发布时间:2019-01-16 11:34:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼徐家大院环境肌理,buildings in the characteristic rural village of Xujiayuan

徐家大院办公综合服务建筑鸟瞰,aerial view of Xujia Courtyard – a group of office and service buildings


The south exterior wall uses cement bricks, directly painted white, retaining the brick joints without plastering. The other three sides of the exterior wall adopt the cheapest cement bricks commonly used in the village without painting.


The main building in the north is the “principal room”, with a two-floor, three-bay layout. Three Taobao offices are arranged on the first floor, and rural offices on the second floor. A half-bay space is added to the west side as the staircase, allowing one to enter the north side corridor on the second floor from the courtyard. Air-conditioning units are combined with the stairwell, hidden above the upper part of the staircase.

▼北边一栋主楼为办公使用的“正房”,the main building in the north is the “principal room” containing offices

西侧半个开间作为楼梯,从一层院子里可以进入二层北侧走廊,ahalf-bay space is added to the west side as the staircase, allowing one to enter the north side corridor on the second floor from the courtyard




西侧一栋五开间一层平房是作为村史馆的“西厢房”,It functions as the Village Historical Exhibition Hall.

On the south side there is a semi-exterior aisle. It acts as the corridor leading to the rear garden of the courtyard.

The other four-bay building houses the Village Historical Exhibition Hall.

The three-bay building on the south side of the compound is the Rural Communal Hall, which is similar to the “Daozuo” room of a courtyard.

On the east side , a building adjacent to the road is the “east guest room”. It is a small open public space.

The building is partially empty and functions as a public pavilion-gallery where the passers-by can rest.

It is equipped with a small processing room. It can thus be transformed into an outdoor service facility like a tea bar, a coffee shop and so on.

东侧紧邻道路一栋一层平房是“东厢房”,是一个局部透空的公共空间,做为路边可以休息的公共亭廊,the “east guest room” adjacent to the road is a partially empty opening public space and functions as a public pavilion-gallery


The building conducts three experiments on the structural forms.

The two-floor building to the north side uses brick-concrete structure, which is economical and practical. There is no frame column to interrupt the integrity of the interior wall.

The Village Historical Exhibition Hall on the west side uses traditional wooden structure to recreate the interior image of local traditional houses.

The Rural Communal Hall on the south side adopts steel structure, which eliminates the lower string of the triangular truss, thus making the space more concentrated during meeting or filming.

The pavilion-gallery on the east side uses wooden structure. The wooden pillars bear the weight, the wooden main beams are arranged on the ridge, and then the side beams are arranged before and after. Finally the wooden beams are evenly distributed in the middle.

The choice of the three structural forms means some kind of experiments in the countryside, like a model house for future reconstruction practice in the same region.

▼东边半亭廊木柱承重,在屋脊设置木主梁,前后设置边梁,中间均布细木梁,pavilion-gallery on the east side uses wooden structure,the wooden main beams are arranged on the ridge, and then the side beams are arranged before and after


The exterior appearance adopts an alternating arrangement of gray bricks and white wall, which reflects the characteristics of vernacular houses in Nanjing and Zhanjiang area. The front of the eaves is double-bricked. The side edge of the roof is aligned with the side walls, with only a half-brick overhanging. This detail is most commonly seen in the vernacular houses in Nanjing and Zhanjiang area. Its advantages include simple structure, reasonable function, easy maintenance, and the simplest construction method to achieve the purpose of keeping the wall weatherproof and durable.

▼外观采用了宁镇地区传统民居的青砖和白墙混杂交替布置的方法,the exterior appearance adopts an alternating arrangement of gray bricks and white wall

▼檐口处理正面出挑两级半砖,the front of the eaves is double-bricked

▼侧面山墙不出山,出挑半匹砖,the side edge of the roof is aligned with the side walls, with only a half-brick overhanging


The layout of the compound also considers reserving a ventilation corridor. The east side is opened halfway, and there are gaps on both the north side and the west side, creating better ventilation environment during the summer southward wind. The sunshine spacing is relatively abundant. The central yard is mostly paved with dark stone slabs, ended with gray bricks at the edges close to the houses. There are big trees and green landscape in the center of the courtyard.

大院预留通风廊道,东边打开一半,西边北边均留有豁口,the courtyard reserved a ventilation corridor with the east side opened halfway and gaps on both the north side and the west side


This group of buildings tries to build conforming to the original village fabrics. The general layout continued the spatial scale and the shape of the village, achieving a unity of scale between the old and the new. The façade also fully considers vernacular style with a certain degree of innovation, designed with the principle of “imitating the old but not copying”. In the ordinary villages of Jiangning area, this project looks for a mediation to connect the vernacular houses with the newly-built western-style dwellings in recent years, establishing a balance between the two, and finally forming a unity, integrated into a new round of characteristic rural construction.

▼总图布局延续原有村庄空间尺度与形,the general layout continued the spatial scale and the shape of the village

▼建筑夜景,night view

▼鸟瞰效果图,rendering of aerial view

▼剖透视,perspective section



项目名称: 南京市江宁区徐家大院


主创建筑师: 周凌


项目地址: 江苏省南京市江宁区徐家院村

项目设计&完成年份: 2017-2018

建筑面积(平方米): 608平方米



摄影师: 侯博文

Project name: Xujia Courtyard, Jiangning District, Nanjing

Architect’ Firm: Atelier Zhou Ling /School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University

Lead Architects: Zhou Ling

Design Team:Zhang Kangjun, Chen Sihan, Guo Qiangjing

Project location: Xujiayuan Village, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China

Design&Completion Year: 2017-2018

Gross Built Area (square meters): 608㎡

Building Structure: brick masonry structure, steel structure, wooden structure

Building Materials: gray brick, log, gray tile…

Photographer:Hou Bouwen



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