发布时间:2018-03-29 13:36:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}




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如何通过沉浸体验,引人入胜,立竿见影的方式向世人传递世界级足球装备所代表的技术、激情,乃至最重要的速度感?这就是耐克,这个顶尖品牌在2017年向“协调亚洲”提出的挑战,试图更好地向中国的粉丝传达这一权威品牌的出色表现。体验展厅由“协调亚洲”携手香港的媒体设计师Tobias Gremmler共同打造,为这一体育赛事打造一出真正独一无二的出色庆典。不仅如此,对于这个别致的多媒体装置,还希望给另一人留下深刻的印象:足球界的传奇人物克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,也将专程飞抵北京,亲临活动的开幕典礼。

How to convey the skill, passion and above all, speed that world-class football demands in a way that is immersive, engaging and instant? That was the challenge Nike presented to Coordination Asia in 2017 when the big-league sports label sought to communicate the authority and performance of its brand to Chinese fans. The experiential showcase saw Coordination Asia team up with Hong Kong-based Media Designer, Tobias Gremmler, for a truly unique celebration of the beautiful game. But for this particular multimedia installation there was someone else to impress, too: footballing legend Cristiano Ronaldo, who flew to Beijing especially for the event’s kick-off!

▼点击下方观看视频,click to watch the video

坐落于北京一个旧时的工业园区内——曾是首都的一个金属加工厂——空间展示结合了能让参观者亲自动手参与的互动元素、针对品牌知名度的宣传和耐克最近发布的“Mariah Flyknit Racer”运动鞋的展示。在确保活动在传统和社交媒体上得到双重展示的同时,整个空间展示不仅以吸引眼球的中央媒体装置为核心,同时在其两侧还有耐克精心准备,包含品牌新旧设计的产品宝库,让渴望分享的参观者们自拍留念。展览紧密结合了本次活动的主题——足球,展示空间里还铺有白色人工草坪,让人仿佛置身于战况激烈的绿茵场上。

Housed inside a raw, industrial venue – a former metal factory in the Chinese capital – the installation combined hands-on elements, brand education, and the product presentation of Nike’s recently released ‘Mariah Flyknit Racer’ shoe. Ensuring the spectacle’s continued resonance both in the pages of traditional press as well as social media, an eye-catching centerpiece alongside a treasure trove of Nike designs past and present made for memorable selfies that participants were eager to share. In a nod to the events theme – football – the space was carpeted with white artificial grass, evocative of a pitch.

▼吸引眼球的中央媒体装置,an eye-catching centerpiece


Walk-in installation ‘Speed Tunnel’ channeled the precision and agility that is central to the Nike brand via 1,680 meters of pre-programmed LED lightstrips. Their display was inspired by the power, expressiveness and astonishing speed of the guest of honor himself, Cristiano Ronaldo. Set against dynamic bronze streaks to convey velocity and vigor, the installation made for an eye-catching centerpiece.

▼装置“急速隧道”,walk-in installation ‘Speed Tunnel’

▼装置采用总长度为1680米的电脑编程LED灯带,walk-in installation channeled the precision and agility that is central to the Nike brand via 1,680 meters of pre-programmed LED lightstrips

进一步展现这位耐克明星的是围绕着品牌历史、发展和品牌标志的足球战靴设计:The Mercurial。以罗纳尔多为其灵感来源,自此球鞋问世以来,成为了比赛的改变者,打破专业球赛窠臼,更被赋予无限可能。从用料到重量,这双球鞋从1998年初登场以来,曾经历了一系列的改良,使其在球场上的表现更为优异。战靴在一个数字“七”形状的铜质底座上展示——“七号”是罗纳尔多在葡萄牙国家队的球衣号——给参观者近距离接触体坛历史上独具代表性人物的机会。与之相邻的是34个版本的战靴,服役于各个时期的代表作,这些展品也进一步见证了罗纳尔多非凡的运动生涯,和耐克品牌的卓越历史。

▼战靴在一个数字“七”形状的铜质底座上展示,the shoes are displayed on bronze pedestals shaped as a number seven

Further celebrating the Nike star was a surrounding exhibition profiling the history, development and design of the brand’s signature football boot: The Mercurial. With Ronaldo as its muse, the shoe is lauded as a game-changer that broke the mold for the professional game, and beyond. From its material to weight, the boot has undergone a series of refinements since its 1998 debut to enhance performance. Displayed on bronze pedestals shaped as a number seven – Ronaldo’s number in Portugal’s national team – the archive gave visitors the opportunity to get up close and personal with yet another icon of sporting history. Adjacent, a chronology of 34 editions of the iconic shoe further celebrated both Ronaldo’s remarkable career, and the Nike brand.

▼展示装置细部,detail of the pedestals




▼有泛光照明的室内足球场,a flood-lit indoor football pitch

Catering specifically to the target demographic – sports fans and media – a Customization Counter invited guests to create a bespoke shirt, complete with the Nike logo. As well as providing an in-situ highlight for attendees, the feature ensured the physical legacy of the Beijing spectacle, as well as the continuation of one of Nike’s core goal: performance, both on and off the field.

To convey the brand’s values even more directly, Coordination Asia’s vision incorporated a flood-lit indoor football pitch, which at kick-off, hosted a ‘Speed Challenge’ to test visitors’ agility and pace. Alongside, a dedicated coaching zone for the Beijing branch of Nike’s established NTC (Nike Training Club) provided a community element aimed at movement, wellness and health. The area’s grandstand seating facilitated participation at all levels, and made for a fittingly sports-focused setting for press conferences and brand presentations.

▼NTC看台座位能满足不同需求的设备要求,the area’s grandstand seating facilitated participation at all levels


In designing the Beijing space, Coordination Asia considered the unique qualities of Nike, tapping into its core brand values to craft an experience that would resonate with guests long after their visit. For the team, it was a pleasure to work with a brand as passionate about what they do as we are – including CR7, Cristiano Ronaldo, himself!



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