发布时间:2021-05-18 22:28:10 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

圣保罗学校坐落在蒙特利尔郊区圣劳伦斯河附近的瓦雷纳斯,是一所以体育训练闻名的高中,近日,Taktik design为这里设计了崭新的室外活动场地。最初,沥青铺设的街道将空间分割成两个独立区域,为统一开发带来了阻力。经过考虑,学校买下了街道和相邻居民区的房产,将其整合成了功能完善的校园场地。

Taktik design has completely redesigned the exterior schoolyard of Collège Saint-Paul, a high school institution renowned for its sporting vocation located in Varennes, in the suburbs of Montreal near the St. Lawrence River. Initially and mainly composed of asphalt areas, the schoolyard presented a development problem due to a street that divided the space into two distinct sections. This street and an adjacent residential lot were purchased by the College to unify the schoolyard and improve its functionality.

▼项目场地,view of the site

设计将不同区域按照活动强度进行划分。教学楼附近的休闲区由Taktik design设计和生产的定制家具组成,旨在为学生们创造一处社交、阅读与休憩的安静场所。为小组聚会提供了便利,FSC认证木材制成的长野餐桌则满足了户外用餐的需求。FSC即当地的森林认证体系(forest certification system),专为保护森林生态系统和稀有或濒临野生动植物而创立。此外,黄色的镀锌钢椅也可以服务于户外用餐,舒展的帆布篷可遮挡日晒雨淋。景观花坛中还布置了木质平台,上方的舒适躺椅可让人尽情享受美丽日光。

The different areas have been designed in relation to the gradation of activities. Near the College, the lounge area consists of various pieces of furniture, all designed and manufactured by Taktik design, and aimed at practicing calm activities such as socializing, reading, or relaxing. High tables in solid wood and aluminum serve as meeting or small group workstations. The long picnic tables made of FSC certified wood, a forest certification system that protects forest ecosystems and rare or threatened wildlife species, and yellow zinc-plated steel allow outdoors dining while protecting students from the sun or rain thanks to the stretched canvases. To take advantage of the beautiful sunny days, wooden platforms are integrated into the landscaping. The carefully thought-out placement of the backrests on the platforms makes it possible to use the furniture while sitting as on a bench or in a lounge chair mode.

▼校园鸟瞰,bird eye view of the compus

▼顶视图,the top view


The central section, outlined to serve as an outdoor classroom, is made up of small house-shaped pergolas partially shaded by stretched canvases. Equipped with alternating long high tables, as well as picnic tables, the space allows the accommodation of larger groups. Adjacent to the classrooms, a two-step high elevated area covered with dynamic shaped paving stone and equipped with a luminous bollard supplied with electricity becomes a theater stage whose performances can be observed from the green platform.

▼休闲区,the lounge area

▼抬高的绿色花池,the two-step high elevated area

▼中央凉棚可作为户外教室,an outdoor classroom


small house-shaped pergolas partially shaded by stretched canvases

▼黄色镀锌钢椅,the yellow zinc-plated steel

▼景观花坛中的木质平台,the wooden platforms

▼平台上的木质躺椅,the bench on wooden platforms

▼实木和铝打造的高脚桌,high tables in solid wood and aluminum


The course continues with the entertainment area made of synthetic turf allowing the practice of activities with a higher level of intensity. An outdoor training circuit with different exercise modules ranging from static and dynamic stretches to balance games are found alongside a few anodized aluminum ping-pong tables. A colorful running track of over 160 meters encircles all the elements in the central area.

▼娱乐区,the entertainment area

▼氧化铝制的乒乓球台,a few anodized aluminum ping-pong tables

▼彩色跑道,the colorful running track

▼跑道细部,details of the running track

▼乒乓球台细部,details of the ping-pong tables


Next, come the active sports areas where is located a basketball court with the color identity of the College. The marking has been developed to allow a subdivision of three sub-fields. A multisport field with synthetic grass surface strips and a space to practice spike-ball are now also available. Large sports fields are found at the end of the schoolyard: dek hockey and a professional-sized soccer field complete the new facilities. With the addition of outdoor lighting, these light fixtures are now shared with the surrounding community after the College opening hours.

▼校园尽头的大型运动场,large sports fields at the end of the schoolyard

Taktik design团队从当地采石场获取材料,用石块垒成了一系列蓄水池,提供水源,确保所有植被充满活力。空间正中巨大的铝制雕塑作为学校的标志,骄傲地展示着校园的新面貌。

The presence of numerous water retention basins allows the vitality of the abundant vegetation. These are delimited by large stones selected by the Taktik design team from a quarry in the region. A gigantic “PAUL” in the emblem color of the College, in aluminum, proudly sits in the center of the space, thus marking the new era.

▼校园的标志雕塑,the gigantic “PAUL”

Location: Varennes

Project end date: 2020

Area: 96,000 sq.ft

Client: Collège Saint-Paul

Designer/Project manager: Cynthia Papineau and Zoé B.De Passillé

Collaborator: Nicola Tardif-Bourdages

Graphic design: Francois Leandre

Photograph: Maxime Brouillet


Taktik design 打造圣保罗学校活力校园景观
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