Russia Stylish E:MG Headquarters
设计方:Vox Architects
位置:俄罗斯 莫斯科
E:MG是一家广告中介公司,主要帮助客户提高销售业绩,该公司的收费合理,收效明显,并以友好客户为宗旨。E:MG的总部位于俄罗斯的莫斯科,由室内和建筑设计事务所Vox Architects提供
。设计师Vox说道“当我们接到E:MG总部办公室设计的时候,Boris Voskoboynikov就表明了他的设计观点,他坚持只选择简单的材料和简单的技术来装饰室内空间(Boris Voskoboynikov是众多创意空间的设计师,例如BBDO, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett, Afisha, Rambler等)。中央空间和带有升降梯的各层空间彰显了企业的独特个性,建筑室内采用的是石膏板和涂料,内部的图形大多是环绕的圆形,最重要的是,在巨大的中央空间内,用不同的材料组成了公司名字的缩写字母E,M,G。设计师的手法十分有趣,他把每一个字母都放在不同的水平面上,所以只有调整到最佳的角度,才能读懂公司的名字。客户十分重视灯光的设计,所以灯光设计师在设计时花费了很多心思,最终将灯光系统合理的布置。虽然有些空间被分离开了,例如会计部门,但是
E:MG is an advertising agency that helps clients sell more smarter and do it in a more affordable, faster and consumer-friendly way. E:MG’s office is located in Moscow, Russia and was designed by interior and architecture design firm Vox Architects. “When designing an office for E:MG advertising agency, Boris Voskoboynikov (author of many creative spaces: BBDO, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett, Afisha, Rambler etc) put his choice in favor of simple materials and simple techniques that have been implemented in the decoration: self-leveling flooring, central volumes – the distinctive feature of the author, so-called “architecture in interior” – are made of plaster slabs and paint-coated. Imagery of the interiors is built around graphic elements. Most significant is a large spatial composition that comprises E, M, G letters created of different materials. When locating the decorative text, the architect was playing with the perspective: he placed the letters on different surfaces and at a certain point one can read the company’s name. The client was receptive to the recommendations of the light designer: the lightning system installed in the office turned to be the most appropriate. The largest part of the office a public open space, although some zones, such as for an accounting department, are isolated”, said Vox Architects。