发布时间:2019-07-16 22:28:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Triptyque:该 SEB 集团创建的概念学校 Sacré-Coeur,旨在以创新的教学方法预测教育的未来,专注于创业、合作和可持续发展等领域。它既是圣保罗的标志性建筑,也是好几代人永恒的记忆。近期,Triptyque Architecture 受委托拯救这个机构日渐颓靡的社会价值,并赋予它一个可适应当代需求的新形式。

Triptyque: The Concept School, created by the SEB Group, works with innovative teaching methods anticipating what should be the future of education, and focuses in areas such as entrepreneurship, cooperation and sustainability.Sacré-Coeur is an iconic building in São Paulo that has already developed several generations of people. Triptyque Architecture made a commitment to rescue this institution’s values and give it a new format suitable to the contemporary world’s needs.

这座历史建筑始建于 1930 年代,虽然周围社区环境复杂,但其设计精致,建筑主体和立面都曾被列为建筑地标,而且在 20 世纪 40 年代到 60 年代之间又扩建了一座附属建筑。

It is an historical building located in a residential neighborhood and a delicate work to deal with the 1930s construction and the façade listed as architectural landmark. Later came the enlargements: an annex was built between the 1940s and the 1960s.

这个项目的重要组成部分——外部区域,被改造成了一个植被繁茂的袖珍公园,宛若微风拂地,惊喜连连,充当了穿过 18000 平方米的地面和周围街区之间的连接元素。

An important focus is the external area, a large park filled with large trees and exuberant greenery, a breeze, a surprise that acts as a connecting element between the blocks sprayed through the 18.000 square meters ground.

材料 Materials


All new interventions, starting with the marquees, are made in high technology certified wood – CLT, experiencing experimental phase in Brazil –, what projects a conscious and innovative idea responsible to create the link between history and contemporaneity in civil engineering.


As an architectonic layout, the marquee that runs throughout the park interconnecting all blocks and linking the courts and the pool is designed in an organic shape to respect the existing greenery.


The wooden floor in the original building was recovered, maintained and expanded – there were taken into consideration scientific studies over the benefit of the interaction with this material which concern concentration, calm and higher levels of learning. The classrooms are conformed in a modular layout also attuned to the new ways of teaching.

标志性元素 Iconic elements

学校教堂被改造成了礼堂,在一个 40 米高的塔楼里被完整地保存下来,后续将用作展示平台。

The chapel was converted into an auditorium and in a 40 meters tall tower fully preserved to be used as an expositive platform.

▼平面图 Site Plan

▼模型轴测图 Axonometric drawing


客户:SEB 集团


地点:巴西 圣保罗 (Av Nove de Julho, 5520, jarardim Europa)

合作伙伴:Carolina Bueno,Greg Bousquet,Guillaume Sibaud, Olivier Raffaelli

总协调员:Mario Tavares

团队:Ana Castro, Bárbara Campelo, Gabriela dalSecco, Natasha Taylor, Weslley Karpor, William Campos

3D 图像:Wax Digital (Fred Meyer) 和 trityque (Thiago Bicas)

建筑面积:12.853 平方米

建成:2018 年 8 月

摄影:Frâncio de Holanda(现有建筑照片)| Fran Parente(新结构)项目管理:Berton Engenharia

电气、液压安装:GWIC Group

空调:GWIC Group

结构:GWIC Group

环境舒适度:GWIC Group

木质结构:CarpinteriaEstruturas de Madeira

照明项目:Estudio Carlos Fortes Luz + Design

景观工程:Studio Matter – Guil Blanche

更新报告:Vanessa Kraml Arquitetura | Restauro

建筑:Grupo Lock Engenharia

技术团队:Daniel Boer

Program: Retrofit– School building

Client: SEB Group

Architecture: Triptyque

Location: São Paulo, Brasil (Av Nove de Julho, 5520, Jardim Europa)Partners: Carolina Bueno, Greg Bousquet, Guillaume Sibaud, Olivier Raffaelli

General Coordinator: Mario Tavares

Team: Ana Castro, Bárbara Campelo, Gabriela dal Secco, Natasha Taylor, Weslley Karpor, William Campos.

3D Images: Wax Digital (Fred Meyer) and Triptyque (Thiago Bicas)Constructed area: 12.853m²

Conclusion: August/2018

Photographies: Frâncio de Holanda (pictures of the existing building) | Fran Parente (new structures)Project Management: Berton Engenharia

Electrical and Hydraulic Installations: GWIC Group

Air Conditioning: GWIC Group

Structure: GWIC Group

Environmental Comfort: GWIC Group

Wooding Structures: Carpinteria Estruturas de Madeira

Lightning Project: Estudio Carlos Fortes Luz + Design

Landscaping Project: Studio Matter – Guil Blanche

Restore Report: Vanessa Kraml Arquitetura | Restauro

Construction: Grupo Lock Engenharia

Technical team: Daniel Boer


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