NAINOA Interior的创始人Noa Santos从斯坦福大学建筑与商业专业毕业后,在一家高端住宅室内设计公司开始了自己的设计生涯,并在纽约市的精英阶层中留下了自己的印记。作为一名室内设计师,Noa Santos在设计领域拥有丰富的经验。
After graduating from Stanford University with a degree in architecture and business, Noa Santos, founder of NAINOA Interior, began her design career at a high-end residential Interior design firm and made her mark on New York City's elite. As an interior designer, Noa Santos has extensive experience in the field of design.
位于洛杉矶的Camino项目,延续了Noa Santos一贯的设计理念。引室外的绿植于室内,毫无疑问的成为起居室最令人瞩目的所在,为整个居住空间增添了清晰自然的氛围。同时,乳白色的空间给室内带来久违的亲和感,使人油然而生出家的归属感。别具一格的空间,在自然光线的勾勒下,构建出一幅岁月静好的美好生活景象。
Noa Santos created Camino in Los Angeles. A striking plant adds a clear, natural atmosphere to the home, standing tall and tough as if to remind the owner to always be like it. The interior milky white space also brings a sense of intimacy and belonging to the home. The whole space is unique. When the light shines into the room, it Outlines a beautiful life scene with quiet years.