Germany Taumascopio Prism device
设计团队:Mattia Paco Rizzi
该项目位于德国波罗的海附近的一个小镇Zingst的中心位置,它是一个永久性的立体镜面装置。该装置包含多个棱角和外立面,镜面的设计使得空间与空间似乎相互交错,让人们仿佛进入了一片虚幻世界。该项目是一次当下景观与艺术的结合,被命名为Taumascopio。它是由来法国和意大利设计师组成的Mattia Paco Rizzi团队完成的。该项目将人们的日常生活与城市联系在一起,人们站在棱镜前面,虚幻多样化的自己让他们进入自己的理想世界,同时也能够更好的认识自己。该装置对于孩子们来说不仅仅是一个娱乐工具,对成人来说也是一个用来静思的空间。人们喜欢在这里拍照然后带回家,看着棱镜里多个自己,应该是一个非常有趣的事情。它的里面其实是一个阁楼一样的小房间,无论是装饰和布局让人们似乎以为自己是在舰船或者是飞机上,反映了该团队高超的设计手段,无可挑剔。
The center of the German Baltic town Zingst, received a new and permanent dimension, a space in space and a way out of reality’s forms and perspectives.The architectural-artistic pavilion TAUMASCOPIO of the Italian / French Architect Mattia Paco Rizzi links the daily life in the street to something from another world.People enter the artwork and change for a moment their view and knowledge of reality. Like that TAUMASCOPIO does not only offer to be a playful tool for children but takes adults in a space of meditation.The work is the perfect room to stop for a moment or take photos to bring home.Sometimes the work almost seems to be dropped from outta space while the inside’s aesthetic in its perfection and beauty reminds of the high-quality design only used in boat and airplane construction.