发布时间:2018-02-11 03:02:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


There are many layers of contemporary history that one can experience in the Dogpatch, but few sites encapsulate this multiplicity like the intersection of Third and 23rd Streets. Here, the uncharacteristic angle of historic homes hint at the site’s heritage, the location of the Tubbs Cordage Company Ropewalk, whose slanted pier once pierced the traditionally gridded fabric of the neighborhood, extending more than one-thousand feet into the Bay, and connecting the ropemaking factory with its maritime customers.  

▼步道鸟瞰,aerial view

制绳厂运营于1856年至1963年。为了配合海运业的转型,工厂建筑于70年代末期被用作John M. Woods客车中心,如今则已经无迹可寻。该区域仅存的几间仓库和工厂也都在旧区改造的过程中不见了踪影,为的是迎合旧金山日益增长的住房需要。该项目旨在致敬多帕奇的工业历史,以绳索走道的形式唤醒码头昔日的氛围,同时通过新的景观来讲述与海运有关的故事。

The factory operated from 1856 to 1963 but was leveled in the late 70’s to accommodate Muni’s “John M. Woods Motor Coach Center,” part of a community transition away from maritime industry. Today, no remnants of the building exist. The few warehouses and factories that remain throughout the community are quickly being lost to gentrification, as San Francisco seeks to meet the City’s housing shortage. As a tribute to this important chapter of Dogpatch industrial heritage, the Dogpatch Ropewalk was designed to evoke the aura of the historic pier and to use the landscape to tell the story of maritime industry in the Dogpatch community.

▼从平台俯瞰步道,terrace view


In the initial phases of the design process, research showed that the original shoreline of the bay fell halfway through the existing site; this fascinating discovery inspired the cardinal elements of the Midblock Passage design. The throughway is accordingly divided in three zones (Water, Marsh, Shore) all of which exhibit distinct program, paving, planting and atmospheric qualities. 

▼平面图,右起依次分为“水”、“沼泽”以及“海岸”三个区域,from right, the throughway is divided in three zones (Water, Marsh, Shore)

“水”广场与城区的主干道(3号大街)距离最近,是三个区域中最为抽象和缥缈的区域。以逝去的鬼魂为灵感,Fletcher Studio为该区域设计了名为Nomads(流浪者)的钢制长椅系列,并由Chambers Art & Design在奥克兰进行生产。紧挨着这些长椅的是名为“绳结车站”(Rope-Tying Station)的互动艺术装置,它鼓励着行人与场地中的遗迹进行亲密接触。

The ‘water’ plaza is closest to the neighborhood’s arterial roadway, Third Street, and is the most abstract and ethereal of the three zones. Here, ghosts of the past inspire the unusual form of a family of Nomads, a collection of sculptural steel benches, designed by Fletcher Studio and fabricated by Chambers Art & Design in Oakland. Adjacent to these benches, an interactive art installation – the ‘Rope-Tying Station’ – encourages passerbys to engage first hand with the heritage of the site.

▼“水”广场中摆放着Nomads钢制长椅和“绳结车站”互动艺术装置,the ‘water’ plaza features a collection of  sculptural steel benches and the ‘Rope-Tying Station’ installation


The ‘marsh’ zone draws visitors from the activity of the ‘water’ plaza through the site to the more contemplative ‘shore’ plaza. In the ‘marsh’ zone, the main feature is an elevated wood and steel boardwalk that harkens back to the original Tubbs Cordage pier. The boardwalk is suspended over thick planting that is designed to collect and retain rainwater, suggesting the marsh that originally covered this part of the shoreline. The ‘marsh’ also functions as a bioretention area, collecting the rainwater for the entire site and using the planting to filter pollutants and slow the water’s release into the sewer system. 

▼“沼泽”区域横跨于茂密的植物之上,the ‘marsh’ zone is suspended over thick planting

▼夜景,night view

“海岸”区域是最具历史意义和象征意义的区域,这里展示着历史照片的拼贴以及Tubbs制绳厂的原始图像。这一永久性的公共展示空间围绕在广场周围,广场中还设有座椅和由Fletcher Studio设计的考顿钢桌子,用以唤起人们对于往昔伸向海湾的码头的记忆。

The ‘shore’ zone is the most concrete in its significance and symbolism, utilizing above-grade transformers as a surface for historic image collages and original imagery of the Tubbs Cordage Factory and Ropewalk. This permanent public exhibition surrounds a public plaza with seating and a massive corten steel community table designed by Fletcher Studio to evoke the pier that used to jut into the Bay.

▼“海岸”区域鸟瞰,aerial view of the  ‘shore’ zone

▼广场中设有座椅和由Fletcher Studio设计的考顿钢桌子,the public plaza with seating and a massive corten steel community table designed by Fletcher Studio

▼这里展示着历史照片的拼贴以及Tubbs制绳厂的原始图像, a public plaza surrounded by historic image collages and original imagery of the Tubbs Cordage Factory and Ropewalk

▼社区夜景,night view of the neighborhood


▼手绘图,design sketches

THE DOGPATCH ROPEWALK Completed: 2018 Size: 1.2 Acres Budget: $1.2 Million Client/Owner: AGI Capitol Lead Designer: David Fletcher Landscape Contractor: Martina Landscape Contractors Civil Engineer: BKF Irrigation Design: ISC Irrigation Irrigation System: Hunter Industries Photographer: Craig Crozart Furniture: Custom Designed fabricatedby Chambers Art and Design Materials: Concrete, Stone, Stainlesss Steel, Accoya Wood, Thermory Wood Soil: American Soil and Stone


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