发布时间:2019-04-10 09:58:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
利用白色金属结构在原有空间中打造 10 个不同高度的水平结构,满足日常需求,同时实现私密与公共空间的灵活转换。


In its original state was an open loft located in the centre of Madrid, built in the late XX century. The structure is load-bearing walls and a structure of wooden pillars and a horizontal structure made by Catalan vault system.

▼居住空间概览,具有加泰罗尼亚拱顶天花板,interior view of the house with a Catalan vault ceiling system


▼居住空间轴测图,the axon of the house

The project consists in building a house inside of a house, which means that it is more similar to the process of building a single-family house than an interior rehabilitation. This is because it has its own structure, enclosures, and installations.

▼居住空间局部,通过白色金属框架结构在现有的居住空间中再建造一个小房子,partial interior view of the house, building a house inside of a house by a white metallic structure


The concept of the project was to generate 10 horizontal structures in different heights embracing different functions -that meet the costumer’s needs- above and beneath them depending on its height. This is carried out by a metallic structure finished in white. This structure is sometimes resting on the floor and other times hanging from the ceiling and its in-between spaces are filled by wood or glass panels depending on the function they embrace. The same happens with the glass facades. The volume allows the development of different uses and scales offering both intimate and collective spaces. The different levels and heights work as furniture that change its use by the space they generate, being always linked by stairs or short corridors.

▼居住空间局部,白色金属结构一部分直接落地,其余部分则悬挂在天花板上,partial interior view of the house, the white metallic structure is sometimes resting on the floor and other times hanging from the ceiling

▼白色金属结构构建出的居住空间,10个位于不同高度的水平结构都有着自己的功能,the living space created by white metallic structure with 10 horizontal structures in different heights embracing different functions

▼白色金属结构下方的休息空间,the rest area under the white metallic structure

▼白色金属结构下方灵活的半开放空间和通向上层空间的木制楼梯,the flexible and half-open area under the white metallic structure and the wooden stairs leading up to the upper space


The costumer’s needs were a very extensive program in a spot of the house. This program should include a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, a second and bigger bathroom, and a flexible and half-open area that could, in the future, embrace another bedroom. Above the horizontal planes; another bedroom, and a studio/gallery with a full wall bookshelf. The privacy in the different areas of the house is handled by the opacity of the glass that enclose the in-between structure space, most of them are transparent, but some are turned translucent or opaque depending on the privacy necessity.

▼白色金属框架的上层空间,金属结构之间的空间由玻璃面板进行围合,the upper space of the metallic structure, in-between spaces of the metallic structure are filled by glass panels

▼白色金属框架上层的工作室兼画廊空间,设有一个占据了整个墙面的书架,the studio/gallery with a full wall bookshelf at the upper space of the metallic structure

▼夹层空间中的卧室,用木板和小面积的玻璃面板与其他空间隔开,the bedroom at the upper space of the metallic structure that embraced by wood and glass panels


Outside of the structure, the main bedroom connected to the biggest bathroom and with the option that both could be isolated from the rest of the house simply adding a door from floor to ceiling; the kitchen is linked to the dinning area and the living room. Next to the kitchen there is an office area and a bathroom for visits.

▼从金属结构的上层平台看一层的厨房、餐厅和起居室,viewing the kitchen, dining area and living room from the upper level of the metallic structure

▼一层空间中的起居室和休息空间,the living room and the rest area on the first floor

▼一层的厨房和餐厅空间,the kitchen and the dining area on the first floor

▼一层的厨房空间,the kitchen on the first floor

▼一层主卧空间,与最大的浴室相连,the main bedroom connected to the biggest bathroom


According to the materiality, we can distinguish five elements; The perimetric load-bearing wall made of clinker bricks and painted in white; The existent pinewood that constitutes the major part of the flooring and some of the enclosures of the project; The white metallic structure; The different glass surfaces and its opacity degree; and the waxed concrete, that generates a continuous surface with no joints in the humid surfaces like the kitchen floor, the bathroom floor, the sinks or the bathtub.

▼浴室空间,地板、洗手池和浴缸等潮湿地带采用覆有蜡质覆层的混凝土表面,the bathroom with the waxed concrete surface at the floor, sinks and the bathtub


Our purpose was to use the thinnest structure possible so we opted for a metallic system with an 8x8cm section, which its interior is used to contain the installations. The rest of the materials were chosen in order to mimic themselves with the wooden and existent floors and the white walls.

▼白色金属结构细节(左、中),室内楼梯细节(右),details of the metallic system (left, middle), details of the interior stairs with wooden veneers (right)

▼一层平面图,1F plan

▼一层夹层平面图,1F mezzanine plan

▼剖面图01,section 01

▼剖面图02,section 02

Project: JHouse

Year: 2018

Project Manager: Miguel Crespo Picot, Javier Guzmán Benito, Sixto Martín Martínez ZOOCO ESTUDIO

Collaborators: Jorge Alonso, Teresa Castillo y María Larriba.

Photographer: Imagen Subliminal


Ilumination: ZOOCO ESTUDIO



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