发布时间:2016-11-26 15:31:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Architect:Archier;HIP V. HYPE

Location:Melbourne, Australia


Stories By:Archier;HIP V. HYPE

Located in North Carlton overlooking the capital city bike trail opposite Green Park Dining, The 330 Park Street Collective is home to a multi-disciplinary group of design led professionals.

Founded in 2015 by HIP V. HYPE, The Collective is comprised of two interconnected wings doubling as both studio work spaces, design product showrooms and event spaces.

N.EVER E.AT S.OGGY W.EETBIX The West Wing, designed by Archier, doubles as a work space for HIP V. HYPE and a showroom for Archier’s bespoke furniture and lighting. The East Wing, conceived as a project between HIP V. HYPE and Inkster founder, Hugh Altschwager, doubles as a share space for creative types as well as a showroom for Inkster’s bespoke South Australian limestone lighting pieces and other hand crafted products.

Each wing has its own timber window front opening towards a northern aspect thanks to Binq, a local window manufacturer that matches European technology with local innovation and material to deliver highly sustainable window solutions.

The Collective is united by a simple aim – to create better products, services, buildings and cities.

Located in North Carlton overlooking the capital city bike trail opposite Green Park Dining, The Park Street Collective is home to a multi-disciplinary group of design led professionals.

Founded in 2015 by HIP V. HYPE, The Collective is comprised of two interconnected wings doubling as both studio work spaces, design product showrooms and event spaces.

The West Wing, designed by Archier, doubles as a workspace for HIP V. HYPE and a showroom for Archier’s bespoke furniture and lighting.

The East Wing, conceived as a project between HIP V. HYPE and Inkster founder, Hugh Altschwager, doubles as a share space for creative types as well as a showroom for Inkster’s bespoke South Australian limestone lighting pieces and other handcrafted products.

Each wing has its own timber window front opening towards a northern aspect thanks to Binq, a local window manufacturer that matches European technology with local innovation and material to deliver highly sustainable window solutions.

The Collective is united by a simple aim – to create better products, services, buildings and cities.

The Park Street Collective has successfully attracted a core group of like-minded members seeking to generate projects and services defined by substance, genuine interaction and meaning.

HIP V. HYPE is an entrepreneurial firm utilising design thinking to resolve intuitive solutions to project delivery and value creation. We use our unique perspective on business, process and technical knowledge as a tool to enable designers and consultants to do what they do best. Our operations focus around four pillars: Development, Design, Sustainability and Research.

We are passionate about cities and are driven by a desire to achieve better outcomes. We believe in the value of great design and utilise design thinking as a tool to create better, more beautiful spaces, systems, services and experiences for people. We envision market-targeted projects and work proactively and strategically to deliver exceptional outcomes for everyone involved.

HIP V. HYPE seeks to shape and enhance the urban, cultural fabric of our cities through informed, responsive and integrative design and development solutions. HV.H is focused on maximising both commercial value and cultural capital.

Hip – can’t be faked. 

Hype – don’t believe it.

Hip and Hype can be confused – substance is the defining point of difference. You can believe the Hype or you can choose something else. We choose something else. We choose to opt into a considered and engaged approach to development. Great buildings, intimate spaces, a desire to improve our urban environment and maximise cultural capital.

Because we deserve better.



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