发布时间:2023-08-19 06:52:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在马德里市中心,该项目的起始点位于Calle Barquillo和Fernando VI两条大街转角处的一个独特空间:一座古典建筑的底层。空间呈一个封闭的V字形,可以从拐角处进入。建筑的四个开口朝向Calle Barquillo街道,另外八个朝向Fernando IV街道。

The starting point is an extraordinary space on the corner of Calle Barquillo and Fernando VI, on the ground floor of a classic building in the center of Madrid. It has a closed V shape, with access from the corner. Four openings to Barquillo, eight to Fernando IV.

▼空间概览,Overall view © Salva López


Once stripped of cladding, a structure of brick load-bearing walls appears. They are thick and supported on granite on the facade, thinner and framed with pine columns and beams inside. It has an impressive character, each side of the v with a square section of four meters wide by four meters high, which offers a very rare spatial quality. It has the solid quality of the permanent, but also reveals a vulnerable side in the modifications and scars it has suffered over time. It is powerful and calm at the same time.

▼柜台和标识墙面,Counter and logo wall © Salva López

▼展示区域,Display area © Salva López


We see no better solution than to reinforce this clearly perceived character. The height of the existing openings is increased to the original height. The walls are cleaned of superfluous materials or elements, leaving the essential repairs or remains. It is necessary to touch a lot so that it seems that nothing has been touched. The dividing walls of lesser material quality are covered with a rough spray of plaster and perlite mortar, which accentuates the irregularity of the base. The ceiling is projected with an acoustic absorbing material, also rough, which houses the general lighting. The floor is treated with a high quality cement mortar, which provides a continuous surface, except in the entrance hall, where it is paved with a straight-cut klinker cobblestone of elongated proportion.

▼入口门厅,Entrance hall © Salva López


With these operations we try to elevate, complete and enhance the qualities of the existing, to achieve a container toned in the red of the brick and the color of the plaster, in different textures and variations, which tries to link the traditional architecture of Madrid with the abstract condition, denuded, of modern architecture.

▼混凝土中心装置和墙上的线性架子 The concrete central piece and the linear shelf fixed to the wall © Salva López


In this container the minimum possible elements are arranged. On each side of the V, a few central pieces and a linear shelf fixed to one of the walls. They have opposing characters. The former are built with cast-in-place concrete, on a lost mold and with a formwork of old wooden board. They speak the language of the unalterable, the profound, made with ‘earth’, like the brick of the structure. They serve as bench, support, display or counter. The shelves are light, made of folded steel sheet, and float without touching the walls. The main collection is displayed on them, illuminated by its own light, brighter than the general light.

▼空间的中央设有一个修鞋工坊,The shoe repair workshop © Salva López

空间中还装饰了几面大尺寸的镜子,它们也漂浮在外墙的砖柱上,成倍地拓宽了交叉视角。入口处的榕树下方摆放着由Joaquim Belsa在1960年为Aresta设计的扶手椅和几把回收的凳子,可以用作休息的场所。在V形空间的中央设有一个修鞋工坊,包含了所有必要的设备。

The set is complemented by mirrors, large and also floating on the brick pillars of the facade, multiplying the cross views. A large ficus tree gathers us at the entrance, and armchairs (designed by Joaquim Belsa in 1960 for Aresta) and recovered stools offer a rest. In the center of the V, the store is completed with a shoe repair workshop, with all the necessary equipment.

▼室内细节,Interior detailed view © Salva López

▼材质,Material © Salva López


The ‘sustainable’, resolutely modern and minimal philosophy of the brand is expressed in the complex dialogue that takes place in the space, now place, between the new and the traditional, the functional and the idealistic, the raw, the perfect, the found and the subtly added. The changing and the permanent.

▼储存室和茶水间,Storage and kitchenette © Salva López

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan © Plantea Estudio

▼地下一层平面图,Basement floor plan © Plantea Estudio

▼立面图1,Facade 1 © Plantea Estudio

▼立面图2,Facade 2 © Plantea Estudio

▼剖面图1,Section 1 © Plantea Estudio

▼剖面图2,Section 2 © Plantea Estudio

Credits Architecture and interior design by Plantea Estudio. Promoter Veja Furniture Plantea, vintage furniture from Fenix Originals Materials Mortex (floors), Malpesa (entrance bricks) Construction company GYC espacios Photography Salva López

Social media @plantea_estudio @veja @salvalopez @fenixoriginals


Veja鞋店,马德里 / Plantea Estudio
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