Arena avenue and Amsterdamse Poort business district
设计方:Karres en Brands
图片来源:Karres en Brands
Arena大道和Amsterdamse Poort商业区即将成为阿姆斯特丹第二大的夜生活商业区。两个核心区域有着截然不同的境况,Amsterdamse Poort购物中心规模相对较小,但却于门庭若市。相对的,Arena大道面积很大,但却经常人烟稀少。造成这一状况的主要原因是商业区存在的建筑过分强调其客观特色,将主要功能都集中在了各自独立的商铺。
译者: 饭团小组
The Arena Boulevard and the Amsterdamse Poort will together be developed into Amsterdam’s second nightlife district. The current central area has two different faces: the busy, small-scale Amsterdamse Poort shopping centre and the spacious but often empty Arena Boulevard. The buildings, in which major functions are accommodated behind a small number of entrances, accentuate the impersonal character of the area. The Arena Boulevard is everything that historic city centres are not. The emphasis in the design for the Arena Boulevard is on breaking up its linear character, and creating a space that is pleasant for a group of ten people, but also for a crowd of fifty thousand.
Transverse connections between the north and south side are enhanced by creating space between the buildings on the boulevard. In the design the public space organizes itself in a natural way. Long benches of natural stone and wood mark the transition between places for movement and places to pause. Alongside these benches the ground level rises up or falls away, giving a slightly curved paved surface. Some points are laid out for sports use, others are raised up, with trees and grass creating places to relax. A public space is created that invites a longer stay and offers opportunities for various kinds of use.
A three-dimensional lighting web of cables and spotlights creates a dramatic ‘starry sky’ above the Arena Boulevard. A key points the web becomes denser and the light brighter. This dynamic lighting reacts to events and flows of pedestrians in the location.