发布时间:2020-11-11 13:18:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
Reed Hilderbrand 团队在修复庄园时,巧妙地恢复了 Lutyens 和 Jekyll 的设计特点,同时引入了现代可持续的景观设计理念,实现了历史与现代的完美融合。

“位于英国汉普郡的一处示范性景观,通过对著名建筑师Edwin Lutyens和景观设计师Gertrude Jekyll的共同杰作的精心修复与重塑,重新唤起了人们对英国工艺美术运动顶峰时期的记忆。大量的文献资料和严谨的历史分析指导了现代的修复过程以及历史元素业已消除的区域所需种植的花卉,在维持原有格调的同时增加物种搭配的可持续性。为了恢复Lutyens和Jekyll借助成排的植物为花园空地赋予的方直而精确的几何形状,场地上重新种植了数以百计的紫衫树篱;在住宅远处,新置入的元素与花园的历史风格保持了一致,使精心排布的景观得以向更远的地方延伸。”– 2020年评审委员会

"A showpiece landscape in Hampshire, England, recalls the height of Britain’s Arts and Crafts movement through a thoughtful restoration and reinvention of work by acclaimed architect Edwin Lutyens with landscape design by Gertrude Jekyll. Troves of documentation and rigorous historical analysis guided the contemporary restoration process and informed floral choices in areas where historic elements had been eliminated, adhering to original stylistic intent while incorporating a more sustainable palette of plants. Restoring the precise geometries of Lutyens’s and Jekyll’s design for an orthogonal set of garden rooms lined with parallel rows required replanting hundreds of yew hedges; away from the house, new interventions in keeping with the historic style extend the site choreography farther afield."

– 2020 Awards JuryReed Hilderbrand


Marshcourt是由Edwin Lutyens和Gertrude Jekyll共同建造的一座风景如画的庄园,坐落在英国汉普郡特斯特河沿岸的白垩岩山丘上。庄园建造于1901至1904年间,是工艺美术运动的完美代表,其住宅与花园均被列入国家历史公园和花园名录。Lutyens与Jekyll的设计精准地捕捉到场地的独特条件,以大胆而细致的方法创造出能够唤醒记忆并启迪心灵的场所氛围。庄园在过去的几十年间数次易主,以至于日渐萧条,直至2010年春天,新的主人委托设计团队为Marshcourt制定一项整体的规划方案。


Marshcourt is the estate and gardens created by Edwin Lutyens with Gertrude Jekyll in the chalk-veined hills above the River Test in Hampshire, United Kingdom. Constructed between 1901 and 1904, both house and gardens are listed on the National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens — Marshcourt is a quintessential expression of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Lutyens and Jekyll’s design seized particular site conditions in ways bold and subtle to produce an evocative, inventive genius loci.

In spring of 2010, the owners of Marshcourt commissioned our practice to develop a master plan for Marshcourt, which, after decades under different owners, lay in decline. The owners charged us to preserve the landscape while also adapting it to serve as a home for their family. Together we faced the formidable task of stewarding this national treasure into a new era as a contemporary home. This project required different landscape architecture approaches in different places: preservation, renewal or reinterpretation, and, elsewhere, entirely new design that sought, as Lutyens and Jekyll did, to articulate Marshcourt’s extraordinary genius loci.


保护和创造:在100英亩的庄园土地上,该项目的推进持续了6年之久,其中包括修复、重建和新功能的置入。PRESERVATION AND INVENTION: Six years of work on the one hundred-acre estate encompassed restoration and rehabilitation approaches and included interventions for new uses of the property ©Reed Hilderbrand




通过对历史记录的研究,以及在现场发现的资料,项目团队得以了解到那些已经丢失的元素,同时也找到了原始设计的独特之处,那就是Lutyens为其发现的场地和其设计的场地之间所赋予的一种独特关系。调查追溯到了1897年,揭示了当时存在于场地的乡村特征:由树篱和护堤所界定的场地,拥有耕地般的肌理,此外还包括Marshcourt Copse(一片古老的林地)以及一个白垩矿场(小型采石场)。1912年的调查记录了Lutyens的设计方案,其中包括一项大体量的土方工程,它通过深入的切割,在白垩岩层中塑造了一个戏剧性的空间序列,并使其与从山坡一路延伸至住宅周围的阶梯花园相连接。在此处,Lutyens和Jekyll精心打造了一系列的空间体验——从被密林环绕的私密房间,到拥有河谷视野的开放平台,更加重要的是,住宅、花园和场地的设计共同将庄园的场所精神强调出来——这也是两位设计师在工作中始终坚持的目标。










▲历史平面图:1898年和1913年的历史平面图展示了场地在经过Lutyens设计前后的对比关系。树篱、灌木丛、农田护堤和白垩采石场的位置同时影响了设计的组织和表达。HISTORIC ORDNANCES (BEFORE AND AFTER):1898 and 1913 ordinance surveys reveal relationships between the site Lutyens discovered on arrival and the site he designed. The language of hedgerows, the copse, agrarian embankments and the chalk quarry not only organize his design, but provide its expression. ©Reed Hilderbrand


GEOLOGY AS IDENTITY: Marshcourt sits within a large geological vein of chalk. Thin topsoil rests above a deep white substrate layered with flint. This geology allowed the steep embankments structuring the site. ©Reed Hilderbrand

▲削减与遮蔽:林荫道和深入场地的车道体现了“削减”与“遮蔽”并行的手法,这一手法也促使Lutyens将景观设计扩展至更大的范围。CUT AND CANOPY: The Linden Allee and the deep cut of the entry drive exemplify the motifs of “cut” and “canopy” that drive Lutyens design for the larger landscape. ©James Ogilvy / Reed Hilderbrand (Site Visit Photo)

▲“X光透视”:早期的概念图对既有的树冠分布和地势状况进行了“透视”,清晰地揭示了原始“骨架”的退化过程。方案恢复并重新诠释了原先的土方工程,并将形式向东面延伸,以容纳新的功能空间。“X-RAYS”: Early concept diagrams “x-ray” the existing conditions of canopy, cut (embankments), and extension (terraces), clearly revealing the deterioration of the design’s original “skeleton”. Proposed diagrams restore and reinterpret the original earthworks and extend motifs to the east for new programs. ©Reed Hilderbrand

▲抵达庄园的路径:原先的业主清除了Lutyens为抵达路径设计的景观(下图)。在该项目中,原先的白垩护堤得以恢复,并重新种植了树木和林下植被,恢复了原生的白垩草甸,从而为场地找回了Lutyens所设想的那种张弛有度且明暗互补的观感。ARRIVAL TO MARSHCOURT: Previous owners eradicated Lutyens design for the approach to the house (below). The design reinstates chalk embankments, replants canopy and understory, and reestablishes native chalk meadow, restoring the modulation of compression and release, darkness and light that he intended (above). ©James Ogilvy / Reed Hilderbrand (Site Visit Photo)

▲花园空地:原设计中用于界定房屋周围花园空间的紫衫树篱系统或者生长超出了预期,或者已被完全拆除。新的方案重新种植了数百株紫衫,以建立起一个配比精确的常绿框架。GARDEN ROOMS: The system of yew hedges designed to define garden rooms surrounding the house had either overgrown their intended dimensions or been removed altogether. Hundreds of yew plants were installed to reestablish the carefully proportioned evergreen frame. ©Reed Hilderbrand


RECONSTRUCTION: Large-scale cut and fill operations of the smoothed hillside re-establish the original 1:1 chalk embankments (8’-15’ high) that defined the farm drive. ©Reed Hilderbrand

▲网球场草地:从项目完成后的照片可以看到护堤和绿篱在场地上的修复情况(可参考前一张图中展示的相同角度的照片)。TENNIS LAWN: “After” view reveals the restoration of the embankments and hedges at the tennis lawn (see previous images for 1932 and 2010 photos from same point). ©James Ogilvy

▲下沉花园:远处的无花果树(右图)是Jekyll的种植方案中唯一留存下来的元素。为了重现原来的场所精神,项目团队进行了大量的砖石修复工作以及多年生植物的种植。SUNKEN GARDEN: The fig tree in the distance (right) was all that remained of Jekyll’s original planting design for the Sunken Garden (left). Extensive masonry restoration and perennial planting were necessary to recapture the spirit of the original. ©James Ogilvy

▲在JEKYLL之后:Jekyll钟爱的睡莲、排草和绵杉菊等植物被搭配以热情洋溢的刺棘蓟和海甘蓝。与原作相比,新的种植方案显得更加简单,但依然展现出对本土植物、异国植物以及传统花园植物的共同赞美。AFTER JEKYLL: Jekyll favorites like water lilies, centranthus and santolina combine with the scale of the ebullient Cardoon and Crambe. A simpler plant and color palette than the original prevails, but the celebration of native, exotic, and traditional cottage garden plants remains. ©James Ogilvy


FLOWERS OF MASHCOURT: Each quadrant of the matrix indicates the plant palette used to rehabilitate four garden rooms around the house. ©Reed Hilderbrand

▲白色步道:通往山顶的石灰石步道穿越了既有的山楂树林。铺地材料在与树干相遇的位置被移除,使路径尽可能向树木让步。ON THE WHITE WALK: A new limestone path leading to the hilltop slides through an existing plantation of hawthorn. Where trunks would interfere with the path alignment, sets are removed and the path yields to the tree. ©Reed Hilderbrand

▲山毛榉树林:白色预制混凝土座位融入路堤,作为对当地地质特征的一种回应。在座位的周围,96棵欧洲山毛榉呈五点梅花状排列。BEECH GROVE: At the apex of the arcing walk, a chalk-white bench of precast concrete emerges from the embankment, a nod to the site’s geology. Above and below it, 96 European Beech are set in a quincunx over the hilltop. ©James Ogilvy

▲氛围:Marshcourt庄园的草甸上修建出一条弧形小路,作为一种介质将光线与天气的不同质感展现出来。PHENOMENA: An arcing path is mowed through Marshcourt’s meadow grasses, a medium against which the varying qualities of light and weather play out. ©James Ogilvy

▲日晷草坪:设计团队与一位专业的历史学家合作,恢复并重新诠释了Marshcourt花园露台和空地精致的硬景观和植被。特斯特河谷和外围的田地形成交错和相互掩映的关系,吸引着人们去更辽阔的景观中探险。SUNDIAL LAWN: Working with a specialist historian, we restored and reinterpreted the elaborate masonry and plantings of Marshcourt’s garden terraces and rooms. These alternately hide and disclose views of the Test River Valley, enticing one to adventure out into the larger landscape. ©James Ogilvy


While Marshcourt once comprised over 1,300 acres in the early twentieth century, our work addressed the 100 acres surrounding the estate house. Here, many diverse sites and conditions called for a range of approaches, from sensitive renewal to fresh invention.

Our first task was to understand what of the original had been lost and what remained. We turned to historic plans, ordnance surveys, and photographs (from the pages of Country Life 1913 and 1932). The decline of the original was evident. Beginning in the 1940s, when Johnson was forced to sell and the property became the home of the Marshcourt Preparatory School, drives were widened, masonry components removed, perennial beds abandoned, and yew hedges either not maintained or removed altogether. Loss continued after the property returned to private ownership in the 1990s, with the flattening of the chalk embankments that structured the drive and the removal of native meadow and woodland to establish expansive lawns for easier maintenance.

Research into the historic record as well as documentation found on-site revealed what had been lost. But it also illuminated what was unique about the bones of the original design — the relationships Lutyens intended between the site he found and the site he designed. Surveys, which date back to 1897, reveal rural features that existed – an agrarian pattern of fields defined by hedgerows and embankments, the Marshcourt Copse (an ancient woodland) and a chalk pit (a small quarry). A survey of 1912 documents Lutyens’ scheme, specifically the monumental earthwork that shaped a dramatic spatial sequence ascending the hill through deep cuts in the chalk, to then arrive at elaborate terraced gardens that extend from the hillside around the house. Here, Lutyens and Jekyll crafted a series of experiences ranging from enclosed rooms of intensive planting to open platforms with views over the river valley. Above all, the design for the house, gardens, and grounds emphasized the genius loci, a goal which he and Jekyll pursued everywhere they worked.


Based on our research and conversation with the client, we established that where we found sufficient evidence to restore the original condition, we would do so. When evidence was insufficient, we would rehabilitate to accommodate new programs appropriate to a home for a large family. Restoration focused, first, on the estate drive and, second, a system of yew hedges enclosing garden rooms at the main house.


The estate drive is an artery through the entire property that choreographs the unforgettable experience of procession and arrival. Here Lutyens’ fabric had been particularly compromised. Steep, precise embankments on both the front and back drives had been smoothed, understory cleared, meadows replaced with lawn, and hedges removed. Rebuilding the original tectonic relationships we had inferred from the historic record, we proceeded carefully and found geometric relationships and alignments not found in the historic record. Based on these, the drive was re-aligned and narrowed; the square and circular “turning courts” re-figured; the embankments and yew hedges re-instated; an oak canopy and holly, hawthorne, and hornbeam understory replanted; and Marshcourt’s native chalk meadow either allowed to reemerge where extant or seeded where not.


The house itself is a vast white building constructed of chalk with flint, limestone, and brick tile inlay. Its mass rests on an elevated plinth established through dramatic terracing of the hillside. To respond to the steep conditions, Lutyens utilized a rectilinear system of masonry walls and embankments that extend from the house and structure a sequence of garden rooms. The entire masonry architecture of the gardens has been restored. Where masonry wall and balustrades ended, a precisely regulated series of yew hedges completed the geometric figure of the garden rooms.

Much of the hedging had either been removed or had overgrown their intended dimensions by feet. Research had revealed specific intended relationships between the dimensions of the hedging and the articulation of the paving and masonry. For example, centerlines of hedge were set on centerlines of brick pads; tops of hedges were set to align with flint bands of the house or garden walls. To re-establish these intended relationships between hedges and house and garden architecture, we planted hundreds of yews.


Although the house and estate design is attributable to Lutyens, archival evidence


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