发布时间:2021-03-08 07:52:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

背景Back Ground

“鹤望-智谷”坐落在上海青浦区白鹤镇,白石公路和外青松公路西南转角处,西邻东大盈港、南邻泗路泾。近年来,伴随着长三角一体化成为国家战略,青浦的区域价值凸显出来。2019年青浦被纳入长三角一体化战略示范区,它不仅成为上海的西大门而且也成为长三角一体化的枢纽和桥头堡。“鹤望-智谷”项目正是在这一背景下应运而生。 “智谷”项目定位为以高技术企业总部和高标准通用厂房为主体的产业园区,同时面临长三角一体化下总体规划可能存在的潜在升级,“智谷”项目也可以迅速对接高标准城市化对新型业态和城市风貌的需求。

“Hewang Wisdom Valley” is located in Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, at the southwest corner of Waiqingsong highway and Baishi highway, adjacent to East Daying Port in the west and Silu River on the south. In 2019, Qingpu was included in the Yangtze River Delta integration strategic demonstration area and becomes the hub and bridgehead of Yangtze River Delta integration. The project of ” Hewang Wisdom Valley ” arose at this moment . ” Hewang Wisdom Valley ” is positioned as an industrial park with the headquarters of high-tech enterprises and high-standard general workshops . Meanwhile, ” Wisdom Valley” is also able to quickly meet the demands of high-standard of new formats and features with potentially future upgrade of the urban planning.

▼视频,video© COBBLESTONE


The project ” Wisdom Valley ” is a group buildings for high-tech enterprises, which is composed of a group of multi-storey buildings with similar blocks and regular structures, with a total gross area of 37670 m2 . A large-span floor layout can be expanded from 1000 m2 to 2000 m2, which can meet the needs of enterprise headquarters, and high-tech industrial R & D etc. No.1. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are R & D units. Building No.2 is a supporting office and business center. Building No. 8 and 9 is for office, R & D facilities, restaurants and a roof garden. This park not only will meet the needs of high-tech tenant spaces and loads for standardization and flexibility in the future, but also will strive to excavate unique humanistic characteristics and modernity. We try to establish particular articulations with memory and innovative culture of the client by our design work, and also actively explore a spatial identity and characteristics of group industrial architecture.

▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project© MLee

产业园内院鸟瞰,aerial view of the inner yard© MLee


10年前我们为同一业主在上海桃浦工业园区内设计过一处总部办公园区“示范-汇智天地”,旨在探索新建产业建筑以多元化的方式对既有城市秩序的介入,进而推动渐进的城市更新。那组由7栋建筑组成的集群办公建筑组合丰富、结合柔性几何关系和垂直开窗方式、及深棕色黄金钻饰面石材等元素给人留下完整而深刻的印象,我们把这一印象称为“集体记忆”。只是在新一轮桃浦总体规划调整中,这组建筑不得不面临被拆迁的命运。业主希望在新的园区设计建设中寻找一种与“汇智天地”的连接、可持续叙述的载体和超越,我们把这一过程理解为“移情”、 “记忆的转移”或“重构”。我们需要寻找一种“集体记忆”的“原型”,即可以被抽象和类型化的东西,并且重构和当下化。

Ten years ago, we designed a headquarters park for this client in Shanghai Taopu Industrial District, ” Shifan – Huizhi World”. The objective is to seek multiply means through which new industrial architecture might impact the existing urban structure and push for a progressive urban renewal. This headquarters is composed of seven buildings with rich combinations, flexible geometric relationships, vertical windows, and dark brown stone facades. Those compositions are so integrated and impressive that they become a “Collective Memory”. Just when in the latest modification of the regional planning, this park has to be removed. The owner hopes to find an articulation and transcendence while a new park design is made to be with a sustainable narration of “Huizhi World. This progress is understood as “Empathy”, “Memory Transference” or “Reconstruction”. We need to find prototypes of” collective memories” which can be abstracted and typologized, and work in the present.

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing© COBBLESTONE

▼场地轴测分析,analyze of the site© COBBLESTONE


Group and Compromise

集群建筑,不仅面临城市化过程中与城市脉络的联系,又以自身体系建立对城市的介入和反思。集群建筑中个体的塑造与整体的关系互相牵制,这种牵制所形成的张力,让集群建筑挖掘巨大的场所魅力。槙文彦曾经阐述过集群建筑的创作方法。他说: "Each part is meaningful for the whole, the whole adjusts integral parts. When there is strain between parts and whole, it will lead to the ideal state of future architecture, under the condition that depending relation should be formed form parts and the whole". (每个局部对整体而言都是有意义的,整体调节各个组成的局部。当整体与局部之间存在有张力是,就将会导致未来建筑的理想状态,但要达到那种状态必须由局部与整体形成先导性的某种依存关系)。"示范-汇智天地"和"鹤望-智谷"两处相隔10年的集群建筑设计,我们都试图梳理集群与城市、集群建筑中个体与整体之间的这种介入、关联、张弛、激活。建立在宏观城市脉络判断下对集群和个体的协调,这是一种平衡也是广义的折中。

▼由花园看6号楼,viewing the building no.6 © MLee

▼由场地内道路看6号楼,viewing the building no.6 from the road of the site© MLee

▼6号楼立面细部,detail of the building no.6 facade © MLee


Balance and Reconstruction


"Collective memory", a universal memory, is closely related to abstracted "prototype". The prototype is often memorized as the time goes. We abstract the most common vertical window patterns in "Shifan – Huizhi World" (collective memory) to be pasted in the "Hewang Wisdom Valley". The stretched medal mesh with different densities is made for part of the façades which became a paper-cut of memory. Mean time, the dark brown stones on the curtain wall of "Shifan – Huizhi World" were carefully removed, numbered and preserved, and are reused on some facades of "Wisdom Valley" to complete "transference" of materials. The original No.7 building of "Huizhi World" was disintegrated into two horizontal independents to form the prototype of No.8-9 building of "Wisdom Valley". The top of No.8 Building is connected with the roof garden, "Nest He" (nest of crane) of No.9 Building by stairs.

▼8、9号楼体块生成,concept of the building no.8 and no.9 © COBBLESTONE


▼8、9号楼概览,overall of the building no.8 and no.9© MLee

▼主体形态和红色铝板覆盖穿插的型形成强烈的突变和起伏,red aluminum cenvelope form a strong mutation and undulation © MLee

▼仰视连廊与建筑,up-looking the building and the nest© MLee


"Flying Crane" of Paper Folding


The building No.2 is located in the corner of Waiqingsong highway and Baishi highway. The building prototype with five stories is divided into three blocks: the lower block is floor one with business center, the middle block is floor two and floor three with training office, and the upper block is floor four and floor five with independent office. The lowest block is parallel to the Waiqingsong highway and the middle block moves slightly to the West and north when the upper block overhangs in the corner of the East Road after turning 90 degrees, and establishes a clear parallel relationship with Baishi highway. The horizontal volume of the building extends in two directions at the road intersection, which structures the straight and interactive relationship between the building and the road, the building and the site, and the building and other buildings as well.

折纸概念分析,Paper Foldingconcept© COBBLESTONE

▼2号楼空间生成分析图,diagram of the building No. 2 © COBBLESTONE


Under these relationships, three naturally falling rectangular superposition -blocks are formed. The outer edge points of the superposed blocks are connected to form a serious of natural folding surfaces which forming folded, trapezoidal and triangular shapes in different directions. The building is massive and with tendency of flying. It is like a flying crane of paper folding to shape a huge tension and recognition for the place and the corner of the roads.

▼2号楼概览,overall of the building No. 2© MLee

叠加体的外缘点相连形成自然的折面,serious of natural folding surfaces which forming folded © MLee

▼折面的外侧由玻璃和拉伸网板共同形成的复合幕墙包裹,trapezoidal and triangular shapes in different directions © MLee


The interior spaces also come into be natural and rich trapezoid compositions due to the folding surfaces. The atrium linked with the floor one, two and three empty spaces becomes a sharing container, a sophisticated atrium space. The first floor is the business center and showing space. The second and third floors are the training and development area, sharing the container of the atrium hall. The fourth and fifth floors are relatively independent office. The south and east sides of the container are enclosed by composited curtain walls with multi-folded surfaces.

▼底层外立面,exterior of the ground floor© MLee

立面细部,details of the facade© MLee


Two groups of mega concrete structures support the steel structure system of the folding surfaces. Outside of the steel structures there are the medal keels, the glass curtain wall and the red stretched mesh panels. They shape a rich superposition of multi-layers from a visual stimulation to an organized texture. The organized layers and texture with light shadows above the ground and structures enrich human experiences and perceptions.

▼一层为企业的招商和展示中心, The first floor is the business center and showing space© MLee

▼三层挑空空间,the atrium© MLee

钢结构外侧色玻璃幕墙龙骨、玻璃和最外侧的红色拉伸网板幕墙,Outside of the steel structures there are the medal keels, the glass curtain wall and the red stretched mesh panels© MLee


Enclosing Green Space and “Breaking the Ground”

方正井然有序的建筑布局既有效利用环路组织建筑和交通、又留有较为完整的中部庭院空间。围合式绿地缓缓向上起伏展开,绿地下方是半地下车库。绿地的步行路网设计显示了Golden Ring(企业名称)的抽象图形。 中央下沉式庭院的红色钢结构楼梯自地下室螺旋向上跃起至绿地中央广场,又继续越过起伏地貌的上缘线呈现勃发飘扬之势,具有强烈的地景特征,我们把这一地景叫做“破土”,象征杂乱之后的成长,也寓意企业积极向上勇于突破的精神。这一区域成为园区宁静又跳动的区域。围合式绿地上几棵香樟与斑块形式的自然地被结合;边缘与建筑相接部分设置若干簇拥的细密金镶玉竹林作为软性分割。疏朗的空间氛围使这个被建筑包围的绿地增加了淡淡的飘逸和惬意。

The master plan layout not only effectively uses the ring road to organize buildings and traffics, but also remains a relatively integrated central courtyard. The central enclosed green space is gently rolling. There is a semi-open underground Parking lot. The pedestrian road of the green space shows the abstract symbol of the logo of the company “Golden Ring”. The red steel-structured stairs in the central courtyard spirals up from the sunken garden to the central green space, and continues to cross the upper edge of the rolling topography, showing a booming trend and recognition of land art. It is named “Breaking the Ground” symbolizing the growth after chaos, and also implying the spirit of the company, positive advance bravely.

围合式绿地航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the central courtyard© MLee


Another sunken courtyard is located at the lower end of the green space in the northeast corner, corresponding to building No.2. This sunken courtyard provides an entry to get into the underground Parking lot. The falling steps, water fall and red perforated aluminum panel make a visual connection with building No.2. This visual sequential connection goes through the central staircase and then extends to the canopy between building No. 5 and No. 6. It continuously ends at the east façade of the building No. 9.

▼下沉式庭院跌落的台阶、水幕和红色穿孔铝板,The falling steps, water fall and red perforated aluminum panel © MLee

▼车库入口上部的红色金属雨棚,the canopy between building No. 5 and No. 6 © MLee


The Meaning of Materials


▼中央绿地“破土”的楼梯概览,overall of the stair in the central courtyard© MLee

▼红色钢结构楼梯自地下室螺旋向上,The red steel-structured stairs in the central courtyard spirals up from the sunken garden © MLee

▼楼梯细部,details of the stair© MLee


Artificial Geometry and Nature


Post "Shifan – Huizhi World", "Hewang Wisdom Valley" explores the implication of humanity in group industrial architecture. It is expected to organize and awaken a narrative collective memory and emotional transference by means of collecting, grafting, and reconstructing of prototypes. Mean while in the design of group industry architecture, it also tries to find the balance between group architecture and city, between individual and group, and to establish a broad compromise. Dark brown migrating stones, red stretched mesh panels and paper folding surfaces, rolling central green space and "Breaking the Ground", the courtyard of the roof garden and floating bamboos etc., finally are integrated with geometric man-made constructions into the endless nature and blue sky on the west.

▼总平面图,master plan© COBBLESTONE

▼平面图纸,plans© COBBLESTONE

▼2号楼平面图,floor plan of the building no.2© COBBLESTONE

▼6号楼立面图,elevations of the building no.6© COBBLESTONE

▼细部构造,detail drawings© COBBLESTONE

项目名称:集群产业建筑新范式探索, “鹤望-智谷”设计:加拿大考斯顿设计

项目设计 & 完成年份:2017.07&2021.02

主创及设计团队:主创建筑师: 刘廷杰







品牌:1. 中企凯澳幕墙装饰工程有限公司+ 玻璃幕墙

2. 江苏星奉钢结构有限公司+钢结构


4. 常州广耀装饰装饰材料有限公司+拉伸型铝网版

5. 上海卓欧建筑装饰工程有限公司+ UHPC

Project name:Searching For a New Paradigm of Group Industrial Architecture, “Hewang Wisdom Valley”Design:COBBLESTONE DESIGN CANADA

Design year & Completion Year:2017.07&2021.02

Leader designer & Team:Lead Architects: Tingjie (Peter) Liu

Design Team: Tingjie (Peter) Liu, Hu Tingjun, Dai Biao,Su Hui,Bai Jing, Li Yuansheng, Shi Yuan

Project location:No. 3236, Qingsong Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai

Gross Built Area (square me-ters):37600m2

Photo credits:MLee

Partners:Shanghai Zhongfu Architectural Design Institute

Clients:Shanghai Gold Ring Industry Co.Ltd

Brands / Products used in the projrct:Zhongqi Kaiao Curtain Wall Decoration Engineer-ing Co.Ltd + Glass Curtain Wall

Jiangsu Xingfeng Steel Co.Ltd + Steel Structure

Shanghai Diyao Photoelectric Technology Co.Ltd + Lighting Design

Changzhou Guangyao Decoration Material Co.Ltd+ Expanded Aluminum Mesh

Shanghai Zhuo ou Architectural Decoration Engi-neering Co.Ltd+ UHPC


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