发布时间:2019-09-05 16:29:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
立体的混凝土结构中庭,结合自然光与空间宏伟感,以及由著名设计师 Iris van Herpen 和 Tord Boontje 打造的独特装饰元素。


▼项目整体外观,exterior ensemble

Naturalis is the national research institute for biodiversity dating from 1820 which was founded by King Willem I in Leiden, The Netherlands. The institute with a long and rich history experienced an exponential growth in the last decade which led to an urgent necessity to renovate. The number of visitors increased rapidly to 400.000 per year. The new future proof Naturalis brings the growing collection of 42 million objects together (top five in the world). Its new state of the art facilities accommodate more than two hundred researchers whose studies are at the center of attention, contributing solutions to global issues including climate change, the decline of biodiversity on earth, food supply and water quality. The Naturalis facilities and the collection enable to contribute solutions at the highest level. At the same time the new museum offers the chance to show the public the wealth and beauty of nature.

▼博物馆外观,museum exterior view

▼立面细部,facade detailed view

▼公园视角,view from the surrounding pool


The institute’s new design forms a sustainable ensemble of existing buildings and new-build, with each activity housed in a specific form. The central atrium connects the various parts of the institute: the existing offices and depots with the newly built museum and laboratories. The design of the atrium consists of a three-dimensional concrete structure in the form of interlocking molecules as a lace of ovals, triangles and hexagons. The filtered light that enters through the circular windows as a ‘glass crown’ where scientists, staff, students and families meet, reinforcing the monumentality of the space.

▼中庭空间概览,atrium overview

▼从室内看“玻璃王冠”,interior ‘glass crown’

▼“玻璃王冠”夜间外观,exterior view of ‘glass crown’ by night

餐厅、商店和展厅等公共区域位于首层,街道上的行人可以从外面看到研究人员对冲上岸的鲸鱼进行检查。连接各层展厅的主楼梯创造出类似于山道的交通路径,其宽度在顶部变窄,为6600万年前的霸王龙“Trix”留出了足够的展示空间(此前Trix位于Dino Era展厅)。


Public functions such as the restaurant, the shop and the exhibition hall can be found on the ground floor where passers-by can catch sight of the examinations of the last whales washed ashore. The main staircase leading up to exhibitions resembles a mountain path, becoming narrower at the top with enough space to welcome Trix, the sixty-six million years old T-Rex which has been given pride of place in the Dino Era gallery.

▼主楼梯创造出类似于山道的交通路径,the main staircase leading up to exhibitions resembles a mountain path

展厅外部包覆着水平堆叠的石材,模仿了地质结构的观感。岩层在漫长的变化过程中形成了天然水晶,闪耀出美丽的光彩。岩层中间嵌入了白色的混凝土浮雕装饰带,由263块面板构成,带来如丝绸般光滑的观感。该装饰带由荷兰著名时装设计师Iris van Herpen设计,并借助Naturalis自主开发的技术得以实现。条带上的纹理与Van Herpen的服装设计(包括为凯特·布兰切特、碧昂丝和Lady Gaga等明星定制的礼服)形成了呼应。

The exterior of exhibition halls with stone blocks in horizontal layers mimicks a geological structure. Its travertine variety of stone used has developed natural crystals over the span of eons, creating a beautiful sparkle. The layers of stones are interrupted by friezes of white, concrete elements designed by a famous Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen. Invited by Neutelings Riedijk Architects, she designed a total of 263 panels, inspired by the natural shapes of the collection which seem to be smooth as silk, thanks to a special technique developed for Naturalis. Such a resemblance to fabric is a nod to the innovative dresses designed by Van Herpen for celebrities like Cate Blanchett, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga.

▼岩层中间嵌入了白色混凝土浮雕装饰带,the layers of stones are interrupted by friezes of white, concrete elements

▼立面细部,facade detail

▼由Iris van Herpen设计的混凝土浮雕,sculptural relief designed by Iris van Herpen

在博物馆内部,以灯光、家具和面料设计而著称的荷兰设计师Tord Boontje为空间打造了一系列引人瞩目的装饰墙,由大约100块不同大小的彩色板面构成,以摄影和壁画的形式描绘了精致的花草和动物,展现出自然世界的奇妙。

Inside the museum, Dutch designer Tord Boontje known for his lighting, furniture and fabrics with exquisite floral and animal motifs, shows almost 100 striking and colorful wall panels. They are visual stories that blend photography and drawing to reveal the wonders of the natural world.

▼Tord Boontje为博物馆打造了一系列装饰墙,wall panels by Tord Boontje

▼空间细部,interior detailed view


The project covers a total of around 38,000 m2 of which 18,000 m2 of renovation and 20,000 m2 of new construction.

▼博物馆夜景,exterior nightview

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

▼西立面图,west facade

▼东立面图,east facade

▼北立面图,north facade

▼剖面图AA,section AA

▼剖面图BB,section BB

▼剖面图CC,section CC

Programme: museum 17.000 sqm, offices en depots 18.000 sqm, laboratories 3.000 sqm Surface area: total of 38.000 sqm of which 20.000 sqm new built and 18.000 sqm renovation of existing buildings Location: Darwinweg 2, Leiden, the Netherlands Client: Naturalis Biodiversity Center Start design: march 2013 Start construction: jan 2017 Completion: may 2019 In use: august 2019 Architectural design : Neutelings Riedijk Architecten Architectural designteam: Michiel Riedijk, Willem Jan Neutelings, Frank Beelen, Kenny Tang, Guillem Colomer Fontanet, Jolien Van Bever, Inés Escauriaza Otazua, Marie Brabcová, Cynthia Deckers Architectural engineering: ABT BV Ingenieursbureau Structural engineering: Aronsohn Raadgevende Ingenieurs Installation design: Huisman en van Muijen Building physics: DGMR Raadgevende Ingenieurs General contractor: J.P. van Eesteren Installations contractor: IC ULC-Kuijpers Interior designer (general public areas): Neutelings Riedijk Architecten (offices): Hollandse Nieuwe Designers of artworks: Iris van Herpen (betonreliëf) ; Studio Tord Boontje (grafiek) Urbanist: Studio Hartzema Cost calculation: IGG / Bointon de Groot Landscape architect: H+N+S, Amersfoort COPYRIGHTS: Photography: Scagliola Brakkee Fotografie Model: Archimpact Photography model: Neutelings Riedijk Architecten


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