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公园鸟瞰图,Bird’s eye view of the park

▼公园咖啡厅鸟瞰图,Bird’s eye view of the park café

▼公园局部鸟瞰图-浮边水岸效果,Bird’s-eye view of part of the park – effect of floating water bank


The downstream channel of the Sanli River is an important part of the central business district in the eastern part of Jiaozhou City, but the increasing siltation of the river channel has affected the functions of flood control, drainage, landscape and other functions. Under the arrangement and deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the Municipal Construction Bureau took the lead in implementing the governance of the lower reaches of the Sanli River to restore the normal functions of the river and construct a good landscape environment in the lower reaches of the Sanli River, thus promoting the rapid and sustainable development of the eastern central business district.

▼方案总平面规划图,General plan of the scheme

区位 | Location


The project is located in the core area of new district of Jiaozhou city, adjacent to Shanghai Road in the north, Qingdao Road in the south, Wenzhou Road in the west and Zhanqian Avenue in the east. The downstream governing section has a total length of 3 km, the park covers a planned area of 60 hectares, which is divided into two phases and the phase I is 25 hectares. The river’s governing guide line is 50 meters in width, and the green space of the river’s north and south banks is 200 meters in the widest part and 25 meters in the narrowest part. Sanli River carries the history and culture of Jiaozhou, and is an important window for the spiritual civilization of this city to be relied on and displayed to the outside world.

Location of Sanlihe River in Jiaozhou

胶州三里河区位水系关系,Water system relationship of Sanlihe District in Jiaozhou

现状与问题Current situation and problems

水资源现状 | Current situation of water situation


The river channel has a balanced width, no large open water area, lack of core interface, so it is difficult to highlight the prominent position of the city CBD in social development, making it relatively monotonous and the landscape added value not abundant enough; the problem with local river sections is that the riverbed is bare, the mud is piled up, and the garbage is blocked.

Partial bird’s eye view of the park – seamless connection with the old park

▼多功能的市民广场鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view of the multi functional public square

驳岸现状 |Current situation of revetment


A rubber dam has been built at the junction with the middle reaches, and both ends of the dam are reinforced concrete revetments, which is not ecological, and the rest part is earth dike with a drop height of 2-3 meters and single form. This are also contains flood discharge trench and cement culvert of the surrounding area, which are all broken and need to be rectified.

Bird’s eye view of the functional public square composed of multi-level platform

▼多功能的市民广场与曲线型草台阶组成的创意边界鸟瞰图,Bird’s eye viewof theCreative boundary composed of multi-functional public square and curvilinear grass steps

▼草台阶局部鸟瞰,Aerial view of grass steps

▼草台阶与主园路交织关系局部鸟瞰,Interwoven relationship between grass steps and Main Garden Road

土地现状 |Current situation of land


The terrain of the base is relatively flat, easy for water layout and shaping. The base is mostly the vegetable land of original inhabitants, and most of land has long been abandoned for a long time, overgrown with weeds. The planned land fit the main planned roads in the north-south direction, with the residential and commercial development land and future CBD outside the roads. The twin relationship between the park and the development land is the focus of the design. How the recreation facilities of the park serve the people, and how the ecological matrix maximumlly nourish the development of the entire area, are all important issues to be considered.

▼公园局部鸟瞰,Part of the park

▼创意栈道与雨水花园的重叠关系,Overlapping relationship between creative plank road and rainwater garden

▼充满生机的公园主园路,The main road of the park full of vitality

措施与方法 | Measures and methods


▼滨水地的建设开发,Construction and development of Waterfront

▼亲水平台分布,Hydrophilic platform distribution

The middle section of Sanli River serves the administrative center and opens up a new situation for the image of the new city on the occasion of the new century. The lower reaches of the Sanli River serves the business center, is more open, active and ecological, and highlights the participation of citizens, which is a complex of city, landmark, water conservation, health and sustainable development, and also a link that stitches together the ecology, economy and culture of the city. From the perspective of landscape vision, the Central Business District in Jiaozhou needs to deepen its own structure, not to refer to the row upon row buildings in “Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou” with the “urban disease”, but to create a place of dreams full of humanistic feelings and urban vitality in virtue of the waterfront environment.

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,Partial bird’s-eye view of the park

▼公共座椅镶嵌绿化的广场,Public seat inlaid Green Square

▼多功能的市民广场局部鸟瞰图,Partial bird’s-eye view of the multi functional public square


To build a vibrant waterfront landscape space with five measures

多重手段构建“城市海绵” |To build “urban sponge” with multiple means


▼海绵城市系统示意图动图,Sponge city system gif diagram

Based on the problem that urban rainfall flood has been profoundly affecting the lives of our urban residents, the project has deeply studied the ecological concept of the sponge city and implemented this goal from multiply dimensions. The whole project will be constructed as an ecological and organic urban sponge by multiple means. Sponge City is the concept of a new urban rainfall management, which means that the city has a good “elasticity” in adapting to environmental changes and responding to natural disasters caused by rain , and also can be called “hydroelastic city”, the “Construction of Low Impact Development rain System” in international general terms. When it rains, it can absorb, store, and seep water, and when necessary, it can “release” or utilize the reserved water.

▼水湾望向周边社区重叠关系,Overlapping relationship of water bay to surrounding communities

▼创意木栈道悬挑与水面之上,The overhanging of creative wooden plank road and above the water

▼水湾,Water bay

▼创意木栈道,Creative wooden plank road

▼创意木栈道细部,Creative wooden plank road details


Ecological dry stream:▼多层次,多序列的打造有机系统的生态旱溪,build an ecological dry stream with an organic system in multi-layer and multi-sequence

采用回收利用的石材边角碎料,打造旱溪的视觉肌理,use recycled stone corner scraps to create the visual texture of the dry stream


Rain garden:雨水花园与栈道叠合,Rainwater garden and plank road overlap

有鸟儿停靠的木栈道挑台。a wooden plank road with birds docked


Plant ditch:生态植草沟,Ecological grass planting ditch

围绕国槐打造复合的多功能草坪,Building compound multifunctional lawn around Sophora japonica


Permeable pavement:

▼公园主要园路及大部分活动场地采用帕米亚孔透水混凝土作为铺地,thepark’s main roads and most of the activity sites are paved with Pamia pervious concrete

▼变化丰富公园主园路,The main road of the park with rich changes


“以商养园”打造文化地标 |To create cultural landmarks with “promoting the park with business”从本质上讲它是社会的绿色福利项目,不应该强调它的投资回报。但考虑到公园面积较大,精细化维护的支出较重,从公园建成后较高品质的可持续维持和养护的角度出发,确实应该考虑部分收益和盈利。根据公园规范可利用3%的建设面积用于公园管理建筑的建设。这成为设计的突破口,利用这3%的面积打造具有文化特色,兼具服务功能的地标小建筑,引入稀缺的商业资源,项目1号地块的“水湾咖屋”,成功引入猫屎咖啡,加之建筑的唯美造型,一开园便成为各路网红的“打卡”圣地,每年的营收可有利补充公园的维护费用。像这样的网红地标小建筑每间隔500米就设有一处,兼顾管理、养护、公厕、休闲多重功能于一身。

▼“水湾咖屋”,“Shuiwan Coffee House”

广场上的矩阵榉树结合休闲座椅,Matrix beech square combines leisure seats

公园水湾看向咖啡厅,The bay of the park looks to the coffee shop

融入在绿化中的公园咖啡屋,Park coffee house integrated into the greenery

兼顾管理、养护、公厕、休闲多重功能于一身,combines management, maintenance, public toilets and recreation functions

▼室外座椅,outdoor seating area

▼特色林荫咖啡屋木甲板平台,Special tree shade and coffee house wooden deck platform

:“保护利用”留住城市记忆 |To retain city memory through “protection and utilization”基地腹地原本为过去村镇居民的菜地,1号地块内还留有原来村委办公建筑,但年久失修,早已与城市发展格格不入,院内独有的一株胸径达60的双杆国槐饱经沧桑,写满了历史。过去常有居民拿着板凳在树下纳凉攀谈。还有几株不错的水杉挺拔有形,这些都进行有针对性的保护利用,公园进行吐故纳新的同时也默默的留住这难能可贵的城市记忆。

The hinterland of the base is originally a vegetable land for the residents of the village, and the original village committee office building is still left in the No.1 plot, but disrepair for a long time and is incompatible with the development of the city; the unique double-bar Chinese scholartree with a diameter of 60cm in the courtyard of the building has seen much changes and full of history, and residents often took the bench and chatted under the tree in the past; there are also a few well-grown metasequoias, all of these have adopted targeted protection and utilization. While getting rid of the old things and introducing new things, the park also silently retain this precious city memory.

protection and utilization of the original trees

▼乔木树影融入草台阶,Trees and shadows mingle with grass steps

▼原生冠法桐与草台阶的穿插关系,The interspersed relationship between the trees and steps

▼曲线的台阶细部,Step detail of curve

“多重复合”打造市民广场 |To create a “multi-compound” citizen square


▼曲线的台阶与艺术灯杆丰富广场变化,The curved steps and artistic light poles enrich the changes of the square

To create a multi-compound citizen activity square through the trinity design (landscape environment phenomenon, environmental ecological greening, public behavior psychology). The entrance square of the No.1 plot has a free-style opening, which provides a public space integrating entertainment, exercise, viewing, recreation and other activities for citizens, and also improves the image of the city. In addition to the multiple activities that can be carried out on the square, the changeable set-back model vertical design also takes into account the need for retreating flood, and the specific water level elevation can be flooded; there are safety platforms and warning buoys under the water to ensure people’s safety. In addition, The design has taken advantage of the height differences out of the embankment and designed a playground which will encourage children to experience and explore.

▼儿童游乐场的字母拓展座椅,Children’s Playground letter seat

▼置身于魔幻色彩里儿童滑梯塔,children’s slide tower in magic color

▼儿童趣味跑道,Children’s interesting track

▼斑点触摸球,spot touch ball

“近水楼台”铸就生态活力水岸 |To create the ecological vitality water bank in “a favourable position”三里河两岸的开发住宅一衣带水遥相呼应,三里河的景观承载着两岸社区的风景界面,退台式的景观层次与楼房窗台的若即若离之感形成一幅幅美丽画卷,三里河绿化关系不像“北上广深”鳞次栉比的密集楼宇充斥着水岸所形成的生硬的界面,我们有意识的拉开了绿化与建筑的距离,但同时又不影响人的亲近,三里河的景观环境强有力的拉动了周边社区的开发建设,为三里河中央商务区的土地增值保驾护航。同时不断上升的社区居民同样让三里河下游段充满了活力。

The residences on both sides of the Sanli River echo each other. The landscape of Sanli River carries the landscape interface of the communities on both banks, the sense of far away and closing of the stratification of landscapes of set-back model and building windowsills form a beautiful picture.

Unlike the rigid interface formed by rows of dense buildings on the water bank in “Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen”, in the greening relationship of Sanli River, the distance between greening and building is consciously opened, but at the same time it does not affect the closeness of people.

The landscape environment of Sanli River has strongly stimulated the development and construction of surrounding communities, and escorted the value of the land in the Sanli River Central Business District, and the rising community residents has also brought vitality to the lower reaches of the Sanli River.

▼生态系统示意图,Ecosystem diagram


Improvement of water surface pattern:▼景观公共空间对城市的渗透,The penetration of landscape public space into the city

▼生态水岸,Ecological water bank

▼充满生机,Full of vitality



Ecological water front:

▼生态驳岸类型剖面示意图,Section diagram of ecological revetment type

▼生态岸线不仅可以带来绿意感受,对净化水质,改善土壤有机成份也起到重要作用,The ecological water front can bring green feelings for people, provide an environmental matrix for purifying water quality and improving soil organic components

▼充满生机次级游步道,The secondary footpath full of vitality

▼生态走廊,Theecological corridor



"The flashing water is bright and dazzling, and the boundless spring is full of flowers. In the secluded valley, there are beautiful girls. Peach trees are in full bloom, swaying beside the water with the breeze.

The lush willows, the curved paths, and the soft-spoken birds are constantly appearing. As you get deeper, you will feel the truth. Explore in time, never stop, you works will be as fresh as the best of the past."


项目设计 & 完成年份:2017年05月–2019年10月

主创设计师:刘立立,戴奇宇, 何深华

设计团队:戴奇宇, 康锦州, 吴亚宁, 陈明鑫, 贾青英, 吕万斌, 施越, 李伟, 孔令军, 杨炳仁, 黄彬辉, 蔡崇林, 唐菊敏, 杨冬梅



摄影版权:LDG/康锦州, 戴奇宇, 陈红

合作方:江苏恒绿建设工程有限公司 / 胶州正北集团


品牌:舒华体育, 日照雯斐园林, 青岛康雅建筑装饰, 青岛硕鑫装饰

主要材料:EPDM, 彩色透水混凝土, 苗木, HPC, 玻璃幕墙


胶州三里河公园中央商务区段 1 标段 | 生态海绵城市的活力滨水景观空间
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