager gathered in the stands, the dogs came to join in the laughter, which belong to the present and the future life.

▼夜幕下的听觉艺术 Aural art at night

▼星河冲孔主题墙,与河谷、无边之境遥相呼应 Star River Perforated Theme Wall, echoing the river valley and the borderless land

无边之境—“天光云影,微潋静谧”Boundless Realm-“The sky is light and cloudy, slightly brimming with silence.”“分行接绮树 , 倒影入清漪”。


"The branch is connected to the beautiful trees, and the reflection enters the clear ripples".

The sculptural and futuristic building is like a white castle in a fairy tale, pure and vivid, and is also the focus and main body of the site. A touch of green, a mirror of water, sets off the building as a “boundless territory”, with a little starlight under the water and a group of dancing red fruit holly. It is just perfect.

▼撒落于水中的星星点点,让未来村落如座落于星际,亦虚亦实 The stars scattered in the water create a future village that looks like it is located in the space between the stars, both virtual and real.

▼草坪和静水衬托出“无边之境”Lawns and still water set off the“infinity”


The Starlight tunnel is a dream space connecting inside and outside. The light and shadow cast by the glass wall complement the texture of the floor


Looking back from the time tunnel, the endless reflection of undulating mountains and the earth’s art-like disappearing river valley are full of artistic pictures

营造 Construct


The project uses a large open and large creation method, large water surface, large lawn, long perforated landscape wall, clear water concrete river valley, minimalist design requires a very high process, of which aluminum mold clear water concrete is the most difficult point. To challenge this rare approach in China, from the design stage of the angle, size, materials, to the pre-construction briefing and counter briefing, expert argumentation, sample leading, to the construction of the three-dimensional alignment, accurate molding, segmental pouring, demolition of the mold. The whole process was completed in one step and in one time, practicing an efficient landing for this innovative process from design to construction.

▼总平面 Plan

▼剖面图 Profile

▼打样、支模 Prototype and mold build

▼浇注 Casting

▼拆模 Mold removal

结语 Conclusion



Inspired by childhood memories of mountains, rivers and starry-sky villages, the project’s artful street corner space and wonderful images are formed by the clever combination of site and architecture. The most moving landscape is participatory and playful, tailor-made, with both in and out, with both ups and downs, integrating into the architecture and embracing the site. The most beautiful scenes belong to the people-oriented, to the future and to the tradition.

Sunny City Fei Li Mountain, a wonderful street corner art space, a wonderful village of the future.

项目名称:广州阳光城· 翡丽山





建成时间:2021 年 5 月

项目面积:约 5800 平方米


摄 影:三棱镜建筑景观摄影

Project Name: Guangzhou Sunshine City – Fei Li Shan

Party A Team: Zhong Yi Team of Guangzhou Sunshine City Regional Company

Landscape Design: Shenzhen Woya Landscape Planning and Design Co.

Construction Unit: Guangzhou Sunshine City Group Guangzhou Regional Company

Construction Unit: Guangzhou Qianxian Decoration Engineering Co.

Completion date: May 2021

Project area: about 5800 square meters

Project Address: Next to Guanzhou Metro Station, Xintang Core Area, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou

Photography: Triangular Prism

审稿编辑 任廷会 – Ashley Jen


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