发布时间:2010-11-02 03:34:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects:特拉维夫港(the Tel Aviv Port)是以色列最令人叹为观止的海滨之一,它最初是一个运营中的停靠港,但自1965年以来一直被忽视,直至废弃。公共空间开发项目成功恢复了这座城市的独特部分,并将该港口转化成了一个突出的、充满活力的城市地标。

Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects:Situated on one of Israel’s most breathtaking waterfronts, the Tel Aviv Port was plagued with neglect since 1965, when its primary use as an operational docking port was abandoned. The public space development project managed to restore this unique part of the city, and turn it into a prominent, vivacious urban landmark.

© Iwan Baan

© Iwan Baan

特拉维夫港口公共空间的设计方案由竞赛的获胜者主导,这项公开竞赛在2003年由新港口管理部门发起,是港口更新重建计划的宏伟愿景的一部分,其中包括对公共空间的更新和港口旧机库的修复。由Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects与Galila Yavin合作完成的竞赛获奖作品充满活力和希望地呈现在人们面前,令人振奋,甚至在项目完成之前,游客就已蜂拥而至。

The public space design was a winner of an open competition, initiated in 2003 by the new port management as part of an ambitious new vision they set for the port’s regeneration, which included public space renewal and the restoration of the port’s old hangars. The competition’s winning submission (by Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects in collaboration with Galila Yavin) was vigorously brought to life, and visitors were flocking to the revamped port even before the project was completed.

▼港口鸟瞰对比Aerial viewof the port



The architects viewed the project as a unique opportunity to construct a public space which challenges the common contrast between private and public development, and suggests a new agenda of hospitality for collective open spaces.

© Adi Branda

© Adi Branda


The design introduces an extensive undulating, non-hierarchical surface, that acts both as a reflection of the mythological dunes on which the port was built, and as an open invitation to free interpretations and unstructured activities.

© Iwan Baan

© Adi Branda

© Daniela Orvin

© Iwan Baan


Various public, political and social initiatives – from spontaneous rallies to artistic endeavors and public acts of solidarity – are now drawn to this unique urban platform, indicating the project’s success in reinventing the port as a vibrant public sphere.

© Galia Kronfeld

© Daniela Orvin

© Galia Kronfeld


© Itamar Grinberg

如今,每年约有250万人到访特拉维夫港——在一个拥有900万人口的国家,这对于一个100万人口的大都市来说是创纪录的数字——特拉维夫港口公共空间更新被认为是以色列同类项目中最具影响力的项目之一,它不仅斩获了国际认可和一些著名的建筑奖项,如2010年的罗莎·巴尔巴欧洲景观奖(the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize),还深受公众喜爱,成为特拉维夫都市居民最喜爱的休闲娱乐空间。作为复兴城市滨水区的城市地标,该项目引发了特拉维夫海岸沿线一系列公共空间项目的开展,使城市与滨水区的联系焕然一新。

Nowadays when approximately 2.5 million people visit the Tel Aviv Port every year– a record number for a metropolitan area spanning 1 million residents, in a country of 9 million – the port’s public spaces renewal is considered one of the most influential project of its kind in Israel. Alongside receiving international recognition and several prestigious architectural awards, such as the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize for 2010, it receives great affection from the public and is ranked as the most beloved recreation space by the inhabitants of Tel Aviv’s metropolitan area. Being an urban landmark which revives the city’s waterfront, the project became a trigger for a series of public space projects along Tel Aviv’s shoreline which altogether revolutionize the city’s connection to its waterfront.





© Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects


© Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects

▼剖面图 Profile

© Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects

项目名称:Tel Aviv Port


面积:55000 m2

项目地点:以色列 特拉维夫

景观/建筑公司:Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects

首席设计师:MKR partners 设计团队

设计团队:Ganit Mayslits Kassif, Udi Kassif, Maor Roytman Oren Ben Avraham, Michal Ilan和Galila Yavin

客户:Marine Trust Ltd.

图片来源:Iwan Baan, Adi Branda, Galia Kronfeld, Daniela Orvin, Itamar Grinberg

Project name: Tel Aviv Port

Completion Year: 2008Size: 55000 m2

Project location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Mayslits Kassif Roytman Architects

Lead Architects: MKR partners

Design Team: Ganit Mayslits Kassif, Udi Kassif, Maor Roytman Oren Ben Avraham, Michal Ilan和Galila Yavin.

Clients: Marine Trust Ltd.

Photographs: Iwan Baan, Adi Branda, Galia Kronfeld, Daniela Orvin, Itamar Grinberg

“ 海滨港口起伏的木质地面上点缀着艺术石凳,丰富的地面图案为港口增添生趣。”,审稿编辑: Simin


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