发布时间:2019-05-26 21:20:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



出品人:向玲 | Producer: Xiang Ling

编辑:陈诺嘉,武晨曦,李诗蓉 | Editor: Chen Nuojia, Wu Chenxi, Li Shirong





Jiakeli Apartment

Zhi Art Museum

The Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion

Living Art Pavilion

▼科技园远景鸟瞰,distanced aerial view of the park



(Please scroll down to see the English version)

项目背景与改造策略Background and Strategy“愉悦的步行体验让公共功能、自然和人之间建立更紧密的关系。”1. 改造的初衷是什么?园区在沙井街道乃至城市中的定位是怎样的?园区的主要使用者是谁?其改造需要满足怎样的社会和市场需求?全至科技创新园位于深圳宝安区沙井街道的北部。借助地理优势和便捷的交通路网,沙井从二十世纪八十年代中至二十一世纪一十年代初蓬勃发展了低端制造产业。随着经济产业的发展,沙井从乡村面貌逐渐变成遍地是工厂和农民房的城市空间。大量工厂的建设吞噬原有优美的湿地和农田。这些低端制造产业衍生的工业园区粗暴迅猛地在城市边缘无序扩张。无论是工业园区内部,还是园区的外部城市空间都形成单一和消极的场所。人性化的诉求让位于高效的生产方式和最大化的资本逐利。厂房及宿舍也只是廉价的并且能快速建造的 “豆腐块”形式的建筑类型。除了物理环境变化之外,经济快速发展也影响着沙井人的生活方式和传统习俗和观念。新的居住空间、商业空间和城市公共空间缺少对城市肌理脉络和传统文化生活的梳理与回应。此外,国家的产业升级政策宣告进入后工业时代,成本上升迫使低端产业外迁,老工业园区需通过升级改造来满足新的社会和市场需求。全至科技创新园则是在这时代背景下生成的典型工业园区。设计的改造范围是三栋总建筑面积为三万平米的厂房和三栋总建筑面积为一万平米的宿舍。通过功能升级,将原厂房生产车间改造成研发智造空间,而宿舍改造成公寓。改造的初衷是在保留未拆除建筑的前提条件下,改善提升原有建筑空间和环境品质,并创造积极的城市公共空间和人性化场所。同时,设计希望通过绿色人文空间的重塑,营造与沙井当地相融合的建筑空间和社区氛围。改造后的全至科技创新园是一个开放的园区,除了面向园区内工作的人,园区也希望成为沙井乃至城市中有特色和吸引力的休闲生活场所。

▼项目鸟瞰,位于城市边缘的工业园区,aerial view of the project located in the industrial park at the edge of the city

▼沙井城市化卫星图,urbanization of Shajing



▼改造前流线分析,circulation analysis before renovation

▼改造后流线分析,circulation analysis after renovation



▼园区中的公共功能空间,public facilities in the park


▼生活美学馆,靠近入口,Living Art Pavilion at the entrance

至美术馆,位于入口旁二号楼的一层和二层,Zhi Art Museum, located on the first and second floor of building #2 near the entrance


▼种植平台,位于中心大庭院,The Planting Terrace located in the central courtyard


社区中心,位于大庭院边,Community Center located beside the central courtyard


▼种植平台和体验馆提供丰富的活动空间,The Planting Terrace and Experience Center providing rich activity spaces

生活美学馆内开放的展览空间,transparent exhibition space in the Living Art Pavilion

至美术馆内的活动和展览空间,activity and exhibition space in Zhi Art Museum


2. 在旧园区的结构和建筑形态都有所限制的情况下,这次改造是如何创造丰富舒适的公共空间?


▼空间节点,space joints

▼庭院轴测图,axonometric of the courtyard

▼入口广场,entrance plaza

▼生活美学馆前的广场,茶饮店加强生活氛围,plaza in front of the Living Art Pavilion with a teahouse enhancing the living feel


▼不同尺度的步行空间,pedestrian space in different scales


▼外扩的构筑物创造出特色空间,改善步行尺度,additional constructions creating interesting pedestrian spaces with more comfortable scale



▼平台上的种植槽,planters on the platform

混凝土种植槽表面渗出黑色水渍,体现出岁月感,dark stains on the surface of the concrete planters, creating a feeling of time


▼园区中采用地面绿化、种植平台、屋顶花园等丰富的生态设计手段,trees, planting terrace and roof garden were used to enhance the ecological effect of the park


“设计的过程实行从大到小的逐层设计和控制。在不断的推演过程中,慢慢清晰了思路和设计策略。”1. 从建筑改造设计,到园区公共景观设计,再到室内设计,事务所几乎独立完成了整个项目的方方面面,如何做到各专业之间的配合和风格统一?



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▼园区全景,建筑以黑白灰为主要色调,实现整体的和谐统一,overall view of the park, using the palette of black, white and grey to realize a harmonious environment


2. 在实现本项目的过程中最大的挑战和最大的收获分别是什么?最满意的部分是?最终落地程度与最初计划有哪些出入?


▼施工现场,construction site


▼公寓百叶细部,closer view to the grills on the facade of the apartments


▼改造前(左)后(右)公寓对比,改造后的建筑增加遮阳构件,空间更加丰富,contrast before and after renovation, adding shading components to the building, enriching the space experience

采用遮阳、架空等低技方式实现节能,save energy through low-tech methods like shading and piloti space






▼公寓内的公共交流空间,public space in the apartment


Feature of Industrial Park Renovation and its Future

“人文精神和社区营造是后工业时代产业园的核心价值。”1. 改造后的全至科技创新园,其使用和运营状况如何?获得了怎样的反馈?对于周围的居民和社区又产生了哪些影响?


2. 全至科技创新园与基础配套设施完善的生活社区从本质上相比有何异同?它能为居民们带来哪些普通社区所不能提供的东西?小型公寓搭配共享公共空间这样的居住形式这几年来越来越流行,您怎么看待这样的集中居住形式?


▼社区活动中心提供大面积的活动空间,Community center providing large space for public activities


▼种植平台上种有农作物,更符合生活休闲的需求,crops on the planting terrace would better meet the requirements for living and entertainment

生活美学馆的庭院,带来更加舒适的空间体验,courtyard in the Living Art Museum providing better space experience





▼丰富的活动帮助营造更好的社区,various activities helping to build a better community





Jiakeli Apartment

Zhi Art Museum

The Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion

Living Art Pavilion


English Q&A

1. What is the background of Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park renovation project? What is the original intention of the renovation? What was the position of the park in Shajing area and the city? Who are the main users of the park? What are the social and market requirements for the renovation project?

Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park is located in the north of Shajing Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen. Thanks to the geographic advantage and convenient transportation net, there were a boom of low-end manufacturing from 1980s to 2010s in Shajing. It transformed from a village to a town full of factories and peasant houses with the development of economic industries. The beautiful wetlands and farmlands were swallowed by the factories and they formed vast industrial parks roughly extending on the edge of the city. The requirements for humane living gave way to high-efficient production and capital maximization. The space was monotonous and negative no matter in or outside the industrial parks, and the factory buildings and dormitories adopted “box”typology in order to be fast constructed and save money. Besides the transformation in physical environment, the living style and custom of the local people had also been changed by rapid economic development. Such new residential, commercial and public urban spaces lacked understanding and did not respond to the urban context and traditional culture. As China introduced new policies of industry upgrade, post-industry age came and the low-end manufacturing industries was forced to move out due to increasing cost. Therefore, the old industrial parks should be renovated to meet new requirements of the society and the market. Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park was a typical industrial park in this background. The project included three factory buildings which building area was 30,000 square meters, and three dormitories which building area was 10,000 square meters. It was expected to transform the factories and the dormitories into RID offices and apartments through program upgrade. Our original idea was to renovate the buildings that were not demolished and improve the quality of the original environment, creating positive public urban space for all the residents. Meanwhile, we hoped that we could merge the architectural space with the local community by reforming a green humanity space. The new Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park will be an open space not only for people who are working in the park, but also attract outside people to become a leisure space for Shajing and even the whole city.

▼overall view of the project

2. The circulation of the vehicles after renovation is a highlight in the renovation. Why did you use this strategy?

Like many other industrial park , pedestrians and vehicles were mixed together in Quanzhi Technology Innovation Parks before renovation. For such project in relatively small scale, the common design strategy is to have only one gate to the park and arrange the vehicle road around a central courtyard. However, when we researched on the site in the beginning of the project, we found that there were indeed some favorable spaces in the original layout, such as the passage between the dormitories and the factory houses, the huge garden in the center of the park, and the row of Terminalia catappa in the north. What’s more, In addition, the west and south sides of the park are surrounded by the Maozhou River, and the north side is an elevated highway, so the park becomes a site area at the end corner. Taking these conditions, we innovatively suggested to use the city road to realize a one-way vehicle circulation. We propose the entrance on the southeast corner of the park and the exit on the northwest. They were connected by two secondary city branches outside the park and cars could run clockwise. Because there are few external vehicles, it does not affect the efficiency of vehicle circulation. This strategy significantly provides more public spaces and pedestrian spaces. A city square is formed as the main entrance of the park in the northeast corner of the park. People can choose to walk in the passage between the dormitory and the factory or walk along the north side of the row of small leaves of the living aesthetics hall to the large courtyard in the center of the park. The entire walking process is a car-free environment, and it is connected with public functions such as green trees, baking shops, tea shops, art galleries, furniture stores, canteens, community centers, and finally connected to the elevator hall of each building. The pleasant walking experience gives people working in the park a comfortable process of going to and back from work, and also allows a closer relationship between public function, nature and people.

3. In Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park renovation project, you not only upgraded the factory houses and dormitories to office buildings and apartments, but also introduced a lot of public facilities, including Living Art Pavilion, Zhi Art Museum, Planting Terrace, Experience Pavilion and community center, into the project. Could you please tell us why you chose to build these public facilities and how was the design process? What was the position of each facility in the park and how did they connect to each other?

In this project, the client gave us great trust and freedom. At first, the client only wanted to build an art museum to enhance the cultural atmosphere of the project, and an enterprise club to meet the requirements of company activities. The area and location of the two buildings were not fixed so that we had enough flexibility to design the whole public system. In the research before design, besides analyzing the circulation of pedestrians and vehicles, most of the research and analysis work is to sort out a series of public functions implanted in the park, as well as the approximate area and internal functional organization of these public functions through the study of the historical context of manholes and urban space, and the exploration of human space in the post-industrial era. We also studied the area requirement and functional organization of each facility. More importantly, the determination of the location of these public programs is related to how the public space systems of the park are connected in series, and also becomes the design conditions and site conditions of each public program building in the future.

The Living Art Pavilion was built near the entrance. On the one hand, we expected to define the entrance plaza by the new building and create human-scaled walking space between the Living Art Pavilion and #2 building. On the other hand, the caféof the pavilion together with the bakery on the first floor in the apartment would enhance the leisure atmosphere of the plaza. Considering that art museum need more space for exhibition, we located the Zhi Art Museum on the first and second floor of #2 building beside the main entrance. The location of the center represents that the museum is the most important cultural space in the park. The design of Zhi Art Museum was an exploration of art space types. How could we create an artistic space narration in a standard factory building? How could we open part of the museum to create connection between the interior space and the nature? How could the art museum introduce art into an RID industrial park? The lecture hall in the museum can be used as a place for sharing and communication of various public functions, so the museum has become a place where multiple cultures gather.

The site selection of the planting terrace and the experience pavilion is based on the improvement of the large courtyard space in the center of the park. Before renovation, there was an outdoor Parking to the west of

4. How could an industrial part at the edge of a city attract more residents and users through its programs? What is its advantage in future development?

The essence of human life is community. Public functions could meet people’s needs for entertainment. What’s more, it could build up connections between people. The industrial district was located at the edge of the city, where public functions were scarce. It became necessary to create public facilities inside the industrial park. A single-function office space can only promote a mechanized working state, causing employees to get bored in the workplace. Therefore, the rich public functions and complex park environment can make the park dynamic and attract more people from outside the park. It will break the boundary of the industrial parks and When the park is integrated into the city and becomes an active urban public space, the park can accommodate diverse and rich urban public life. In addition to the development of higher-density, environmentally-friendly and more modern industrial parks in the future, humanized space and community building will also be the core values ​​of the park.

5. Given the restrictions on the structure and architectural form of the old park, how did this renovation create a rich and comfortable public space?

First of all, the outdoor walkway and leisure space were the most important part of the whole public space system. It provides a variety of outdoor public leisure living places, and at the same time it also connects several public functions, office and production spaces to form a complete and continuous public space system. There were two core outdoor public spaces in this project. One was the entrance plaza and the other was the central courtyard formed by the large courtyard and a planting terrace. The outdoor seating of the bakery and tea shop in the entrance plaza of the park creates a breath of life. Longan trees native to Shajing were planted outside the bakery. In the picking season, under the longan tree becomes a lively shared space. The small fountains outside the café were changing rhythmically, becoming a place for children to play. The courtyard and the Planting Terrace was the largest outdoor public space in the project. The variety of plants created diverse space types in the central courtyard, which would change seasonally.

In addition, the design provided various functional spaces in different types and scales to connect the two outdoor public cores. There were leisure commercial street composed of multi-level and single-level buildings, pedestrian shopping street composed of multi-level buildings and trees and and the pedestrian crossing space formed by the piloti corridor space the multi-storey building . The intersection of different spaces became significant landscape nodes and they formed iconic gathering places through functional arrangement and highlighted design features. The two ends of the piloti corridor space on the ground floor were designed as two landscape nodes. One was a small plaza enclosed by independent brand furniture store, art museum, canteen and food courts. When there was a new exhibition in the art museum, the plaza would be the place to hold the opening ceremony. As it was located at the junction of the walking courses, people would be attracted to stop and watch the activities on the plaza. The other node was a gathering space enclosed by under tree benches, graffiti wall, canteen and public toilet. People would like to come here not only because of the comfortable seating environment, but also because of the functional features of the canteen and the toilet that people tend to wait outside these two places. People’s daily habits build the commonality of these two landscape nodes.

Secondly, the design created some characteristic spaces through the partial expansion of the first floor and new small buildings. At the same time, these partial expansions and small buildings on the first floor are also one of the means to improve the near-person scale. They could help to reduce the heavy feeling of large-scaled factory houses, improving the street scale and make the space more humane. The scale of the space was a key factor to create comfortable walking experience so that we utilized various methods to achieve pleasant sense of dimensions. On the one hand, the window opening is added to make the facade more open. On the other hand, the added functional components on the facade create a medium-scale transition, which weakens the visual perception of the complete volume. Finally, the green plants are also designed around the human experience, and the choice of green plants responds to the creation and characteristics of the space atmosphere. The change of seasons and the different flowering periods give the place a variety of scenes and perceptions. In the courtyard of Living Art Pavilion, osmanthus tree would bloom in the spring and the fragrance would envelope the walkway, while the red maple would accent the white wall in early winter and spring. Along the pedestrian street outside the apartments, we planted yellow tabebuia which would change obviously in different seasons. It would flower in the spring and fruit in the summer. In autumn it would be green with leaves and in winter it would be brown with branches. It gives color to each season. Especially in spring, when the florescence comes, the trees would be covered with yellow flowers, bringing a visual feast to the pedestrians. In the central courtyard, Miscanthus chinensis would become a sea of flowers in light yellow color during early winter. When wind blows, the grass would sway like waves. The green plants would enrich the public space in both spatial and temporal dimension.

▼rich public space

6. From architecture renovation, public landscape design to interior design, MOZHAO almost complete all the aspects of the projects all by itself. How did you collaborate with different professions and unify the styles?

We were the general contractor of the project and provided a whole process design service. Our design scope ranged from architecture to structure, MEP, interior, landscape, curtain wall, illumination and UI. Prior to this project, I had been the chief designer of Qingdao Cruise Terminal and gained experience in overall control of a project. The difference is that the renovation of Quanzhi Science and Technology Innovation Park involves the design of several buildings. At the beginning of the project, we analyzed the difficulty of this project mainly in two points. First, as there were various buildings, including factory houses, dormitories and additional facilities, it was important to unify the different buildings while remaining the characteristics of each building. Second, we could only arrange five or six staffs for the project. In addition to completing the entire process of the architectural profession, we must also complete the schematic design of interior and landscape, as well as review and coordinate the interior and landscape construction drawings and curtain wall, lighting and signage design proposal and construction drawing design. We must arrange the working process and coordinate with different disciplines very carefully to ensure the completion of such a huge amount of work. However, the advantage of doing the whole project by one company is that the communication cost is lower, which reduces repeated communication and modification when different companies have different design ideas.

We designed and controlled the project on different levels from general issues to details. We started from the overall public system of the park and we complete the functional design and the preliminary design of the building location and form. We began the scheme design of each building at the same time, along with our ideas in landscape and interior. We paid attention to the integration of architecture and nature and designed the buildings in response to the climate. At the same time, the materials and construction are dominated by the simple direction, and the color is controlled within the large range of black, white and gray. Therefore, under the formation of a large control idea, although each schematic design of single building starts at the same time, the design of different buildings could follow different timetables according to different situations under one general design idea. The building with more importance or more complicated condition would cost more time to design. As the project developed, we gradually clarified our ideas and design strategies.

The Living Art Pavilion was located in a rectangular site with four different interfaces, which gave great challenge to the design. After several rounds of design attempts in different directions, we finally decided to build a unit volume which would best fit the site. It was the last building we completed in the entire renovation project. Besides, the collaborating consultants involved in the design at an early stage. We delivered the documents of our design process to them in order to make sure that they would understand our ideas in a timely and complete manner and were able to send us their draft proposals in time. Their suggestions would help us to consider and design the project more comprehensively, avoiding unrealizable conceptions in the design development stage.

▼Living Art Pavilion built with a unit volume

7. What are the features of materials and constructions in the project of the Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion? Do the planting troughs on the roof need special maintenance? How effective is it now? In addition to this platform, what other special designs can demonstrate green ecology in the park? What is the influence of this project on the natural environment of Shajing district?

In the beginning, we planned to prefabricate the planting troughs on the Planting Terrace that we could manufacture them in the factory and fix them on the roof. However, as we designed the whole planting terrace based on modular number and used opposite joint between the wooden floor and the planting, it required high accuracy in hoisting and the construction cost would be very high. Thus we changed to use traditional formwork construction on site. The support foundation of the pine wood floor was made of cement block piers in 750x750mm grid. The height of the cement piers varied to eliminate the height difference caused by the slope below. The pedestal of the plantings was also constructed by cement blocks with pre-embedded drainage casing pipes, while the 60mm wall was casted by concrete on site and was reinforced by steel bars. According to the design, there should be a layer of polyurethane waterproof coating on the inner wall of the plantings. However, this process was missed during construction. As a result, water mixed with mud seeped through the bare concrete, creating permanent dark gray stains on the concrete surface over time. As the pine wood floor used on the roof would age as time flew and present a mottled grey color, the dark gray stains on the concrete would correspond with the aged flooring, creating a sense of history. This coincides with the temperament needed for the planting platform as a place to inherit tradition and memory. Unintentional mistakes have made unexpected gains. In addition, the keels supporting the pine wood floor were made of merbau outdoor wood, which had better corrosion resistance. It was coated with asphalt material to block water and air. There were more than a hundred plantings troughs filled with various plants, ranged from crops, flowers, to succulents, hydrophytes and herbs. The Planting Terrace was like a small botanic museum, providing a place for people to learn about different plants and crops. Meanwhile, the scattered plantings troughs and the partially raised slopes of the platform jointly created a playground space for children to run and play.

Beside the Planting Terrace, we also applied ecological design in some other parts of the industrial park. We designed a vertical green vine climbing wall outside the outdoor staircase of the factory house, creating a comfortable walking experience. On one side of the outdoor corridor of apartment building A, we also added vertical grills for vines following the original form of the wall, providing a natural sense for the public space. Residents in this building would have the chance to be close to nature when they were back home. Not only the ground spaces and walls were covered with green plants, the roofs were also used as ecologic places. The roof of the factory building where the Quanzhi enterprise club is located has been created into a diverse landscape experience space: an outdoor pavilion combined with a static pool, a water lily pond surrounded by bamboo, an open wooden floor outdoor space, and a garden of flowers and plants. After the transformation, the green ecological space of the park and the cultivation platform with a humanistic atmosphere become a business card of the park, attracting the residents from other parts of Shajing district. The Maozhou River beside the park was cleaned and became a favorable waterfront green space. Urban spaces are slowly recovering more natural environments, and more industrial parks, businesses, and residential areas are reshaping ecological and cultural places in the process.

▼overall view of the Planting Terrace


What are the differences between Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park and residential communities with fine infrastructural facilities? What could it provide to the residents that a ordinary community cannot? Small apartments with a shared public space have become more and more popular in recent years. What is your perspective on this collective living style?

In common residential projects, the ratio of supporting facilities is quite low. It is because that these residential projects are developed for sale, not for rental. Compared to sale, rental is a long-term strategy which is more feasible to construct impeccable supporting facilities and build better humane community environment. The supporting facilities occupy the floor area ratio and the price of commercial land is higher than that of residential lands. Thus in residential projects the supporting facilities would only meet the basic requirements of living. While in commercial and residential projects, there would only be a small community center for public activities and the rest of the area would be used as supporting commercial space. Moreover, in commercial projects, the commercial property belongs to the developer or the individuals who bought from developers. They only care about how to maximize the rent and would pay no attention to the interest of the whole community. Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park is the owner-owned project. The profit model depends on leasing, which is a long-term strategy. . Considering the project was located at the edge of the city, we designed 5000 square meters of supporting facilities in the total 160,000 square meter building area, which ratio was about 3%. We reached a consensus with the client that the supporting facilities would mainly service the employees of the companies in the park because of the poor location and unsatisfactory commercial environment of the site, and they could be used by people from other districts of Shenzhen during non-working hours. We appreciated the client’s insight of creating a beautiful cultural park with natural sense, without much consideration on the profit of commercial facilities. This was why we could realize our design scheme with plenty of public spaces.

The 1,600 square meter community center occupied the best location in the park that people could spend a whole day entertaining, communicating or studying in it without any consumption. The Living Art Pavilion and the Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion were the two featured buildings for public communication and exhibition. These programs that focus on humanities and community building are few in ordinary communities nowadays because the affordable rent for these programs is very low. The vegetation in residential projects is usually visual oriented and uses plant species that are easy to maintain. Although planting crops could better meet the requirements for a leisure life and create a more experiential space with the sense of community, it rarely appears in common living communities because the cost for planting and maintenance would be very high. In the future, the market of small-scaled apartment with shared public spaces will grow and the living quality will be better with more humane service and more community cohesion. The high price of residential house in China, the reducing number of family members, the outdated policy for social housing and the change in the attitude toward life bring opportunity to this new kind of collective living. As rental housing is a long-term strategy, it would pay more attention to living experience and neighborhood relationship. People could choose to live in a better community freely, which will help to create healthy competitive relationship between living communities, and promote better environmental construction and community building in this type of living communities.

▼community center

9. What is the biggest challenge in this project and what did you gain from it? What is the most satisfying part of the project? Which part of the project is inconsistent with the original design scheme?

This project is the first project of our office, and it is a design general contract. One of the biggest challenges was to integrate different design resources. Another big challenge is the difference in our understanding of construction techniques and practices between workers and us. Although the client was able to integrate the construction resources as a general contractor in construction, most of the construction teams were small teams working in Shajing and Dongguan. With the experience of small projects in the past, they have their own set of mature construction methods, and some construction teams even started construction without looking at the drawings of construction methods. The experience we have gained in the design project of the compound is how to face a large and standardized construction team. At the beginning of the collaboration, we found that the workers could not understand the drawings and they could not reach the requirements of the design. We can only often go to the construction site to explain the construction method slowly, and discover the construction errors early and correct them in time. In some cases where the requirements of the drawings cannot be met, we will also discuss reasonable measures with the workers and then modify the construction drawings. In addition, in this process, we also learned the local practices of many workers: simple, practical and cost-effective. This is our biggest gain in the course of this project. The construction teams for different types of work were selected by the client from their former collaborations. Though they had never built a high-end magnificent project, they had rich and efficient construction experience from their hard work in the past 10 or 20 years. Take the construction joint of the grills on the façade of the apartment for instance, the construction workers used a threaded bushing to separate the steel structure from the aluminum sheet used to fix the grille. This construction method is mainly to avoid the accumulation of rainwater after the rain when the aluminum sheet and the steel structure are close together, causing corrosion of the steel structure.

The most satisfying part of the project is that it achieved the effect of low-tech energy-saving ventilation. We adopted simple and effective design measures such as shading, piloti space, vertical greening and planting trees to adapt to the Shenzhen climate. Even in the hot summer , the park would still be a comfortable place for people to walk around. We hope people can enjoy more opportunities to get close to nature outdoors. Most of the original plan was realized in the completed project. On the one hand, the client, the construction teams and the consultants gave us a lot of support. On the other hand, though the scale of the project was not that large, it was built in three phases and took three years. This relatively long period of time gave us and the client more time to think about the design and deficiencies in construction methods, and have enough time to correct it.

For example, we initially designed the house type in Apartment A as an elongated version of that in Apartment B. In order to settle the people who were still living in the dormitory, the construction work first started in Apartment B. The renovation work in Apartment A didn’t start until Apartment B was finished and accepted. However, before the construction of apartment A began, the client was advised that taking the advantage of the outdoor corridor and the greater depth of the living space of Apartment A, it was better to use the one-bedroom house type. These feedbacks gave us the opportunity to re-examine the site and building and decided to reverse the original house type design. We redesigned the shared spaces on the second floor design and redrew the construction drawings of Apartment A. With the revised design, the living rooms of each family were connected by the outdoor corridor, which became a public space with a breath of life and neighborhood relations. This also truly meets our expectations of community and sharing.

▼shared space in the apartment

10. The project has achieved good result. What do you think are the key factors?

After going through several different types of projects, especially in this project, we find that the client is a decisive factor for projects in China. In this project, it was mainly reflected in the following aspects. First of all, the client had trust in our professional abilities and they would not interfere in our design with his personal preference or aesthetic tendency. The client’s work was to decide the overall direction and claim the requirements for the necessary functions. Then it was our job to provide comprehensive strategy and design schemes to fulfill the requirements from the client. Our role extended to pre-function planning and post-operation. We had long discussions with the client to choose the operator and operation mode for each function. During this process, we not only helped the client and the operator to further understand the original purpose and meaning of the design, but also got the chance to adjust the design in time through the communication to meet the operator’s functional needs and the actual situation. It provided a solid foundation for realizing the life scenario envisioned by the design.

Secondly, the client paid enough attention to the project and had a very good construction management team. It is impossible to avoid any mistake during construction. It all count on the construction management level and how much the client care to reduce construction errors, control the quality of the construction and supervising construction rectification. Moreover, in the construction process, some mockups and construction changes in order to better implement the effect also need client’s attention and support to achieve.

Third, the client had a firm spirit and an ideological concept of keeping up with the times. For example, in order to transform the entire second floor of Apartment A into a public area, apartment A therefore lost about 20 houses of one bedroom and one living room. On the southern side of the building, we designed piloti space to create a covered space for people to exercise and relax, as well as providing airflow to the nearby outdoor basketball court. The client understands that these architectural strategies create comfortable and humane spaces and therefore does not care much about the rent loss of the 20 households.

Finally, the decision-making process of the client was quiet simple so that we could make effective and direct communication with the client. All decisions on this project were made by a single person, avoiding lengthy communication and mediocre results from the fusion of multiple opinions. In addition, I can communicate directly with the decision makers to reduce the deviation of meaning in the communication process, and also avoid many tentative and useless work.

11. What is the use and operation status of Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park after renovation? What feedbacks did you receive? How does it influence the residents and communities around?

It has been in operation for two years after the renovation. It has received positive feedbacks from tenants and the people who work in the park about the comfortable natural environment, the rich supporting facilities and the creation of a humane community. The most intuitive reflection is that it’s easier for the companies in the park to recruit people, including high-end talents. When returning to the apartment to communicate with the operation manager, they reported that some tenants were willing to invite relatives from their hometown to come on vacation during the holiday, so that relatives could see their decent living life and enjoy the apartment’s complete supporting facilities. Residents from the surrounding communities also come to the park after dinner or on the weekend to relax and play. The project has also attracted young people to check in after being publicized by some mass media and self-media. Some owners of Taobao clothing shops in Shajing and Dongguan will choose to take pictures of their outside scenes at the Zhi Art Museum, Living Art Pavilion and Community Center in the park.


With the development of society, more and more industrial parks with labor-intensive industries will face the dilemma of being demolished or renovated. Please talk about your experience of this type of space transformation after this project.

The management of illegal construction across the country is getting stricter. The renovation period of this project is not as strict as it is now. For example, the additional area is much looser than it is now. It is embarrassing that the policy from the government could not meet the needs for renovation project. In some non-government-led projects, there are no regulations to clarify how much area can be added as public programs. The architects do not have enough freedom to adjust the layout and scale of the original industrial park and they are not able create unique small buildings like the Living Art Pavilion and the Planting Terrace and Experience Pavilion in Quanzhi Technology Innovation Park.

Talking about the experience of renovation, I think there are some important points as following. First, before the design begins, we should carefully study the city context around the site, including the type and distribution of city public spaces, the evolution of the historical context, the characteristics of the site, and the lifestyle and spatial patterns of the surrounding residence. After analyzing and researching, it is necessary to make sure the function and position of the project, because sometimes the conditions given by the client may not be necessarily objective and accurate. We have done another small-scale transformation project, and the client started to position the project as an intelligent manufacturing industry. However, when we analyzed the site and its surroundings, we found that there were rich in-system educational resources around the site and it might attract many educational training institutions to move in in the future. We revised the entire functional positioning, and the design focused on what kind of public space and use space are needed for the introduction of these educational institutions.

Secondly, humanism and community building are the core values of industrial parks in the post-industrial era. Industry upgrade means the introduction of more high-end talents. The supporting facilities not only meet the basic needs of convenience in life, but also take humanity into consideration and encourage rich cultural activities. Moreover, sharing and communication will become the main theme of the new era, and community building will become an important method to promote more connections among people and maximize the resources sharing. Finally, renovation projects are different from new construction projects. There would be many restrictions from the original site. For example, the quality problems of the original building, the drawings of the original building do not match the actual site, and how to deal with the dialogue between the old and the new. Therefore, the design needs to consider more construction tolerances and the use of materials for renovation design. How to deal with the original buildings also involves thinking on the historical cultural and social humanities level.

▼community building in the project


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