发布时间:2020-09-07 06:22:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目位于伦敦市菲茨罗维亚区,是一栋多功能的商业办公楼,建筑外观极具装饰艺术风格。精美工艺的传承与对材料的把控,结合当代设计理念与施工技术,使建筑的肌理变得丰富且细腻。该商业楼始建于1929年,曾作为煤气,可乐以及照明公司的办公场所。经de Metz Forbes Knight (dMFK)事务所改造后,室内增加了一系列堪比艺术家工作室的明亮的办公空间。建筑内可出租的部分也增长了75%。在此背景下,由Bureau de Change事务所介入对办公楼展开了进一步的室内外设计。设计师通过特定的材料、图案和几何形体来回应建筑的历史,在为项目注入一种永恒的美学的同时,将创新性与极致的工匠精神融入其中。在现代商业建筑的发展进程中,这种复古的设计理念是十分出人意料的。

The Gaslight in Fitzrovia is a new mixed-use commercial development that has been created within the shell of a handsome Art Deco building. It weaves true craftsmanship, a mastery of materials, into the fabric of the building using contemporary design and techniques. Originally built in 1929 for the Gas, Coke and Light Company, this robust industrial building has been reorganized and extended by de Metz Forbes Knight (dMFK), producing a series of light-filled, spaces inspired by artist studios. The lettable volume of the building has been increased by over 75%. Within these volumes, Bureau de Change has embedded a timeless aesthetic by responding to the building’s heritage with bespoke materials, patterns and geometries that add an innovative, crafted character – something which is unexpected in modern commercial development.

▼项目外观 © Gilbert McCarragher exterior of the project

项目之初,业主I.S.A.控股有限公司希望能够扩大建筑的内部空间,并在其中以一种大胆且激进的风格来创造出一系列高质量的商业空间。建筑所在的街区,曾是手工作坊的聚集地,Bureau de Change事务所结合了该街区的历史背景,使设计反映出手工业的特性。项目的核心设计理念旨在超越办公楼常见的时尚趋势,为The Gaslight赋予独特的个性与更加持久的价值。

When the building’s owner, I.S.A. (Holdings), set out to reinvent this utilitarian structure, they wanted to amplify the interiors and develop a radical approach to high-quality commercial space. The result is a design that reflects the specific character of the area, once alive with artisanal workshops. The aim was to create something with a distinct character and long-lasting value that reaches beyond the fads and trends that are commonplace within the office sector.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Gilbert McCarragher

极具雕塑感的电梯间是项目的交通中心,也是设计的核心,连通了四层的办公空间。Bureau de Change事务所为电梯间特别定制了双层古铜色金属网外表皮。外表皮上褶皱的波纹效果遮盖了混凝土材质的核心筒。错综复杂的图案呼应了建筑的历史风格,同时展现出现代的制作工艺。设计师在一层楼板下,围绕着核心筒,设置了一部悬挂式的楼梯。平台与台阶的部分采用了与电梯相同的金属外表皮。这种设置,将悬挂式楼梯与电梯后的石质台阶明显地区分了出来。金属丝细工组成的台阶仿佛从电梯间的外表皮延伸出来,增强了核心筒部分的雕塑感。传统手工艺,与现代工业材料制造技术,于此完美融合,成为整个空间的亮点。

The centerpiece of their scheme is an innovative sculptural intervention in the new circulation core, that connects the four floors of offices. Bureau de Change have created two layers of bespoke bronze-colored mesh, which sit in front of each other generating a moiré effect that obscures the concrete core. Their intricate pattern reflects the stylistic history of the building using contemporary fabrication techniques. Underneath the suspended stairs, which wrap around the core at ground floor, the top layer of pleated mesh peels away from the one behind that continues to run through the building. This interplay between the layers creates an illusion that the steps are formed from the intricate filigree metal and enhances the sculptural quality of the work. With this intervention Bureau de Change conveys a sense of hand-craftsmanship, whilst using industrial materials and fabrication.

▼金属丝细工组成的台阶仿佛从电梯间的外表皮延伸出来 © Gilbert McCarragher the top layer of pleated mesh peels away from the one behind that continues to run through the building

▼极具雕塑感的电梯间  © Gilbert McCarragher  sculptural intervention in the new circulation core

Bureau de Change事务所负责人Billy Mavropoulos说:“真正的手工艺就是对材料的认知与把控的过程。因此,我们以类似工匠的方式,对工业材料以及现代制造技术进行了探索。通过用激光切割青铜面板,并将它们折叠,产生出更加复杂的结构框架。为了保持建筑室内风格的和谐统一,所有的金属细工元素都采用了相同尺度的纹样模版。”

Billy Mavropoulos, Director at Bureau de Change said, “True craftsmanship is a process that leads to an understanding of materials and what they are capable of. Industrial materials and fabrication techniques were therefore explored in a more artisan-like manner, with laser-cut bronze panels folded to create an intricate framework. Full-scale mock ups were then used to test every corner detail to ensure the filigree pattern is consistent throughout the building.”

▼错综复杂的图案呼应了建筑的历史风格,同时展现出现代的制作工艺, intricate pattern reflects the stylistic history of the building using contemporary fabrication techniques © Gilbert McCarragher

▼通过用激光切割青铜面板,并将它们折叠,产生出更加复杂的结构框架,with laser-cut bronze panels folded to create an intricate framework © Gilbert McCarragher

▼楼梯间细部,details of the circulation core © Gilbert McCarragher

▼电梯内部细部, detail in the elevator © Gilbert McCarragher

另一位负责人Katerina Dionysopoulou说:“对现有的建筑进行改造,为其增添新的功能,是非常令人愉悦的工作体验。设计的核心基于一种怀旧的情怀。很高兴能够为The Gaslight探索新的想法,使其变得丰富,并赋予其新的价值与意义。”

Katerina Dionysopoulou, Director at Bureau de Change said, “We enjoy working with existing buildings, transforming them for a new purpose but doing it with a kind of nostalgia at the heart of the designs. It was a pleasure to explore these ideas for The Gaslight and ultimately enrich a building so that it can take on a new meaning.”

▼通向夹层的楼梯 © Gilbert McCarragher stairs leading the a mezzanine

I.S.A.控股的总监Adriana Paice说:“相比于拆除,我们希望能够保留原有的建筑,并找到一种方法展示出它的结构与特点。更重要的是,我们希望将其改造成新的商业中心,同时,体现出菲茨罗维亚丰富的文化遗产背景。从公共艺术的角度来说,我认识到了雕塑元素对于定义关键空间以及为建筑塑造特点的重要作用。”

Adriana Paice, Director at I.S.A. said, “We knew we wanted to keep the original building rather than demolish it and find a way to celebrate the existing architecture and structures within the building. Above all we wanted to transform the building into a new commercial hub that was connected to and reflected the rich cultural heritage of Fitzrovia. Coming from a background in public art I recognise how important the sculptural elements are for defining key spaces and providing the building with a distinct identity.”

▼新建的夹层空间, new mezzanine space © Gilbert McCarragher

▼从中央交通核心可以直接到达夹层, mezzanine is directly accessible from the central circulation core © Gilbert McCarragher

▼夹层细部, details of the mezzanine © Gilbert McCarragher

这种对细节的关注,贯穿了Bureau de Change对不同内部空间的设计。浴室采用了定制的水磨石镶板,以当代的方式,呼应了传统建筑可能采用的木材镶板。室内空间的指示系统则采用了突出的青铜标识和独特的丝带字体。除此之外,设计师还将建筑的门牌号码结合金属栏杆的造型,安装在入口修复后的木质大门上。室内入口的木制门把手也被精心设计和处理过,由车床旋转打磨的门把手有着独特的手工质感。在进入建筑时,游客首先便会惊叹于这意想不到的触感,与细致入微的工艺。

This attention to detail continues throughout Bureau de Change’s design of the different internal spaces. The bathrooms use a bespoke terrazzo panelling, which is formed as a contemporary echo of the traditional timber panelling that might have been found in the original building. The way-finding in the building uses extruded bronze signs in a distinctive ribbon font, whilst the numbers for the building’s entrance are shaped into the metal railings on the restored wooden gates. Even the timber handles on the external entrance doors have been designed in three dimensions and turned on a lathe to provide an unexpected tactile quality to imbue a sense of craftsmanship in the visitor’s experience.

▼浴室间  © Gilbert McCarragher bathroom

▼浴室采用了定制的水磨石镶板,以当代的方式,呼应了传统建筑可能采用的木材镶板,bathrooms use a bespoke terrazzo panelling, which is formed as a contemporary echo of the traditional timber panelling that might have been found in the original building © Gilbert McCarragher

▼卫生间突出的青铜标识, extruded bronze signs of the restroom © Gilbert McCarragher

对Bureau de Change事务所而言,The Gaslight独特的装饰艺术风格与当地悠久的手工业历史是重要的设计依据,从视觉角度与叙事方面来看,它们贯穿了整个项目。从入口大门上细致打磨的门把手,到新增的仿佛漂浮在建筑体量中的夹层,都体现出“传承”的设计理念。

Bureau de Change took The Gaslight’s Art Deco style and the area’s rich heritage of craftsmanship and created a cohesive visual narrative that runs throughout the building – from the hand-turned wooden door handles in the entrance to the creation of a mezzanine level in the top floor, which appears to float in the volume of the space.

▼入口大门上细致打磨的门把手, the hand-turned wooden door handles in the entrance © Gilbert McCarragher

▼门牌号码结合了金属栏杆的造型, numbers for the building’s entrance are shaped into the metal railings © Gilbert McCarragher


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