发布时间:2023-12-03 15:03:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Maison Wave

居住的机器 Machine à Habiter


Le Corbusier 是 20 世纪最伟大的建筑师之一,也是现代主义先驱、远见者和乌托邦主义者。

功能主义是贯穿Le Corbusier职业生涯的主要思想,也影响了众多与他共事的建筑师、设计师。

Le Corbusier best known as one of the greatest architects of the 20th century, was also a modernist prophet, a visionary, and a utopian. Functionalism has been the main idealogy throughout his career and also inflect lots of architects and designers who worked with him.

1925年Le Corbusier在他的字典里宣布:房子是“居住的机器”,室内装饰是“房屋设备”,扶手椅是“坐的机器”。在他的《L'Art Décoratif d'aujourd'hui》一书中定义了三种不同的家具类型:Type-needs、Type-furniture 和 Human-limb objects。他将Human-limb object对象定义为:“ human-limb object是一个温顺的仆人,一个好仆人应该谨慎谦逊从而使他的主人感到自由。”

In 1925, Le Corbusier announced that in his dictionary: a house is a "living machine", interior decoration is "house equipment", and armchairs are "sitting machine". In his book 'L'Art D é coratif d'aujourd'hui', he defined three different types of furniture: Type needs, Type furniture, and Human limb objects. He defined the Human limb object as: "The extension of our limbs and the adaptation of human functions, which are type requirements and type functions, therefore type objects and type furniture. The Human limb object is a gentle servant, and a good servant should be cautious and humble to make his master feel free.”

以Le Corbusier名义推出的LC系列是20世纪现代设计最具标志性的家具系列,但是家具设计一直不是Le Corbusier的主要工作。在他与堂弟Pierre Jeanneret和建筑师Charlotte Perriand共同设计LC系列时,Le Corbusier更多地担任导师、指挥官而不是实际执行者。

The LC series launched under the name of Le Corbusier is the most iconic furniture series in modern design in the 20th century, but furniture design has never been Le Corbusier's main job. When he co designed the LC series with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret and architect Charlotte Perriand, Le Corbusier served more as a mentor and commander than as an actual executor.

本着’Machine à Habiter生活的机器‘的精神理论,在Le Corbusier团队中负责专门负责室内设计及家具设计的Charlotte Perriand成为现代主义设计最重要的人物之一;

In this spirit, Charlotte Perriand who was assigned as “Associated for the interior arrange-ment of houses” by Le Corbusier became of one the most important figures of modern design;

Le Corbusier的工程师Jean Prouve 受到“Machine à Habiter” 的影响,用自己前卫的设计语言打造了一系列标志性现代设计;

Jean Prouvé constructeur of Le Corbusier, who got wind of the design of "Ma-chine à habiter" made a series of the iconic design in his own avant-garde design languages;

Lampe Gras 被Le Corbusier定义为类型工具Type-Stool,具有纯粹功能性和简单性的特点;

Lampe Gras which Le Corbusier saw as perfect definition of object-tool that has the characteristic of pure functionality and simplicity;

身为Le Corbusier团队重要成员的Georges Candilis为勒卡特港的度假地项目设计了一系列实用的家具和实验预制房屋;

Georges Candilis who worked as an important member of Le Corbusier team designed a series of practical furniture and prefabricated houses for holiday resorts project in Port-Leucate;

此次展览Maison Wave非常荣幸向大家展示 Bernard Albin Gras、Charlotte Perriand、Jean Prouve 和 Georges Candilis 的稀有原作,他们贯彻了勒柯布西耶“Machine à Habiter生活的机器”的理念,并衍生出了各自特色鲜明的设计语言与美学。

Maison Wave as a gallery that specialist in 20th-century design proudly pres-ents the rare collection of original works from Bernard Albin Gras, Charlotte Perriand, Jean Prouvé, and Georges Candilis who carry out the idealogy of Le Corbusier's "Machine à habiter".

Maison Wave坐落于上海外滩核心区域,是一家专注于20世纪现代设计的画廊。“Wave”代表了从1910-80年代现代主义设计史上不同时期的思潮与趋势。我们从世界各地收集经典且稀有的藏品,将与藏家、美术馆、大型公共机构一起在中国宣传现代主义设计与文化。通过策展,这些杰出的历史设计将与时代对应的场景融合,呈现其应有的气质。

Located in the central area of The Bund, Shanghai. Maison Wave is a gallery that specializes in 20TH century modern design. 'Wave' represent the different idealogy and trend throughout the modernism movement from the 1910s to 1980s. We collect exceptional and rare pieces from all over the world and collaborate with top galleries, famous design collectors, and leading auction houses. At the same time, to promote modern design in China, we work closely with museums and large public institutions. We curated exhibitions on historical work are presented within environments that reference architecture and interiors of the era.


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