发布时间:2020-04-27 18:08:54 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目是为Orchard Manufacturing保健品公司设计的生产车间,旨在为员工带来愉悦而健康的工作环境。

Orchard Manufacturing offers a new approach to factory design, one which creates a happy and healthy workplace inspired by nature.

▼项目概览,overall view ©Tatjana Plitt

设计受到来自艺术家Friedensreich Hundertwasser的概念启发,将周围的自然环境融入到室内设计和既有的仓库外壳当中,为生产设施赋予了独特的观感。内部空间融合了本土植物的螺旋形态,通过色彩和纹理表达出自然景观的内涵。这些元素被融入室内的各个角落,包括不同材料的饰面和自然起伏的地面。

Inspired by the ideology of artist and activist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, this new production facility is different. It takes the spirit of the surrounding natural world and weaves it through the interior of an existing warehouse shell. Harnessing the vegetative spirals of Hundertwasser, the spirit of the landscape – expressed through colour and texture – is encouraged to flow from the nearby indigenous reserve into the interior of the production facility. These elements ebb and flow around the interior, informing the selection of finishes and materials and even inspiring naturally undulating floors.

▼设计概念,concept ©BENT Architecture


This design is a paradigm-shifting approach to the design of production facilities; the creation of a new type of workplace. Traditionally, the arrangement of a production plant is subservient only to the needs of the manufacturing process with little care for the human experience. This new approach recognises the needs of workers and the potential to embody the identity of a company.

▼自然元素被融入到室内设计和既有的仓库外壳当中 the landscape flows into the site and into the building’s interior ©Tatjana Plitt


▼楼梯,stairs ©Tatjana Plitt

Colourful linework extending from the adjacent nature reserve and culminating in a giant mural in the heart of the production area draws staff and visitors alike through the interior on a journey to a new type of workplace. Native Australian Hardwoods and textured surfaces flow from the landscape into the interior, brought to life through touch and natural light.

▼从二层俯瞰车间,overlook from the upper floor ©Tatjana Plitt

▼从首层望向生产空间 view to the production area from the ground floor ©Tatjana Plitt

▼二层空间,upper floor ©Tatjana Plitt

▼流动的元素,the flowing elements ©Tatjana Plitt


Where you would expect only concrete and steel, hard and cold surfaces, there’s also timber, textural tiles, colour, and undulating floors. Most importantly, there is spatial layering, with generous windows and walkway connections both physically and visually connecting disparate parts of the building and connecting all employees, irrespective of their role within the company.

▼宽阔的窗户和连接性的走道串联了工厂的各个空间 generous windows and walkway connections both physically and visually connect disparate parts of the building ©Tatjana Plitt

▼二层走道,walkway on the upper floor ©Tatjana Plitt

▼走道细节,detailed views ©Tatjana Plitt


Large windows within the walls of the production areas create visual connections to other parts of the facility and allow natural light to filter through from roof lights in the warehouse. Of course, this reduces the need for artificial lighting, but importantly gives employees (particularly shift workers) a connection to the natural rhythms of day and night, improving the health and well-being of staff.

▼大尺寸的窗户建立了视觉上的联系 large windows create visual connections to other parts of the facility ©Tatjana Plitt


Our material selection was based on renewable and/or recyclable priorities. We used Australian FSC-certified hardwoods throughout the design because it’s renewable and has a low-carbon footprint.

▼茶水间,breaking room ©Tatjana Plitt

▼木质墙面细节,wooden surface detailed view ©Tatjana Plitt


Meeting rooms overlook the factory floor and production staff can see (and wave to) visitors entering below. The result is a site-responsive and engaging workplace which allows productivity and human experience to co-exist; a production facility that reflects the natural ethos of the company and a healthy and engaging workplace for all.

▼会议室,view from the meeting room ©Tatjana Plitt

▼会议室内部视角,meeting room interior view ©Tatjana Plitt

▼空间细部,interior view ©Tatjana Plitt

▼楼梯,stairs ©Tatjana Plitt

▼场地平面图,site plan ©BENT Architecture

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©BENT Architecture

▼二层平面图,first floor plan  ©BENT Architecture

▼剖面图,sections ©BENT Architecture


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