发布时间:2024-02-22 08:22:30 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


China is currently facing the challenge of an aging population, with the proportion of elderly people steadily increasing. We are transitioning from an aging society to one that is deeply aging, which places higher demands on the elderly care service industry in terms of both scale and quality. Based on China’s social and cultural characteristics, our elderly care models mainly include family care, community care, and institutional care, with a ratio of approximately 90:7:3. The scale and quality of institutional care are gradually increasing.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © 章鱼见筑


Taikang Home is a high-quality commercial elderly care institution established by Taikang Group, combining insurance and elderly care industry. It is nationally distributed and focuses on the integration of medical and elderly care services. Among various elderly care models, Taikang Home’s elderly care model is unique, emphasizing providing high-quality living environments, medical care, and enriching recreational activities for the elderly to enjoy their later years in comfort.

▼整体园区鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © 章鱼见筑


The completed design of Taikang Home Su Yuan Phase 1 is located in the Taikang Xianlin Gulou Hospital area in the Xianxia District of Nanjing. It is backed by Ling Mountain and offers convenient medical facilities, transportation systems, and a comfortable natural environment. Before starting the design, we learned that a significant proportion of the project’s customers are middle to upper-class knowledge workers. Therefore, after the first site survey, we proposed the concept of “Returning to the Garden and Settling Down.”

▼活力中心夜景,night view of the “activity center” © 章鱼见筑

▼生活楼夜景,night view of the residence area © 章鱼见筑

▼夜景,night view © 章鱼见筑

尺度的回归 Scale Regression


▼场地分析图,analysis digram of the site © 同济原作设计工作室

Although Taikang Home Su Yuan Phase 1 primarily serves as an elderly care community, we initially set the goal to create a non-institutionalized environment. In simple terms, we aimed to avoid a hotel-like atmosphere and instead create a warm and homely feeling. This emphasis on warmth is not only reflected in the spatial design but also in the emotional experience. Therefore, we focused on breaking down the “big” into “small,” seeking to convey a sense of intimacy, comfort, and softness so that each resident can find their own scale and sense of belonging.

▼东侧生活楼。east residence area © 章鱼见筑

▼西侧生活楼,west residence area © 章鱼见筑


▼效果图,illustration © 同济原作设计工作室

In terms of overall planning, we adopted a “cluster” layout approach. Each cluster is of a moderate size, ensuring essential public facilities while avoiding the discomfort of excessive scale. The interior space design within each cluster takes into account the living habits and psychological needs of the elderly, providing various appropriately scaled spaces for communication, relaxation, and entertainment, allowing each resident to find their “small world.”

▼生活区夜景,night view of Taikang Home  © 章鱼见筑

▼“组团化”的布局方式,The layout of “group” © 章鱼见筑

▼园区日景,day view © 章鱼见筑

▼建筑细部,details of the building © 章鱼见筑

▼立面,facade © 章鱼见筑


▼效果图,illustration © 同济原作设计工作室

In the architectural design, we also aimed for scale regression. Unlike many other elderly care buildings that prioritize iconic effects, we emphasized the relationship between the building and its inhabitants, focusing on detail handling. We carefully balanced the relationship between building volume size and volume area, keeping the building height generally within 4 floors or less. We also designed multiple layers of ground-level transformations to further reduce the perceived height of the building. The west-side living area incorporates volume shifting to create a more delicate spatial experience, while the façade joints are meticulously designed to reflect vertical volume dynamics, reducing the sense of volume. In the east-side living area, we integrated traditional wooden structure features into the design of the sunshade system, preserving local cultural memories while minimizing the building’s volume perception.

▼建筑与景观,architecture and landscape © 章鱼见筑

▼建筑高度基本控制在4层及以内的高度,the height of the building is basically controlled within 4 floors © 章鱼见筑

▼露台与阳台,terrace and balcony © 章鱼见筑

内化的街市 Internalized Marketplace


Loneliness is a common negative emotion in elderly life, and helping seniors overcome loneliness is a significant consideration in our spatial design. We introduced the concept of an internalized marketplace to create a street market-like living scene within the elderly care community, with a strong focus on creating public activity spaces.

▼内化街市,Internalized Marketplace © 章鱼见筑

▼庭院与花园,courtyard and garden © 章鱼见筑

▼园区细部,details of the campus © 章鱼见筑


▼剖面图效果图,perspective section © 同济原作设计工作室

Different from the typical approach of designing a standalone building for public activity space within the community, we started from the spatial structure of villages and designed the “activity center” as a long internal street lane. This space connects various unit clusters and serves as the convergence point for all flows. It includes essential functions such as entrances, four-season flower halls, and dining areas, as well as activities like calligraphy, chess, swimming, fitness, and hairdressing. This design not only consolidates diverse activity functions but also enhances spontaneous interaction opportunities, even supporting the development of collective activities and helping introverted seniors rediscover the sense of social life.

▼四季花厅,four-season flower hall © 章鱼见筑

▼公寓内部,interior view of apartment © 章鱼见筑

场所的延伸 Extension of Place


“Place” is not just a physical space but also a carrier of emotions and stories. We hope that “Taikang Home Su Yuan” is not just a place to live but also a place that resonates emotionally with people, offering solace for the soul. In Su Yuan, we designed a diverse set of public activity spaces where the elderly can find like-minded companions and enjoy their time together.

▼入口大厅,lobby © 章鱼见筑

▼大厅,lobby © 章鱼见筑


With the concept of place extension in mind, we designed the public activity spaces as an organic whole, with activity rooms, libraries, and relaxation areas spreading between the living buildings to meet the various needs of the elderly. For example, those who enjoy playing chess can find opponents in a dedicated chess room, while those who love reading can immerse themselves in the quiet library.

▼多功能厅,multi-function hall © 章鱼见筑

▼结构细部,details of the structure © 章鱼见筑


Furthermore, the extended public activity spaces connect people’s experiences of indoor spaces and the internal gardens to the natural surroundings of Ling Mountain and the nearby environment. The roof of the public activity space is designed as a rooftop garden, where residents can wander under the surrounding mountains and experience the ambiance of “picking chrysanthemums beside the eastern fence, leisurely gazing at the southern hills,” as described by Tao Yuanming. The structural system of the public activity space is designed as a tree-like column structure with a grid beam system. The overlapping roof structures create semi-outdoor transitional spaces and rich indoor-outdoor interactive interfaces, along with natural light introduced through some column tops. All of this allows the entire elderly care community to engage in a dialogue with distant mountains and nearby landscapes, anchoring the place within the entire site.

▼健身房,gym © 章鱼见筑

▼休闲厅,leisure area © 章鱼见筑

▼泳池,pool © 章鱼见筑

▼模型,model © 同济原作设计工作室

▼效果图,illustration © 同济原作设计工作室

▼总平面图,master plan © 同济原作设计工作室

▼生活中心一层平面图,1st floor plan © 同济原作设计工作室

▼生活中心二层平面图,2nd floor plan © 同济原作设计工作室

▼东侧生活楼标准层平面图,Typical plan of East side living building  © 同济原作设计工作室

▼西侧生活楼标准层平面图,Typical plan of West side living building  © 同济原作设计工作室

▼立面图,elevations © 同济原作设计工作室

▼剖面图,sections © 同济原作设计工作室

▼细部大样,details © 同济原作设计工作室


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