France Toulouse Airbus Group Leadership University
设计方:valode & pistre architectes
空中客车集团(airbus group)是航空航天与国防的跨国领先公司,其总部位于荷兰莱顿。2016年9月19日,空中客车集团领导能力大学项目于法国图卢兹开幕。该项目由valode & pistre architectes设计,由vp & green开发,坐落于图卢兹大型机场枢纽区,设有餐厅以及公司职工的培训/会议/活动中心等设施。该校园为该企业提供了在一个中心地点聚集的机会。该项目的最大挑战是创建一个反映场地尺度与企业文化形象的综合体。但最终,建筑与艺术应该结合在一起,为参观者提供一个 “空客之家(airbus home)” 的持久印象。这样的体验是通过一个充满张力的结构设计而实现的,为航空文化赋予了艺术特色。
译者:筑龙网 艾比
airbus group is a multinational leading corporation of aerospace and defense- with its headquarters based in leiden, netherlands. on september 19 2016, the airbus group leadership university project was inaugurated by tom enders -chief executive of the corporation- in toulouse bagnac, france.designed by valode & pistre architectes and developed by vp & green, the project is located in the large airport hub of toulouse and features a restaurant as well as training/convention/event centres for members of the corporation.
the university campus gives airbus group executives a chance to come together in one central venue. at first, the biggest challenge was to create a complex which reflected both the site scale and cultural identity of the corporation. but in the end, architecture and art successfully combined to offer visitors a lasting impression of their ‘airbus home’- even after only one stay. such an experience is manifested through a dramatic structural design, which provides an artistic character to the aeronautic culture.
the striking architecture of the university is first highlighted by its curved facade of large white slats, forming a 360 degrees sculptural structure: the final shape is an abstract reminder of airflow along an aircraft wing. a spacious central garden also echoes the scale of the site, and symbolically gathers different functions in an 80m (diameter) circle surrounded by a gallery.finally, all components of the complex are finished with a special lighting design by yann kerzalé.