发布时间:2019-07-03 06:33:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Jacques Ferrier Architecture


Sensual City Studio

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Jacques Ferrier Architecture


Sensual City Studio

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以巴黎、里斯本和上海为实践地的Jacques Ferrier事务所与Sensual City Studio合作将上海徐家汇的一座旧建筑变成了城市中的新地标。不同于寻常的“办公室加停车场”,该项目为重新探讨其周边城区的环境创造了契机。

Paris, Lisbon and Shanghai-based practices Jacques Ferrier Architecture and Sensual City Studio have turned what could have been an ordinary ‘office plus car park’ into an opportunity to radically reassess the surrounding urban district of Xujiahui in Shanghai.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


A radical reimagining of a densely urban site on Shanghai busiest intersection.The project features elevated planted pedestrian walkways above the street. An ‘urban oasis’ from which to observe the dynamic scene below. The resulting structure, on the site of a former hotel, combines office, civic, commercial and cultural space with green ribbons of public walkways, connecting the streets and buildings of China’s busiest intersection with peaceful arteries from which to escape the tumult.

▼繁忙十字路口上空的“城市绿洲”,an urban oasis above Shanghai’s busiest intersection

设计探索了如何通过建筑来激活更广泛的城市环境,将人行道和桥梁建立在交通枢纽上方,使其成为建筑的一部分延伸,并以此更新了当地的基础设施。在经过大量分析研究之后,Jacques Ferrier事务所的创始人Jacques Ferrier和Sensual City Studio的联合创始人Pauline Marchetti确定了在十字路口上方设立相互连通的人行步道的必要性,并将其与大厦的停车场进行整合。

The design explored ways in which the project could become a generous catalyst for the wider environment, building pedestrian connections, walkways and bridges above the transport interchange as an extension of the building; in doing so, renewing the local infrastructure. Through extensive analysis, Jacques Ferrier, founder of Jacques Ferrier Architecture, and Pauline Marchetti, co-founder of Sensual City Studio, identified the need for enhanced pedestrian connectivity at the intersection and incorporated this into the building’s car park. The radical intervention creates raised and planted walkways which lift pedestrians eight metres above the crossroads to provide more logical and enjoyable connectivity between city landmarks such as the church and the park.

▼人行道和桥梁成为建筑的延伸,pedestrian connections, walkways and bridges function as an extension of the building

大厦包含两层地下商业空间,其中一层通过走廊空间与Metro City商场相连。大厦的1层和2层包含数百平方米的社区空间。3-7层是公共停车场,以连续的螺旋形态展开,为该区域的企业和办公人员提供服务。8层和9层是共享办公空间,围绕着一个宽阔的花园分布,此外还包含游客接待中心、餐厅、会议室、礼堂和休闲聚会空间等。10至15层提供高效且人性化的办公空间。顶部的两个楼层是文化中心的所在地,看上去如同“漂浮”在城区的天际线上空。

▼北立面图,north elevation

The project includes two levels of commercial space underground, one of which is connected to the Metro City building by an underground gallery. Floors 1 and 2 house several hundred square meters of community spaces. Floors 3 to 7 house the public car park, which unfolds in the form of a continuous spiral, serving the offices and businesses of the district. The 8th and 9th floors are shared office space arranged around a large raised garden, and house a reception for visitors, cafeteria, meeting rooms, auditorium and spaces for relaxation and conviviality. Levels 10 to 15 have been developed as efficient and user-friendly office floors. The top two floors are home to the cultural centre, space that seemingly “floats” on the skyline of the district.

▼公共停车场连续的螺旋形态展开,the public car park which unfolds in the form of a continuous spiral

▼街道近景,a close view from the street


As a piece of architecture, T20 expresses the movement and dynamism inherent in the site: its circulation and activation through human use, across the bridges that connect to the city and at ground and first floor level where public facilities and shops are located. The car park becomes a lush urban oasis for the city, with the insertion of an extraordinary “hanging garden” that is visible from key public spaces.

▼建筑对整个区域起到了激活作用, T20 expresses the movement and dynamism inherent in the site

▼停车场的绿化使其成为城市中的葱郁绿洲,the car park becomes a lush urban oasis for the city


This combined approach by Jacques Ferrier Architecture and Sensual City Studio has brought nature into even this most densely populated area, through suspended gardens and plantings throughout the scheme which will help to counteract some of the inevitable pollution in the area. Balancing dynamic movement and respite, the building reintroduces therapeutic nature into the urban condition by offering a garden to the city in this intriguing layered approach to city architecture.


▼场地平面图,site plan

▼平面图,floor plans

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼东立面图,east elevation

▼剖面图A-A,section A-A

Location: Shanghai [China]

Architects: Jacques Ferrier Architecture (JFA) with Sensual City Studio (SCS)

Client: Shanghai Xujiahui Commercial Real Estate Development Co, Ltd.

Completion: 2019

Area: 215,000 square feet (20,000 square meters)

Use: Commercial


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