发布时间:2020-06-17 02:48:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Land Morphology:工业材料重新诠释了传统的花园主题,让罗德岛花园焕然一新。将紫杉、山毛榉、侧柏和黄杨木形成的树篱作为多年生植物和禾草的绿色建筑,在四季更迭中保证植栽的色彩和质感。

Land Morphology: Traditional motifs are re-interpreted with industrial materials to give a fresh look to this Rhode Island garden. Hedges of yews, beech, arborvitae, and boxwood provide a rigorous green architecture to perennials and grasses, which offer color and texture through the seasons.

▼鸟瞰泳池藤架、多年生植物的种植边界、餐饮露台和房屋 Aerial view of pool arbor, perennial border, dining terraces, and pool house


The garden surrounds a 1920s clapboard home. The overall design is based in a traditional layout. The clients are English and the idea of garden rooms appealed to them. The rooms include an entry court, terrace with fire feature, woodland garden, dining terrace, formal garden with lap pool, two facing pavilions, and a sweeping lawn.

▼入口庭院处的树篱为绣球花提供了绿色背景 Hedges provide a backdrop for hydrangeas at the entry courtyard at The Studio

▼带游泳池的规整式花园 Formal garden with lap pool

▼带取暖设施的露台 Terrace with fire feature

▼树篱勾勒出室外空间,而棚架则创造了亲密的聚集空间 Hedges delineate the outdoor rooms, while arbors create intimate spaces


Richly planted architectural berms serve as focal points. Concrete and gabion walls terrace the land in striking ways. The arbor over the fire feature defines the space, creating an outdoor room that reinforces intimacy. The pergola creates a strong view from the dining terrace, crosses the lap pool for verve, and provides unexpected approach to the linking of the two pavilions.

▼10英尺长的取暖设施为户外的人供给温度,同时加强了视觉表现 The 10-foot long fire feature provides warmth and makes a strong visual statement

▼室外取暖设施被石笼墙和白栎木棚架包围 The outdoor fire feature is enclosed by gabion walls and a white oak arbor

▼横跨泳池的棚架为餐饮露台提供了强有力的视点 The pergola creates a strong view from the dining terrace

▼绣球花排列种植在餐饮露台边 Bobo Hydrangeas line the dining terrace

▼白栎木棚架营造了垂直感和结构感 The white oak arbor creates verticality and structure


Richly planted for enjoyment twelve months of the year, the planting design acknowledges the clients’ roots with color and form. The garden provides a romantic overlay to the bold architecture.

总面积: 2.6 英亩 游泳池面积: 14’x 60’840平方英尺 取暖设施尺寸: 10’ X 3’-6” 取暖设施面积: 22’x 24’528平方英尺

Land Morphology设计团队 主创设计师: Richard Hartlage; Sandy Fischer, RLA 景观设计师: Adrian Coerver

Total Lot size: 2.6 Acres Pool: 14’ x 60’ 840 SF Fire Feature Element: 10’ X 3’-6” Fire Feature Area: 22’ x 24’ 528 SF

Land Morphology design team Lead Designers: Richard Hartlage; Sandy Fischer, RLA Landscape Designer: Adrian Coerver

主要植物 Plants

金缕梅  Chinese witch hazel

假山茶  Japanese Stewartia

绣球花  Hydrangea

美洲冬青  Winterberry

韩式香料荚莲  Korean Spice Viburnam

四照花  Kousa Dogwood

木兰  Magnolia

紫珠  Purple Pearls Beautyberry

紫菀‘蓝鸟’  Bluebird aster

欧洲山毛榉  European beech

主要材料 Materials

带钢缆的白栎木棚架  White oak arbors, with steel cabling

石笼墙  Gabion walls

切割青石铺装和阶梯  Dimensional bluestone paving and stairs

碎石铺装  Crushed stone paving

钢边阶梯  Steel-edged stairs


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