发布时间:2014-09-16 00:32:13 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
传统大篷车与 circus wagon 主题的创新结合,充满爱与手工制作的设计。

New Zealand town of children




室内设计:Declan O’Neill


新西兰风景摄影师Declan O’Neill在第一个孙女降生时决定亲自设计儿童游戏房。受到一把家族里几代孩子玩过的椅子的启发,以及妻子Gill的支持,他开始头脑风暴,集思广益。他表示:“我不希望给孙女一些用塑料制成的,几年后就会散架的东西。”他在Houzz上看到一个用传统大篷车制作的游戏房照片后,立刻爱上了这个创意。


现在大篷车已经完成,很多人都希望Declan O’Neill可以建造更多的大篷车,这些来自新西兰内尔松的照片启发Declan开始经营自己的木匠公司:Heritage Wagons。Declan认为人们现在越来越希望看到由个人创造的,而不是由计算机控制制作工艺加工出来的东西。他们喜欢为下一代制作东西的想法,他们感赏富含爱心的手工制作的设计品。

译者: 蝈蝈

The moment his first grandchild was born, New Zealand landscape photographer Declan O’Neill decided to embark on a project that would provide fond family memories for years to come — he would build a child’s playhouse with a magical twist.Inspired by a chair that had been played with by the children in his family for generations, and supported by his wife, Gill, he began to brainstorm. “I wanted to give my granddaughter something that wasn’t made of plastic and may fall apart after a few years,” Declan says. He saw a photograph on Houzz of a playhouse in the form of a traditional caravan, and he “immediately fell in love with the idea of building one for her,” he says.

Having grown up in Ireland, he hoped the project would speak to his heritage, so working out how to create the roll top of a traditional caravan was a good starting point. He had no carpentry experience when he began, just a clear vision and a strong cause, but he soon discovered what a powerful source of knowledge the Internet could be.

“I had no idea how tricky it would be to create [5-foot-diameter] hoops from elm planks,” Declan says. “The Internet proved a lifesaver, as a simple Web search uncovered an assortment of men with sawdust-covered beards who knew exactly how to fashion hoops and share their knowledge.”

Another important element of his plan was that the caravan should last several generations, and Declan admits he was slightly obsessive about ensuring there was little chance of decay. “The roof is made from redwood. The high tannin content ensures that it withstands the ravages of time, weather and insects,” he says. The rest of the caravan is built from a mixture of totara, macrocarpa, redwood, elm and pine. All the timber is from local, sustainable forests.

He adds: “I was lucky to find a mill that stocked carefully chosen, seasoned local timbers that could also dress the wood to my specifications. You feel a sense of responsibility to make something special out of totara planks that have been seasoned for a quarter of a century.”The exterior of the wagon is tongue and groove redwood. The roof is caulked and secured with silicon bronze nails.

“I discovered a New Zealand company that manufactured beautiful silicon bronze nails with rose heads, which I used to secure the roof and walls,” Declan says. “Unfortunately, the nails are relatively soft, so hammering them into elm proved to be more demanding than I had imagined! The roof had to be painted with a total of eight coats of paint and varnish before being nailed, as I wanted the nailheads to glint in the sunlight and not be hidden by paint.”

The circus wagon theme of the caravan comes from a discovery by wife Gill. Scouring the charity shops for items to decorate the interiors with, she came home one day with a clown puppet and inadvertently influenced her husband to take a new twist in the design.“I suddenly realized we could have a lot of fun theming the caravan as a circus wagon,” Declan says. “I decided to paint the front door with a circus theme to tie it all together. Having spent so long on the carpentry, it was incredibly satisfying to decorate the outside and make it look beautiful.”

Indeed, these small discoveries create the magic found here. The teddy bear handles, for instance, were discovered on the bottom shelf of a hardware store and add to the playfulness of the exterior, along with the bell to ring.Now that the caravan is finished, Declan has been swamped by requests from people wanting him to build more, and so the photographer from Nelson, New Zealand, has started up his own carpentry firm, Heritage Wagons.“I think people are increasingly looking for something that has been made by a real person rather than a computer-controlled manufacturing process. They like the idea of something built to last generations,” he says. “They appreciate the personal aspect of it — the fact that it has been built by hand and made with love.”






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