▼位于公园内十字路口的花园,the garden is located on a crossing road of a park
▼从其它道路看花园,view from other road
The Garden of Framed Scenes expands the notion of pubic art and sculpture to create a space for the inhabitants of the city. It is situated at an infrastructural crossroads within Fontelo Park—transforming a space of flows into a space of gathering. The outer geometry of the triangle emerges from the site’s paths, while the internal square geometry frames a theatre for collective performance.
▼三角外形的花园,the garden is in a triangle shape
▼方形内部场地作为剧院,internal square geometry frames a theatre
受当地文艺复兴画家Grao Vasco将背景框选折叠成集中前景的绘画技术启发,项目内采用了一系列框架式的开洞来重构周边景色。在这个设计作品中,前景与后景像静态画作一样被折叠框选起来,但其中的观众和表演者仍在走动。
▼花园采用一系列框架框选景色, a series of framed openings to recontextualize the surrounding environment
▼花园让人们在这里聚集活动,garden allow people to gather here
Inspired by local Renaissance painter Grao Vasco’s technique of framing and collapsing the background environment into the collective scene of the foreground, the project uses a series of framed openings to recontextualize the surrounding environment. Within the piece, foreground and background are collapsed yet framed, while the position of audience and performer is also oscillating.
▼灵感来源于画作技术,inspired by drawing technique
▼活动分析图,activity analysis
▼轴测,axonometric drawing