发布时间:2019-05-11 05:37:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

The Tang面堂是一家位于纽约市中心的创意中式面馆,如今发展得更加成熟,旨在为上西区带来种类更加丰富的中国菜。The Tang的第一家门店位于纽约东村,由两位刚从纽约大学毕业不久的年轻人开设,是新兴创意中餐馆的代表之一。

The Tang began in the East Village serving creative Chinese noodles, and now is transforming into a fully-fledged eatery, bringing a greater variety of Chinese cuisine to the Upper West Side. The Tang’s East Village store is considered one of the pioneers of the rising Chinese restaurant scene. The first location was opened by two New York University recent grads at the time–Yu Li, who later opened Tang Hotpot and Eric Sze, who departed The Tang prior to opening the Taiwanese bistro 886.

▼餐厅概览,The Tang

上西区The Tang面堂保留了一些一直以来最受人们欢迎的菜式,包括醉面、红烧牛肉面等,此外还推出了许多原本受限于厨房空间而无法制作的创意菜肴。除了可乐鸡翅、咸蛋黄老虎虾球这些新奇的中国菜之外,餐厅厨师还研发了一些融合了外国风味的菜品,例如带有日式木鱼花的酱烤茄子和加入牛骨髓的骨汤牛尾面等(一种越南式的吃法)。

Li is keeping a few all-time favorites such as Drunk Noodles and Braised Beef Noodles Soup for the Upper West Side location. He is also introducing more creative dishes that he wasn’t able to incorporate in the original location due to kitchen space. In addition to a few novelty Chinese dishes such as Coca- Cola Chicken Wings and Fried Tiger Prawns with Salted Egg Yolk, there are also innovative plates influenced by other countries developed by the kitchen, such as Grilled Eggplant with Japanese bonito flakes dressed with Chinese Soybean Paste, and the option of adding bone marrow to Oxtail Beef Noodle Soup, which is a popular Vietnamese style of eating.


延续第一家店面的设计风格,新门店保留了开放式厨房的传统,同时使室内空间变得更加精致、更具有氛围感。室内设计由新实建设计事务所(New Practice Studio)完成,与东村门店生动活泼的风格有所不同,上西区的这家门店以黑色和深红色为主调,店面选用了耐候钢,台面部分选用了胡桃木,墙面和地面则铺设以红色的人字砖。整体空间试图在东西方韵味之间找到平衡,相对的墙面上展示着两幅壁画作品,并将中式园林的几何元素融入到边框中。经典风格的霓虹灯标牌展示出“The Tang”的字样,为空间提供了背景光。位于餐厅中央的开放式厨房周围环绕着吧台座位,客人们可以一边观看厨房里的活动,一边与身边的朋友轻松交谈。

With an effort to continue the energetic DNA of the first location, Li also keeps the open kitchen tradition but this time the interior is upgraded to a refined and moody one. The design is executed by New Practice Studio, that turned Tang Hotpot, Hunan Slurp, Hao Noodle, and Atlas Kitchen into beautiful spaces. To echo the lively and sociable ambiance at East Village, The Tang UWS is coated in a dark and crimson palette, using materials such as weathering steel for the storefront, walnut wood for countertop, and red herringbone bricks for the wall and floor. Similar to the boundaryless menu, the interior also tries to achieve a balanced sense of Eastern and Western influence. The space showcases a pair of facing mural artworks framed in Chinese Garden-style shapes, which is backlit with a classic neon sign that reads, The Tang. The centerpiece is the open kitchen surrounded by counter seating where guests can watch the chefs in action and enjoy relaxing conversations with friends.

▼室内空间以黑色和深红色为主调,The Tang UWS is coated in a dark and crimson palette

▼开放式厨房周围环绕着吧台座位,the open kitchen surrounded by counter seating

▼霓虹灯标牌为空间提供了背景光,the classic neon sign provides a backlight

▼用餐空间,dining area

▼墙面和地面铺设以红色的人字砖,the wall and floor are covered with red herringbone bricks

▼空间细部,detailed view

▼家具细部,furniture detailed view

“我希望反映出中国人在中国是如何吃饭的。”餐厅老板Yu Li表示:“他们也许会点一份加了手撕包菜的特色担担面,只要食物是好吃的,就足以让他们感到高兴。”The Tang面堂正是这样一个舒适而又不失惊喜的地方。除了The Tang面堂之外,Yu Li还是Tang Hotpot火锅店的老板。这两家餐厅归属于同一家公司,旨在将中国文化引入纽约当地餐饮行业,并基于对菜品的持续创新来促进东西方文化之间的对话。

“I wanted to reflect how Chinese people are eating in China now,” Li says, “They would order a novelty Dan Dan Noodles with traditional shredded cabbage, as long as the food is good and they are having a good time. The Tang is exactly the place that offers comfort and doesn’t fail to surprise.” Yu Li is also the proprietor of Tang Hotpot, a critically acclaimed hot pot house in lower Manhattan. Both The Tang and Tang Hotpot brands are under the same umbrella company, which seeks to bring Chinese culture to the local New York hospitality scene and spark a cultural dialogue between East and West through uncompromising food and transformative ambiance.

▼壁画,mural artwork

▼菜单设计,menu design


纽约上西区创意中式面馆 The Tang
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