该项目由国家住房基金研究所(INFONAVIT)与可持续发展中心(CIDS)共同发起,是一处位于图尔提特兰市Hogares Castera住宅区的公园。公园主结构为一个款15米,长200米的混凝土走廊,走廊上顺沿分布着各种各样的混凝土元素,元素采用了统一的色调,构成休闲空间。
The project, located in the Hogares Castera housing unit in the Municipality of Tultitlán, is an initiative made by INFONATIT and the CIDS (Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo Sostenible). It mainly consists of a 15m wide by 200m long concrete corridor, along which various elements built in concrete with integral color that make up recreation spaces are grouped together.
▼Tultitlán公园鸟瞰,主结构为长条形走廊,bird-view of the park in Tultitlán, whose main structure is a long corridor
▼公园轴测图,axonometric drawing of the park
The first of the elements is a set of 50x50cms cubes spread on the lineal corridor delimiting a meeting point. Succeeding, we find a multi-purpose triangular pavilion. More recreational elements complement the trajectory, such as: an element for civil events with a flagpole; a triangular-shaped walls game; a longitudinal element which functions as both a climbing device and a grandstand; a small circular platform; and a small platform that occupies part of the corridor’s surface and another of a garden attached to it. Surrounding the corridor is a wooded area with multipurpose courts, an outdoor gym and a series of children’s games are available.
▼公园入口处的混凝土方块,concrete blocks at the entrance
▼多功能三角亭,multi-purpose triangular pavilion
▼可进行游戏的三角墙,和可攀爬的几何体块,a triangular-shaped walls game; a longitudinal element which functions as climbing device
▼一部分铺设在走廊上,一部分延伸进花园里的走道,small platform that occupies part of the corridor’s surface and another of a garden attached to it
▼公园场地平面,site plan of the park
▼公园平面,plan of the park
Architectural Design: PRODUCTORA (Carlos Bedoya, Víctor Jaime, Wonne Ickx, Abel Perles)
Collaborators: Daniela Diaz, Natalia Echeverri, Alonso Sanchez, Diego Velazquez
Location: Unidad Habitacional Hogares Castera, Municipality of Tultitlán, State of Mexico
Typology: Public Infrastructure
Area: 9,800 m2
Client: INFONAVIT (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda)
Date: 2019
Photography: Erick Mendez