发布时间:2019-10-24 20:20:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

来自纽约的设计事务所Nomad Studio的最新装置作品——知识之树在2019年的Orticolario年度盛典中斩获了 “最受大众喜爱奖”和“特别提名奖”两个奖项。Orticolario年度盛典将景观建筑、园艺和艺术完美地结合在了一起,是欧洲最重要的活动之一,已于10月4日至6日在意大利科莫湖畔的Villa Erba举行。

New York, October 2019. Tree of Knowledge, the latest installation by New York´s design office Nomad Studio, has been awarded with both People’s Choice Award and a Special Mention at Orticolario 2019, one of the most relevant European events that fuses Landscape Architecture, Horticulture, and Art hosted from October 4 to 6 at Villa Erba on the shores of Lake Como, Italy.

▼装置外观,坐落在一片绿色的草坪上,exterior view of the installation that is located on a lawn

在“特别提名奖”的评选过程中,Orticolario年度盛典的创意性空间评审团(Jury of Creative Spaces)强调,“知识之树这个装置不仅本身就具有着强烈的视觉冲击力,还突出了其所在的场地环境,”同时,“不同寻常的材料也将该装置打造成为了一个独一无二的景观艺术作品。”实际上,不仅仅是评审团,前来参加活动的近30,000名游客也被知识之树的特质所吸引,通过投票使其荣登“最受大众喜爱奖”的宝座。

In the Special Mention, the Jury of Creative Spaces at Orticolario highlighted that the “high visual impact of the installation emphasizes the space around it,” and that “the use of unusual elements makes this installation a unique work.” The public, which this year was close to 30,000 visitors, was clearly captivated by these qualities as well, when they voted the installation to receive the People’s Choice Award.

▼装置外观,不仅本身就具有着强烈的视觉冲击力,更突出了其所在的场地环境,exterior view of the installation, the high visual impact of the installation emphasizes the space around it


Tree of Knowledge is an ephemeral installation that reflects upon the journeys that Humanity has accomplished and their impact on culture, with a focus from the plant’s perspective. The work poses a question: Do we know where our food is coming from?

“知识之树这个装置的灵感来源于人类因内在的好奇心和企业家精神而创造出的惊人历史。此前我们一直在以人类的身份探索世界,但这一次我们希望从另一个角度来思考我们的文化,而这个角度就是植物,因为在人类发展的整个历程中,植物早已渗透在生活的各个方面,如食物、药物、颜料、织物和香料等……”Nomad Studio的负责人Laura Santin和William Roberts这样说道。

“Tree of Knowledge is inspired by the amazing journeys throughout the planet that humanity has embarked upon lead by its intrinsic curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit. We have explored the world and returned to our points of origin with ‘pieces’ of other cultures. One of those pieces is the plants that those cultures have domesticated throughout their history in the form of food, medicines, pigments, fabrics, mystical ingredients,…” in the words of Laura Santin and William Roberts, directors of Nomad Studio.

▼装置外观近景,旁边草地上的木桩提供了座椅空间,close view of the installation, the timber piles provide seating area


Tree of Knowledge builds upon this reflection to bring to the forefront our present lack of interest in those journeys and their results, calling attention to this emptiness of knowledge and the disconnection of humankind with its natural environment. Are we currently living in an instantaneous culture that is affecting the intrinsic curiosity of humans? Is it relevant to understand these journeys from the plant’s perspective? Should we give attention to the mutual transformation between plants and cultures throughout history?

▼装置外观近景,close view of the installation


This reflection materializes as the Tree of Knowledge. An empty apple, referring to an empty Tree of Knowledge, has been placed on axis of a monumental avenue of lemons. The dominant and playful yellow carpet works as a magnet that invites visitors to engage in a joyful manner. Nevertheless, amongst the jubilant yellow, there is also a gesture to alert us as this is the color used to signify warning.

▼空心的苹果体量坐落在由柠檬铺就而成的黄色地毯上,the empty apple is placed on axis of a monumental avenue of lemons

▼由木材打造而成的巨大的空心苹果体量代表着被人们所忽视的知识,the empty apple referring to an empty Tree of Knowledge

▼空心的苹果体量细节,details of the empty apple


Tree of Knowledge confronts the visitors with the contradiction posed by the emptiness nested within the yellow plane, inviting them to take a personal journey towards the limits of their disconnection with the natural environment. What is our responsibility as top consumer in all ecosystems? Do we know where our food is coming from?

▼装置远景鸟瞰图,黄色的实心地面和空心的苹果体量在视觉上形成了鲜明的对比,distant bird-eye’s view of the installation that features contradiction posed by the emptiness nested within the yellow plane

TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. Data sheet. Event. Orticolario 2019 – Creative Spaces and Avant Gardening. Host. Orticolario is organized by S.O.G.E.O. S.r.l. Impresa Sociale, L.go Visconti4, 22012 Cernobbio (Co) Italy. Dates. 04th to 06th October 2019. Location. Exhibition Centre of Villa Erba overlooking Lake Como in Italy. Author. Nomad Studio. Lemon field. 140 m2 (4x35m). Apple maximum height. 3 m Lemon Supplier. MUGUI GROUP (Distributor Partner) Plywood Supplier. MADERA PINOSORIA, S.L. CNC Milling/Carpentry. Angel Perez Ebanistas, S.L. Main sponsors. nomad.studio, FLOR DECO, and MADERA PINOSORIA, S.L.


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