发布时间:2019-03-24 03:39:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

上海市公共安全教育实训基地的落成为青浦东方绿洲公园增添了一个极具吸引力的去处。实训基地由 gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所担纲设计,基地设施可以真实模拟具有上海特点的灾害场景,为上海学生学习紧急避险和自我保护提供了身临其境的演练场所。基地内建筑造型根据内部功能设置发生变形,极富雕塑感,菱形的外立面金属镶板在不同的光照条件下呈现出不同的光泽,与天空和自然景观融为一体。

With the Shanghai Public Safety Education Training Base, a new attraction has been created in the Oriental Land park in Shanghai: a training center where children and young people can learn how to behave correctly in dangerous situations. In response to this special building brief, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have designed a sculptural complex of buildings. A parametrically designed facade consisting of diamond-shaped metal panels emphasizes the visual impact of the building and, depending on the angle of light, seems to merge the structure with the sky and the landscape.

▼实训基地鸟瞰,Aerial view


The Oriental Land Shanghai leisure park at the eastern shore of Lake Dianshan is located some 27 kilometers outside the city of Shanghai at Zhujiajiao in the Qingpu District. The extensive terrain in the style of a land- scape park includes a range of different exhibition areas from the fields of science, culture, and technology in combination with a wide range of sports and leisure facilities.

▼建筑坐落在东方绿洲公园内,the project is located in the Oriental Land Shanghai leisure park


The Shanghai Public Safety Education Training Base, designed by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, was developed in close proximity to the technical exhibition complex: a training center where school children can learn how to behave correctly in dangerous situations. A range of different scenarios are presented, from everyday emergencies through to natural disasters. The school children are trained in assessing dangerous situations in everyday life and to react appropriately. Subjects include the safe handling of fire, behaving correctly in road traffic, first aid in accidents, and orderly evacuation from the underground or the school bus. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and meteorological phenomena, including tornados and thunder- storms, are presented by way of 4D simulations. In first-aid training the school children learn, using a dummy, how to provide medical aid to an injured person.

▼基地街道西南侧视角,Street view from southwest

▼南立面日间视角,South elevation by day


▼建筑上层悬挑结构,Detailed view of the cantilevering upper floors

The three-story development consists of five parallel blocks that are slightly offset from each other and whose upper floors cantilever at the ends. A central main hall running from north to south connects the building blocks, thus creating an overall building complex. The main hall has been designed as an atrium that extends through all stories and, at first-floor level, functions as a central meeting point. The different subject-specific building blocks are accessed from the lobby and the surrounding galleries. The basement has been designed in the manner of an underground station with a platform and a 1:1 scale model of an underground train. In order to replicate the real-life situation, the access routes from the atrium lobby to the underground railway station feature escalators and elevators, thus making it possible to carry out training for evacuation scenarios.


▼急救培训教室,First-aid training


▼单体建筑交接处视野,View between the building blocks

The training center was built as an in-situ concrete skeleton building. A scale-like metal facade consisting of diamond-shaped panels covers the entire building complex; only the north and south entrances and the junctions between the blocks feature glazed facades. The room-high glazing between the building blocks provides views into the landscape, making the sequence of blocks evident to the visitor as he passes through the building. The metal panels of the facade are finished in a bluish-gray, which means that—depending on the angle of the light—the training center seems to merge with its environment as if camouflaged. Perforated panels allow light to fall into the rooms behind them and cover the ventilation openings. The diamond-shaped panels have been cut from folded metal sheeting and therefore are rigid. The dimensions of the equilateral squares vary within the facade, with a maximum diameter of two meters. Parametric facade design was used to make economic serial production of the panels possible in spite of the complex geometry of the exterior envelope—an important factor given the tight budget.

▼南立面夜间视角,South elevation by night

▼总平面图,Site plan

▼首层平面图,Floor plan, level 1

▼二层平面图,Floor plan, level 2

▼横剖面图,Cross section

▼纵剖面图,longitudinal section

▼立面剖面,单体建筑连接处细部,Facade detail of the building joint: View with vertical section

▼幕墙立面和剖面,Facade view with vertical section






实施阶段设计团队:坦娅·古特纳,格德门德尔·强森,亚历山大·蒙特罗,乌里·罗斯勒,Ho-Jin Wi, 莱蒂 西娅·哈克塔



景观设计:WES 景观设计事务所




Competition: 2013—1st place

Design: Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze

Competition project management: Hinrich Müller

Competition design team: Dominika Gnatowicz, Gudmundur Jonsson

Detail design project management: Evelyn Pasdzierny

Detail design team: Tanja Gutena, Gudmundur Jonsson, Alexander Montero, Uli Rösler, Ho-Jin Wi, Laetizia Hackethal

Construction management team: Zhan Jin, Mengxuan Qu, Lin Wang

Partner practice in China: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.

Landscaping: WES & Partner

Client: Oriental Land Shanghai

Site area: 6.5 ha

GFA: 26,500 m2

Construction period: 2016–2018


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