发布时间:2021-08-25 00:41:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}




In today’s context, the image of a city needs more memory and culture. As one of the most important cities in modern China, Fuzhou and its memory and culture are more related with “shipbuilding” history in Mawei district.

“Now, the project Mawei Shipbuilding Library becomes the starting point and physical space of shippbuilding culture in this city. This space is designed to serve not only as a library for reading but also as a mental space for cultural display and expression.” – Leo Hu,Founder and Design Director of WJ Studio

▼建筑外观,Exterior view©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

自古以来,闽越之地——福州,便因善于造船和用船而闻名遐迩。行舟千年的它,也是中国船政文化的发源地。1866 年,左宗棠创办了中国的第一所海军学校——马尾船政学堂,福州马尾因此成为了近代中国海军的摇篮,船政文化由此萌生。


Since ancient times, Fuzhou has been the land of Minyue people. it is also known for shipbuilding and shipping and the birthplace of Chinese shippbuilding culture.In 1886, the first naval school Fuzhou Naval Academy was established by Zuo Zongtang (General Tso) in today’s Mawei district, Fuzhou. Since then Mawei has become the cradle of modern Chinese navy and shippbuilding culture starts to thrive.Now, located at the former site of the naval school, the library is equipped with “ship cabin and reading space”, echoing the spirit of “building ships and educating talents at the same time” from more than 100 years ago. The designer tries to use a new metaphor to inherit and express its local culture and integrate the spirit into people’s daily lives.

▼场地鸟瞰,Bird’s view of the site©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The structure of the library, situated in the Shipbuilding Culture Theme Park in Mawei District, was originally built as the warehouse of a shipyard. As a hub of the local cultural activities, the library has multiple functions such as promoting cultural awareness of shipbuilding, education, and academic research on shipping culture, etc.

▼入口实景,View of the entrance ©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The design is supposed to look back on history of “shipbuilding and shipping” and look forward to the future of “creating a public library” —it builds a ship structure in the interior through an abstract and modern language; meanwhile, it also explores a new means of culture and communication with library-like services and experiences.

看向阅读空间,Interior view©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

多元而丰富的空间组合,a diverse combination of spaces©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The design uses “ship” as an element, and turns the whole library into an ark sailing in the wave of culture. Borrowing the layout of a traditional ship, the library has a diverse combination of spaces. The bow (front end), midship (middle section) and stern (rear end) turns into different interior spaces, while the open deck, semi-open cabin and other parts are also redesigned in a contemporary manner.▼入口大台阶,The big steps at the entrance © WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The library has been reconstructed from the original one-storey space to a two-storey space with a mezzanine floor, connected by a huge staircase from the bow area. The first floor is used as a reading and display space (mainly books), which seems to invite people into a room of knowledge and culture. The second floor is designed as a deck for leisure and events, which seems to lead people to board on a ship’s bow, and then they are allowed to stay or ponder in this open area.

▼首层作为阅读与展示的区域,The first floor used as a reading and display space ©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

▼文化浪潮元素,elements of the wave and deck ©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

▼楼梯通向二层,The stairs leading to the 2nd floor©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The big steps between the two floors not only serve as a connecting passage, but also turn the bow area into a stepped space, enriching the use of the interior.

二层的甲板空间,The deck space on the 2nd floor©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

2 楼休息&活动区域,2nd floor leisure & event area©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

▼休息区走廊,the corridor©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

靠窗阅览区,reading area by the window©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The atrium in the middle is the center of the entire library. Here the designer creates a mental space for people to immerse themselves like in a ship’s cabin.

▼可变的复合型图书室,Multifunctional library©WJ STUDIO万境设计


Movable bookshelves under the atrium make sure a flexible space is provided, which creates a multifunctional library for reading and display and other purposes.

▼中庭 – 精神的船舱,Atrium – The Mental Cabin©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


And above the atrium, a huge keel structure hangs high from the ceiling, reminding people of the history of the shipyard. The black mirror-like material reflects everything like the surface of the water, as if time travels from the past and rests in this space.

Integrating a sense of time and space into the design©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


A different kind of cabin is presented in the stern area. This round-shaped reading room echoes the enclosed cabin of a ship, and thus is designed to be a quieter and more private reading space in the library.

▼看向圆形阅览区,View of the round reading room©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

圆形阅读空间,Round reading room©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

圆形阅览区内部,Interior of the round reading room©WJ STUDIO 万境设计

▼细部,Details©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


In addition to the abstract expression of a ship’s space, the designer also uses the shipbuilding parts as decorative elements, enhancing the image of a ship with many details.For example, the railing, steel ladder and cargo box are re-interpreted in a modern fashion. The new design language and new material are mixed and matched with the old space and structural form in contrast.

▼船的零件作为装饰元素,using the shipbuilding parts as decorative elements ©WJ STUDIO 万境设计


The combination of the new and the old indicates the time span of the cultural contents of the library, and this design spreads the spirit of shipbuilding culture into each and every corner of the space.

▼楼梯细部,Details of the stairs©WJ STUDIO 万境设计








设计单位:万境设计 WJ STUDIO







Project : Mawei Shipbuilding Library

Location:Maweii District, Fuzhou


Type:Complexx Space Reconstruction


Owner:Yangoo Group Co. Ltd.

Owner Team: Wei Zhang, Qingxing Xiong, Jianrong Yuan

Design Company: WJ STUDIO

Design director: Leo Hu

Team:Yeyouu Xu , Baixue Su, Yonghui Zhang

Lighting Design: Fang fang, Zonghui Yi

Soft Decoration: Bluemoon

Photographer:Studioo FF, Xi Zhang

Video:Xii Zhang


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