发布时间:2018-12-24 08:17:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▲ 拾云山居 Mountain House in Mist 南边多山,山有深林。

Mountains surround the house in the south, covered with thick forests.

▲ 群山环绕的村子 Village surrounded by hills。拾云山房位于浙江省金华武义县一处山林古村之中,村子保留了完整的夯土民居面貌。村中建筑依山势高差而建,群山环绕。村口处尚存几颗繁茂的古树,已上百年。书屋坐落于村口广场不远处,旁边是保留完好的夯土三合院民居。场地原址有一个牛栏房,坍塌后被拆除。

The house is located in an ancient mountain forest in Wuyi County, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. The village maintains complete features from old inhabitants in this area, with buildings scatters in different altitudes by the mountain line and dense trees with history of over one hundred years at the entrance. The book house sits not far from the square at the entrance, beside which is well-preserved courtyard houses made in rammed earth. The old cowshed used to locate at the yard, but was removed after it collapsed.

▲ 建筑区位 Location

▲ 村子全貌 Whole picture of the village


The book house aims to create a serene reading space that calms people down, thus attracting more young people and children to return to the mountains. It also provides a colorful and quiet place so that children and the elderly can feel freedom and happiness in this house.

▲ 总平面图 General layout

▲ 场地环境 Venue environment

▲俯瞰建筑,融入周边民居 Overlook of the building: fitting into the surroundings

▲ 鸟瞰书屋 Bird’s eye view of the book house


Bring the space and the village closer


One of our initial thoughts is to spare room for the villagers, which also brings an intuitive feeling. In the first floor of the book house, there is an overhead semi-outdoor open space, and ten structural columns hold the entire house. The closed spaces are on the second floor, connected to the outside with an outdoor staircase. There is only a tiny water bar on the first floor for water and beverages, and the other spaces are totally open for villagers to drink, chat and for kids to play. The open space connects all the possible activities.

▲ 设计策略 Design strategy

▲ 设计草图 Design sketch

▲ 书屋融合在村子环境中 Book house fits into the surroundings of the village

▲ 书屋西立面 West façade of the book house

▲ 村民在书屋首层喝茶聊天场景 Villagers drinking tea and chatting on the top of the book house


At the same time, from the perspective of the space relationship, the book house is in a triangle area, with the main walkway on the south and a three-meter stone wall on the north. Above the wall, there is a playground for children. By lifting up the close space of the house to give room to the space between the ground floor and the walkway, passers-by are also made able to rest under the house at any time. The second floor is on the same level as the children’s play area, which makes it convenient for kids to read books or play while their parents can still pay attention to their children when reading. Whether it is from the perspective of the nature of the site or that of understanding rural life, we hope that architecture and villagers, as well as the rural environment, can remain friendly to each other.

▲ 剖透视 Section

▲ 书屋北立面 North façade of the book house

▲ 建筑与场地的高差处理 Height difference between the house and the place

▲ 书屋首层与村道的关系 First floor and the walkway

▲ 书屋首层与村道的关系 First floor and the walkway


Patio and time


The patio is placed in the book house as the core with a pleasant scale. A surface of water is left below the bottom of the first-floor patio. At rainy days, the rain falls from the patio into the pool, and the sound can be heard inside the house. When the sun shines directly, it creates a unique light and shadow effect. A patio is designed in such a small place because it makes the house more relevant to nature, time, and space. This is a sense of time in the house from my perspective.

▲ 云雾中的书屋 Book house in the clouds

▲ 天井与水院 Patio and the water pool

▲ 天井内侧 Inside the patio

▲ 雨水落入天井 Rain falling into the patio


The setting of the patio looks like it is waiting for a certain time – for the sun to cast in a beautiful shadow, for the rain to drip ripples, or for the breeze to blow in. At those moments, the patio is set as a special space waiting for its significance of being created. The essence of rural architecture as I understand is a state in which people and space, people and nature, and people and time coexist harmoniously. This patio, by including sunlight, rain and air into the interior space, makes it happen.

▲ 透过天井看到对面的阅读空间 Reading space from patio

▲ 天井与书架 Patio and bookshelves

▲ 柱脚局部细节 Details of column bottom


Corridor and communication

On the second floor of the book house, there are two rounds of back-shaped bookshelves. They form a corridor around the patio and the reading space in the middle, with a comfortable width of one meter. The bookshelf suspends from the first floor structure. Through this corridor, people can walk among them and experience a similar stroll in the garden. Meanwhile, many holes are opened on the back-shaped bookshelf according to the modular size. They are of different heights and sizes, allowing the light and air to flow through.

▲ 书架回廊 Corridor

▲ 入口与上夹层的楼梯 Staircase between the entrance and the upper floor


As the reader wonders around in the corridor, their horizon opens together with the entrance, and the boundaries disappear. When standing on the other side of the entrance, people can see through the window and watch others reading books at the balcony, and farther, the hills and forests far away. The perspective from different layers creates the communication between people, space, and the environment.

▲ 书架框内窥视阅读空间 Peeping into the reading space inside the shelves.

▲ 儿童阅读空间的多种状态 Multiple states of children’s reading space

▲ 与阅读状态相结合的书架 Bookshelves relevant to reading status

▲ 通透的书架关系 Spatial connection of the bookshelves 实验性的尝试

Experimental attempt 实验性是我们一直在坚持的建筑设计研究方法。在书屋的设计中,我们做了两个实验:一个是形态类型上的实验,一个是材料运用上的实验。 We have always been insisting on the design and research method of research. During the design of the book house, we made two experiments: the experiment on the morphological type, and the experiment on the application of materials.

▲ 书屋融合在层叠的屋顶关系里 The book house integrated in stacked roof

▲形态演变 Morphological evolution。形态类型上,把书屋实体空间部分抬高,实体部分延续当地民居的双坡屋顶形式和坡度,以及传统的屋面顺水做法和小青瓦的铺设,却在屋顶的屋脊上做了微小的设计动作,让屋脊的角度做了 6.5°小偏转,使书屋的屋顶形态发生一点微妙的形态变化。屋顶的檐口一高一低,室内屋顶的倾斜结合均质书架的空间,让空间发生变化。

In terms of morphological type, the closed space of the book house is raised up, using the double-sloping roof form and slope of the local dwellings, as well as the traditional roofing and the grey tiles, but small adjustments was made on the roof ridge. It is deflected by 6.5°bringing a subtle morphological change to the roof, making the one side of the roof higher than the other, and enabling the space to change through the inclination of roof and the shelves.

▲ 设计策略 Design strategy

▲ 阅读空间 Reading space

▲ 书架对应的屋顶结构关系 Relation between the shelves and the roof

材料运用上,书屋的书架选择 3 公分厚的松木板模数化布置,用统一的模数尺度语言控制。书架的竖档和屋顶的结构梁用材一一对应,形成整体的语言逻辑体系。


In terms of materials, the bookcases use the modular structure of three-centimeter thick pine wood, and is controlled by a unified modular scale language. The vertical frame of the bookshelf and the structural beam of the roof are in one-to-one correspondence, forming an overall language logic system. On the outer façade, the relatively rare sun panels in the village make the whole house translucent. The light in the room becomes gentle through the sun panels, creating a comfortable environment for reading. The translucent material allows readers inside to have a glimpse of the outdoor landscape, achieving a semi-transparent spatial experience and atmosphere.

▲ 卡布隆版 Carbonate board

▲ 温和的光阅读环境 Reading room with gentle light

▲ 若隐若现的室外景观

▲ 若隐若现的室外景观 Looming outdoor landscape 乡村对于很多建筑师来说是一个陌生的领域,很多建筑师也逐渐参与到乡村中不断做尝试。我们也是一样,抱着探索和融合的心态,以建筑师的身份尝试介入乡村。很多时候,设计的灵感不仅只来自建筑师的直觉判断,而且需要根植于乡村本身,让在地性与创造性很好的结合。其实乡村没有标准,没有固定法则,没有唯一性,好坏只能让乡村自身来判断,我希望这会是一个好的开始。

Many architects are unfamiliar with the countryside, but they also make attempts to design. We are the same. With the hope of exploration and integration, we try to intervene in the countryside as architects. In many cases, the inspiration not only comes from the intuitive judgment of the architect, but is also rooted in the countryside itself, so that the locality and creativity can connect well. In fact, there are no standards for the countryside, no fixed rules, no uniqueness, and good or bad can only be judged by the village itself. I hope this will be a good start.

▲ 傍晚的书屋 Book house in the evening

▲ 手工模型 Manual model

▲ 手工模型 Manual model

▲手工模型 Manual model

▲ 结构分解示意 Structural decomposition

▲ 首层平面图 First floor plan

▲ 二层平面 Two-level plane

▲ 夹层平面图 Mezzanine floor plan

▲ 南立面 South elevation

▲ 北立面 North elevation

▲ 东立面 Eastelevation

▲ 墙身详图 Details of the wall 项目信息: 项目名称:武义梁家山•拾云山房 项目地点:金华武义柳城镇梁家山村 项目业主:宏福旅游集团有限公司 项目类型:乡村书屋 设计时间:2016.12-2017.8 建造时间:2017.10-2018.6 设计单位:尌林建筑设计事务所 主持建筑师:陈林 项目建筑师:刘东英 参与建筑师:刘东英、杨世强、简雪莲 结构形式:钢木结构 建筑材料:进口松木、阳光板、水磨石 建筑面积:156㎡ 建筑摄影:赵奕龙、陈林

Project information: Project Name: Liangjia Mountain, Wuyi • Mountain House in Mist Project Location: Liangjiashan Village, Liucheng Town, Wuyi, Jinhua Project owner: Hongfu Tourism Group Co., Ltd. Project Type: Countryside Book House Design time: 2016.12-2017.8 Construction time: 2017.10-2018.6 Design unit: Shulin Architectural Design Moderator: Chen Lin Project Architect: Liu Dongying Participating architects: Liu Dongying, Yang Shiqiang, Jian Xuelian Structural form: Steel-wood structure Building materials: Imported pine, sun board, terrazzo Building area: 156㎡ Architectural Photography: Zhao Yilong, Chen Lin


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