发布时间:2023-06-20 15:03:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

The Foundry办公空间的落成为世界建筑可持续发展领域树立了新的标杆,项目将领先技术和绿色设计结合在一起,创造出符合最高可持续性标准的尖端工作环境,以创新的形式与细致而深刻的人性化理念为使用者提供了高品质的办公场所。项目的设计灵感来自相邻的机车车间,其狭长的中央天窗与高耸的屋脊唤起了人们对于这座工业建筑内部生产空间的回忆。

The Foundry is setting a new benchmark for world-class sustainable developments, bringing together leading technology and green design to create a cutting-edge work environment that meets the highest sustainability standards and delivers a leading destination for innovation in a refined and deeply human architecture. The design of The Foundry has been inspired by the adjacent Locomotive Workshop with its long and narrow bays, evocative of the industrial production areas within.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould


The Foundry was designed around a pair of seven meter wide linear atria connected via a large central gathering space at its heart. This dramatic central space forms the social focus off the building, allowing a direct visual and physical relationship to the Locomotive Workshop immediately opposite. The floor plates within act as a series of permeable platforms serviced by expressed steel framed glass lift banks. Lateral bridge links provide logical, clearly articulated circulation paths within the workplace.

▼室内空间围绕一对7米宽的线性中庭设计,the Foundry was designed around a pair of seven meter wide linear atria © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

建筑体量沿South Eveleigh区的北部边缘延伸,正对面坐落着传统的机车车间。底层的沿街零售空间为街区做出了强而有力的贡献,方便了当地居们的生活。建筑共设有两个入口,其中一处入口面向建筑北侧的Locomotive街道,另一处入口则连接了坐落于中央大道的公民广场,并正对着本项目的姊妹楼Axle。建筑师将本项目设想为一座微型城市,以充满人性化的设计手法为建筑赋予了灵活多变、充满活力与自由的内部空间。

The Foundry runs along the northern edge of the South Eveleigh precinct, directly opposite the heritage Locomotive Workshop. It makes a strong civic contribution with retail activation along all primary edges. There are two entry points into the building, one from the northern Locomotive Street and another from the civic square along Central Avenue, directly opposite its sister building; Axle. The Foundry is conceived as a miniature city, offering variation, vitality and choice in a refined and deeply human architecture.

▼中庭全貌,overall of the atria © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

▼底层社交区域鸟瞰, aerial view of the social area on the ground floor © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould


The design of The Foundry has been inspired by the Locomotive Workshop with its long and narrow bays, evocative industrial production areas. The Its steel framed structure was created with more that 9,000 tonnes of steel. The exposed steel is evocative of the adjacent heritage building, and has been celebrated throughout the building’s interior. 8,900 sqm floor plates are conceived as a series of open and permeable platforms serviced by dedicated and expressed steel framed, glass lift banks. Lateral bridge links provide logical, clearly articulated circulation paths within the workplace. The structural steel to the atrium roof and bridge elements evoke the red tones of industrial red oxide primer.

▼朱红色的中庭屋顶结构和连桥结构,the structural steel to the atrium roof and bridge elements evoke the red tones of industrial red oxide primer © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

▼红色楼梯与围栏,staircase and handrail in red © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

狭长的中央天窗与高耸的屋脊揭示出建筑的内部规划,为内部中庭空间提供了线索。虽然办公空间被划分为不同的隔间,但屋顶在概念上将这些隔间连接在一起,形成一个统一的整体。除了可观的面积外,The Foundry办公空间整体都呈现出一种开放明亮的氛围,并彰显出人性化的空间尺度。为了确保办公空间的质量,建筑共采用了超过2000平方米的玻璃,辅以全高的中庭空间,以来自顶部的天光对室内光环境做出了补充。

Vaulted end bays of the roof reveal the internal planning of the building offering clues to the internal atrium spaces. Whilst the office accommodation is broken into bays, the roof conceptually ties these together into a singular whole. Despite its size, each part of The Foundry feels open, bright and human scaled. To ensure a high quality of workspace, full height atrium spaces have been provided to achieve natural light from above via over 2,000sqm of glazing.

▼由办公楼层看中庭与天窗,viewing the atria and bays from the office floor © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould


Given the depth of the site ’The Foundry’ was designed around a pair of seven metre wide linear atria with a large central gathering space at its heart. This dramatic central space forms the social focus at the main entry point of the building, allowing a direct visual and physical relationship to the Locomotive Workshop immediately opposite. This central space includes a large ‘lunch and learn’ stair, created from steel and timber which accommodates both formal and informal collaboration and events.

▼大型“午餐和学习”楼梯,the large ‘lunch and learn’ stair © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould


The building was designed to embody a next generation workplace, a vision for the future of co-working and collaboration, allowing the tenant to bring together tech innovators, entrepreneurs, educators and the community. An integrated technological overlay ensures interfaces for access, amenities and space optimisation are intuitive and adaptable for a changing context. The fit out and furniture selections provide a consistent though subtle thread via a shared blonde palette across a wide range of forms. Tiling in mid-grey green is echoed in other finishes. Again this colour incursion is subtle and elegant. Colour is delivered most boldly through the well-curated art collection that appears natural to the space and scale of the building. There is no point where the tenancy works and the building architecture are at odds. An ever-present hum of activity swells within the greater structure.

▼丰富的空间形式与统一的室内风格,rich space form and unified interior style © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

The Foundry办公空间为世界建筑可持续发展领域树立了新的标杆,项目将领先技术和绿色设计结合在一起,创造出符合最高可持续性标准的尖端工作环境,并为当地创造出一处行业领先的创新目的地。作为澳大利亚最大的商业建筑之一,项目采用预制钢结构,这意味着大部分的建筑构件是在场外建造的。这种独特的预制设计和钢框架创造了显著的建筑可持续性效率,并使其获得了GreenStar Design & As-Built v1.1认证的6星评级。

The Foundry sets a new benchmark for world-class sustainable developments, bringing together leading technology and green design to create a cutting-edge work environment that meets the highest sustainability standards and delivers a leading destination for innovation. As one of Australia’s largest commercial buildings it was prefabricated from structural steel, ensuring that as much of the building was built offsite. This unique prefabricated design and steel frame creates significant construction and sustainability efficiencies and adheres to the evolution of the GreenStar Design & As-Built v1.1.

▼底层零售区域,retail area on the ground floor © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould


The Foundry contributes to the creation of an activated public realm for the local community with retail, artwork, and amenities. Social sustainability is also at the forefront, with community engagement and outreach supporting not-for-profit projects within the area. The Foundry achieved a 6 Star GreenStar Design rating and is on track to achieve 6 Star GreenStar AsBuilt, 5 Star NABERS Energy, and 4 Star NABERS Water Rating.

▼建筑外观,exterior view of the building © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

▼立面细部,details of the facade © Steve Brown: Brett Boardman: Kitti Gould

▼总平面图,master plan © fjcstudio

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © fjcstudio

▼一层平面图,level 01 plan © fjcstudio

▼立面图,elevations © fjcstudio

▼剖面图,section © fjcstudio

Photography: Steve

Brown: Brett

Boardman: Kitti Gould

Completion date:2020

Building levels:8 Architects in collaboration with Sissons – Architects in Association to DA. Also with Davenport Campbell – Interior Designers:fjcstudio
 Mirvac Constructions – Builder. Mirvac Projects – Developer:Mirvac Design Electrical Consultant. ESD Consultant, Mechanical, Hydraulic Consultant, Lift,:ARUP Landscape Architect:ASPECT Studios Accessibility:Morris Goding Access Consulting Façade:Surface Design Consulting


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