Divided into seven intertwined moments, which are also distinct spaces, the garden defines key episodes within the property that are characterised by topographic conditions, sun and wind exposure, and vegetation complexity. Every moment is also a specific place, intimately connected to the surrounding landscape through views or trails.
▼景观设计概览,overview of the landscape design
▼紧邻住宅周边的是一片将入口地面与较低的梯田区域连接起来的茂密斜坡花园,the immediate surroundings of the house are defined by a sloping shade garden that connects the entrance floor to the lower terraced areas
▼草木茂盛的梯田区域,lower terraced areas with lush vegetation
The immediate surroundings of the house are defined by a sloping shade garden that connects the entrance floor to the lower terraced areas. The second moment is a secret bamboo passage which tricks the wandering visitor into a play of light at the end of the leafy axis with the sound of water coming from a trickling rock fountain. The third is a Mediterranean perennial and shrub border which ties together a long black wall on the edge of the property to the lower realm via a gentle grassy ramp.
▼竹林小径入口区域,entrance of the secret bamboo passage
▼一条神秘的竹林小径利用从岩石喷泉中涌出的细流所发出的潺潺水声引诱漫步的游客深入到树林阴翳、光影斑驳的道路尽头,a secret bamboo passage which tricks the wandering visitor into a play of light at the end of the leafy axis with the sound of water coming from a trickling rock fountain
▼植物与灌木形成的边界,借助缓坡草地将场地边缘一面长长的深色墙面与低洼位置的区域连接起来,perennial and shrub ties together a long black wall on the edge of the property to the lower realm via a gentle grassy ramp
The fourth moment is celebrated by an ample mixed edge of herbaceous and low maintenance flowering perennials that respond to seasonal changes. The fifth moment is dedicated to the cultivation of fruit trees on a spontaneous meadow surface, on terraced slopes that once were part of an extended vineyard. The sixth moment is one of leisurely pleasure and takes place under a freestanding pergola, planted with scented jasmine and wisteria – a shady retreat next to the swimming pool. The seventh moment is dedicated to slowness and the contemplation of a specific view of the lake and mountains in the distance. Time here is protagonistand only by reaching this spot at the end of a path one may find a reason to pause and, perhaps, meditate.
▼场地内混合种植了大量草本植物和四季变化不同,不需要格外照料的多年生开花植被,site is celebrated by an ample mixed edge of herbaceous and low maintenance flowering perennials that respond to seasonal changes
▼可以眺望欣赏远处山光湖景的区域,space is dedicated to the contemplation of a specific view of the lake and mountains in the distance
The project introduces a new concept of ‘domesticated wilderness’ to the region, traditionally characterised by static gardens that have stood for decades indecisively between the picturesque Alpine territory and the exotic Mediterranean landscape. In order to break with the repetition of this postcard-like pattern, the landscape project for this site introduces a selected mix of native and non-native shrubs and grasses, which manage to anchor the architectural volume to the sloping terrain. The result is a blending of vegetation and topography that allows for a complex inhabitation of the garden and a more dynamic perception of the surrounding landscape.
▼建筑体量锚固在倾斜的地形上,植被与地形相融合,architectural volume is anchored to the sloping terrain, vegetation and topography are blending together
GARDEN OF SEVEN MOMENTS Ticino, Switzerland Project Information Location: Lugano, Switzerland Date: 2013-15 Architect: Panzeri and Partners Client: Clienti privati Construction cost: 500’000 CHF Project Area: 3.000 mq