发布时间:2021-10-11 17:30:58 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

夏季凉亭位于香港岛热闹的住宅区北角,是首个建在公共码头上的临时建筑,由一家专门从事艺术装置和参与式社区设计的本地建筑工作室AaaM Architects设计。

Situated in a lively neighborhood of North Point on Hong Kong Island, the summer pavilion is first-of-its-kind temporary architecture built on a public pier, designed by AaaM Architects, a local architectural studio specialized in art installations and community engagements.

沿著维多利亚港的海岸线,香港设有 10 多个公共码头,连接各自的社区。与通常在特定时间段内作为运输节点运作的商业码头不同,香港的公共码头向公众开放,24 小时开放,一般不设置人员看守。基于上述研究发现,夏季凉亭设计寻求将码头空间转变为以社区为中心的公共场所的潜力,最终为整个海港的其他公共码头提供一个试点案例。

▼项目与维多利亚港远景鸟瞰,aerial view at distance of the project and surrounding environment © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼项目近景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

Along the coast line of Victoria Harbour, the city runs more than 10 public piers connecting to their respective community. Unlike commercial piers, which normally operate as a transport node within certain period of time, the public piers in Hong Kong are open to public with 24 hours access and guard-less. Based upon the above urban study, the summer pavilion design seeks the potential of transforming the pier space into a community-centric public realm, eventually set a pilot case for other public piers across the Harbour.

▼航拍顶视图,top view of the project © AaaM Architects


Existing pier is a steam-lined utilitarian concrete plinth with two bare-bone arbors and short benches. The summer pavilion, by super-imposing a metal structure to the arbor, improves additional shading and the new shelter geometry enhances cross ventilation underneath. With such improved condition, a rich layer of public activities gradually attached to the piers, fishing, resting, gathering, book-reading, photo-taking, and many more when the locals adapting the new public pier space.

▼远观码头与凉亭,viewing the pier and the pavilion at distance © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼码头上逐渐出现丰富的公共活动,a rich layer of public activities gradually attached to the piers © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak


In contrast to the rectilinear infrastructural outlook of the pale-colour pier, the summer pavilion takes a “contrasting” approach with curvilinear language, bright colour palette and natural materials. The design comes with sandpits, potted greeneries and beach chairs as a complimentary component to create a leisurable atmosphere, aiming at off-setting the pressure from the densely-populated urban district of North Point. The sandpit, depicting a beach, reminds the community about the long-gone North Point beach and waterfront lifestyle (which disappeared after reclamation in 1930s).

▼蓝白色的夏季凉亭,Blue and white summer pavilion © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼曲线语言、明亮的调色和天然材料,curvilinear language, bright colour palette and natural materials © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼凉亭曲线与码头基础设施直线的对比,Comparison of the pavilion curve with the straight line of pier infrastructure © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

凉亭设计在每个立面上都有 4 个开口。从尖沙咀文化区,到狮子山的山脊线,再到前启德机场跑道,每条曲线轮廓都勾勒出一幅独特的风景如画的海港景色。凉亭的白色外观和蓝色内部给人一种从远处住宅区都能够清楚看见的接近水的标示。亮白的表皮也与海滨环境发生反应,在日落时它会变成金色,而在完美的晴天时,它会沿著弯曲的边缘刷上一抹蓝色。

▼分析图,diagram © AaaM Architects

The pavilion design comes with 4 opening on each elevation. Each curve-silhouetted frames a unique picturesque harbour view, from Tsim Sha Tsui Cultural District, then the ridgeline of Lion Rock Mountain, to the former Kai Tak Airport runway. The white exterior and blue interior of the pavilion outlook gives a hint of approaching to the water from the residential area a-far. Glossy-white skin also reacts with the waterfront environment where it will turn golden during sunset while with a brush of blue along its curving edge during a perfect sunny day.

▼凉亭为人们提供了惬意的公共休憩空间,The pavilion provides a pleasant public rest space for people © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼凉亭的白色外观和蓝色内部呼应了海滨环境,The white exterior and blue interior of the pavilion echo the seascape © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼凉亭的曲线轮廓勾勒出独特的风景如画的海港景色,Each curve-silhouetted frames a unique picturesque harbour view © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼凉亭细部,details of the pavilion © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼凉亭内部空间,interior of the pavilion © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak


With a seemingly simple design, it opens up not only multiple new public functions of the public pier, but ultimately bring imagination of urban life into the North Point neighborhood.

▼夜景,night view © 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

▼模型,model © AaaM Architects

▼平面图,plan © AaaM Architects

▼立面图,elevation © AaaM Architects

▼施工图,construction details © AaaM Architects

设计: AaaM建筑设计工作室 设计团队: Bob Pang, Kevin Siu, Shuyan Chan, Charlotte Law, Jessie Chiu 甲方: Hong Kong Arts Centre/ Via North Point/ Urban Renewal Fund 施工单位: Hattrick Creative 面积: ~76.5平方米 摄影: 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak

Design: AaaM Architects Design Team: Bob Pang, Kevin Siu, Shuyan Chan, Charlotte Law, Jessie Chiu Client: Hong Kong Arts Centre/ Via North Point/ Urban Renewal Fund Contractor: Hattrick Creative Area: 76.5 sqm Photography: 1KM Studio/ Kevin Mak



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