英文名称:New Zealand Forest lighting device
设计师:David Trubridge
该项目位于新西兰,是由著名设计师David Trubridge来完成的。它主要是一个灯光装置,照亮了整个红杉林,这也是新西兰第一个树林灯光装置。大型的木质灯光装置悬吊在树干上,与周边的树木融为一体,场地上一共有大概30个灯固定架。
每个灯架的直径与一棵大树 差不多,有一些有大约8英尺高,是由当地建造团队Trubridge来完成的。一旦灯架安装好以后,就会运往森林里,围绕着森林通行桥展开,为游客们照亮森林的途径。有一些灯光距离地面80英尺,其他的则围绕树干呈圆形展开,创造了一个动态活力的灯光展,吸引了越来越多的游客来到这里。位于树径的上方,与部分红杉齐高,不同形状的灯光装置将游客们带入了一片神话世界,创造了神奇的视觉体验。Trubridge团队所创建的森林灯光装置只是红木森林公园里的一小部分景观,还有更多的惊奇等着大家去发现。
To help make your nights a little bit brighter, New Zealand based designer David Trubridge and Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua have worked together to create Redwoods Nightlights, New Zealand’s first design-led tourism experience that features a suspended tree walk surrounded by 30 of Trubridge’s custom made light fixtures.
Each of the light fixtures included in the treewalk, some of which are over 8 feet tall, were first made in Trubridge’s workshop by him and his team.Once the light fixtures were complete they were then assembled and installed in the forest around the bridges making up the treewalk.Some of the lights were suspended over 80 feet above the ground, while others completely circle portions of the tree trunks, creating a dynamic light display for the entirety of the walk.Suspended above and around the treewalk, illuminating the path and creating a unique visual experience, Trubridge’s lights are only one part of the Redwoods Nightlights.