发布时间:2022-11-25 04:07:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The hotel was planned to cater for business demand, mainly from the agricultural sector, on a site in the old centre of the city where there are few transport links or tourist resources, and where vacant lots stand out like insects. The goal was also to use the hotel as an opportunity to increase the content and demand for tourism.In the southernmost part of the city, the train station had been gone for only 72 years, the railway line itself was closed after only 15 years of operation, and the local department stores’ had closed. There was the so-called “tenement buildings”, similar to the Glasgow style and Chicago school, which was constructed with tiling on this short glorious period.

▼沿街道看建筑,viewing the project from the street

作为一个低预算改造项目,设计的目标旨在为建筑打造既日常又美观的外观,改造后的酒店既不破坏建筑过去的辉煌,又不完全复刻过去的设计,也不追求任何绝对的答案。为了实现这一目标,设计团队说服了业主将停车场设置在酒店场地的后方,进而为建筑争取了扩建的可能,以创造出必要的楼层空间。为了增加扩建部分的独立性,设计团队在原建筑与扩建部分之间特意留出了一个“中间空间”,它既不是后巷也不是庭院,仅仅是一个缝隙空间。扩建部分楼层与原建筑楼层相互错开,进而创造出丰富的空间形式。当旅客们离开自己房间,马上就会感受到户外环境 —— 农场带来的自然气味,晨雾带来的朦胧幻觉;而当人们穿过缝隙空间,来到下一个建筑,又会深切感受到它的历史层次。空间组织虽然简单,却又给人以丰富的空间感受。

▼改造扩建前原貌,original state before renovation and extension

As this was a low-budget project, the aim was to create an ordinary, aesthetically pleasing appearance, without destroying the splendour of the past, without being too close to it, and without aiming for the absolute. In order to achieve this, we asked the client to acquire the car park at the back of the site and build an extension to provide the necessary floor space. In order to increase the independence of the building, we built the extension with an inbetween space, which is neither a back alley nor a courtyard, just a gap space, and we changed the height of each building and warped the whole shape of the building. When you leave your room you feel the outdoors, the smell of the farm, the illusion of the morning mist, and when you move to the next building you feel the layers of its history. The composition is a simple but give richness.

▼原建筑与扩建部分保持了紧密却相互独立的关系,the original building and the extension maintain a close but independent relationship

▼首层视角,closer view of the ground floors


The extension creates a small streetscape of four separate buildings with three facilities, a cheese factory of our design on the next site in order to enhance food education, and an existing restaurant further next to it. The indoor and outdoor finishes also embrace the contradiction between chaos, novelty, and sophistication, affinity.

▼主入口立面,facade of the main entrance

▼入口一侧的主要街道,main street leading to the entrance

▼改造后的原建筑部分立面,part of the facade of the original building after renovation



This is because the hotel is a space where people and objects from many different backgrounds come and go, and therefore it is necessary to create an open and unstable place of objects with many gaps inbetween spaces that can accept a variety of people and objects, rather than an absolute unity that requires the consistency of one architect for all objects placed in the space. This is because it was necessary to make it a place where people and objects can be accepted.

▼扩建体量,extension volume

▼波纹钢板立面,facade of corrugated steel

▼扩建体量底层延续了原建筑的拱廊形式,the ground floor of the extension continues the arcade form of the original building

▼扩建部分立面近景,closer view of the facade of the extension


The objects in each space are divided into three or more groups, each with the same size, texture and style, but with enough differences and contradictions between the groups to follow the current of the space. We thought that these differences and contradictions would become “clues”, “gaps” (inbetween space) that would make people and things feel comfortable and tense, so we left them as they were without unifying them.

▼建筑体量迎合了街道的弧度,the building volume caters to the curvature of the street

▼顶层扩建体量,roof top extension volume





the gap space between the extension and the original building


the gap spaces allow the outdoor environment to permeate the building


split-level settings create a rich spatial connection

▼缝隙空间中的楼梯,stairs in the gap space

1.The use of corrugated steel sheets, which can be found here and there in farmland in the suburbs, is a familiar material, but in the city (next to a tiled building) it gives a sense of novelty

2.In order to balance the imbalance between as independent and as one which the two buildings, the extension and the existing building, are perceived, the volume is long and narrow, parallel to the existing building as in others, but slightly bent along the street.

3.As with the existing building, it follows Sullivan’s tripartite composition, but the shaft and capital have a muted expression, as in the International Style, in contrast to the eloquent expression of the existing building, as in the Glasgow Style, Chicago School and medieval composition.

▼开放式走廊,open hallway


the equipment and pipeline are harmoniously integrated with the concrete structure

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircases

▼由室内看楼梯,viewing the staircase from interior

▼露台,terrace / balcony




▼公共餐厅,public dining area

▼大型木制家具与建筑结构的结合,the combination of large wooden furniture and building structure

▼由餐厅看接待台,viewing the reception desk from the dining area

▼插花工坊,flower art workshop

4.In contrast to the ornate skyline and relatively massive cityscape with its variety of ‘western’ buildings, including the existing brick tiled building, the extension building has a light but gentle and friendly shed roof form with no eaves, a seamless roof and walls.

5.In order to balance the streetscape with less morphological elements on a human scale, the extension follows the arch sequence at the plinth of the existing building, but in the extension building, the archs are made of a corrugated steel that does not follow the frame, and are expressed as a light presence with only symbols.

6.In contrast to the amber-coloured horizontal aluminium sash windows of the existing building (which contradict the overall composition of the building, which emphasises the vertical direction), the discontinuous wooden fittings of a homely size, are simply placed on the plain walls.

▼由等待/休闲区看花坊,viewing the workshop from the waiting area




7.The design and selection of materials, shapes and sizes (colours, shapes, combinations of ready-made products, etc.) are organised and classified so that the concrete frame, the large architectural wooden furniture and fittings, and the ready- made furniture all groups work together as independent melodies.

8.The equipment and pipes are arranged along the concrete frame rhythmically, and they are perceived as ambivalent presences and objects of the same group as the inorganic frames as well as the large wooden furniture.The objects are placed in a small gap between the existing structure and the new walls, ceilings, doors, so that they act as auxiliary lines that make the parts and objects appear to be separate.


▼扩建部分与原建筑中的客房,guest rooms in the extension volume and original building



In order to create this inbetween space, i.e. to ensure that the presence of any object in the existing space is not too strong or too weak, we have added and reduced the parts to the group of objects in the space that act as local minimum, local maximum and inflection points, as described above. As a result, a dynamic equilibrium continue in each space, and a space that is suitable for different purposes, such as dynamism, comfort and emptiness.

▼夜景,night views

这种以物体与空间之间的关系为主导的设计,创造出既富有包容性又具有戏剧化的矛盾性的空间氛围,致敬了建筑大师Adolf Loos的经典空间理论,以一种接地气的方式以及一种全新的视角审视了消费社会下的旅居空间,给普通生活带来精致的复杂性。

This kind of space, based on the relationship between objects, creates the comfort and effect of grouping through the repetition of exclusion and inclusion, as in the case of Adolf Loos’s space, and it could become a new perspective on space in a consumer society, as a kitsch space that gives a sophisticated complexity to ordinary life.

▼总平面图,site plan

▼1~3层平面图,ground floor to 3rd floor plan

▼4~5层平面图与剖面图,4th and top floor plan and section


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