发布时间:2019-01-21 01:29:03 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Raymond Jungles, Inc. :该项目被命名为Ventañade laMontañaGarden,以响应该地区的指挥远景和遥远的地标,包括Cerro de las Mitras(米特雷山脉)。当雷蒙德参与这个项目时,主要土方和建筑计划已经完成。花园的影响需要赞扬建筑的宏伟规模。客户希望他们的财产融入山坡上的植被。该网站毗邻Chipinque国家公园,这是一个美丽而不受干扰的森林,俯瞰着蒙特雷市中心。雷蒙德研究了现有植物材料的语言,这是山茱萸,红芽和活橡树的“德克萨斯调色板” – 他在中西部时期与小孩一起长大的许多树木。多年前,客户的父亲开始培育本地树木,他知道他的儿子最终会为自己建造一个房子,并需要他父亲为他种植的树木。现场有95%的树木来自苗圃。他还访问了当地的苗圃,创建了植物名称植物名单,因为植物名称因城市的不同而不同。

Raymond Jungles, Inc. :The project was named Ventaña de la Montaña Garden in response to the site’s commanding vistas and distant landmarks including Cerro de las Mitras (Mountain of the Mitres). When Raymond was engaged in the project, the major earthwork and architectural plans were complete. The impact of the garden needed to compliment the architecture’s grand scale. The clients wanted their property to blend in with the vegetation on the mountainside. The site is adjacent to Chipinque National Park, a beautiful, undisturbed forest overlooking downtown Monterrey. Raymond studied the language of existing plant material, a “Texas palette” of dogwoods, red buds and live oaks—many trees he grew up with as a child in the Midwest. Years ago, the client’s father started a nursery of native trees, knowing that his son would eventually build a home for himself and would need the trees that his father had lovingly grown for him. 95% of the trees on-site were sourced from the nursery. He also visited local nurseries a created a plant list with botanical names for the plants because the common names varied from one part of the city to the other.


On the initial visit, Raymond looked at other interesting projects in the area, including the clients’ relatives’ homes to start a dialogue about indigenous stone materials and applications. A significant part of the mountain had been cut away during construction and was coated in concrete to prevent erosion. A decision was made to stain the exposed concrete for a more natural appearance. An elevated planter with tall, native trees was designed to mask the utilitarian, reconstructed face of the mountain and reduce the impact of its presence in the garden.

The driveway down to the site from the entrance gate was built as a concrete bridge, running alongside the slope of the mountain. Raymond detailed the planting and incorporated linear planters to evoke a sense of driving on natural grade, not on a bridge.

游泳池旁的一个大草坪区域旨在适应户外娱乐。在游泳池区域以外的夏季厨房有一个微妙的过渡,哥伦比亚雕塑家雨果·萨帕塔(Hugo Zapata)揭露了大石头的本质,并将其变成了座位元素。

A large lawn area by the pool was designed to accommodate outdoor entertaining. There is a subtle transition to the summer kitchen set beyond the pool area, where Colombian sculptor Hugo Zapata unmasked the essence of a large rock, making it into a seating element.

完成时间: 2014年 地点:墨西哥蒙特雷 摄影:斯蒂芬·邓恩

Completed: 2014 Location: Monterrey, Mexico Photography: Stephen Dunn


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