随着土地价格的上涨和在家办公的人数的增加,高品质的私密花园工作室已经成为了一种办公场所发展的大趋势。在荷兰的Hoofddorp,Serge Schoemaker Architects使用有限的建筑手段,设计了一座精美时尚的多功能花园工作室。该项目的最终成品是一个小尺度的用途广泛的建筑。
With the rise in both land prices and numbers of people working from home, high-quality insulated garden studios have become a big trend. In Hoofddorp, Serge Schoemaker Architects used limited architectural means to design a sleek multifunctional garden studio. The result is a small and versatile structure.
The sturdy yet elegant studio is built on a narrow plot beside the freestanding house of the clients. With its monolithic form and minimalist details, the sculptural house stands out amidst the traditional buildings in the neighbourhood.
▼工作室“隐藏”在花园中,a high-quality insulated garden studio
Owing to limited space and the care with which the structure had to be constructed, it was decided to prefabricate the house in the workshop and position it on the site with a crane. A steel plate in the floor plate of the timber-frame structure provided the necessary stability during transport.
▼人造光透过建筑表皮,冷硬而坚固的建筑呈现出一种诗意的氛围, the artificial light shines through the facade, the hard and sturdy skin acquires a poetic appearance
Clad in weathering steel, the reddish brown object blends naturally into its green surroundings. The various cladding panels were lasered to size and then assembled like a tangram. Detailing the large window without frames meant that the glass could also finish flush with the facade plane.
▼大窗的细节处并不设置窗框,玻璃与建筑表皮平面齐平,detailing the large window without frames, showing that glass could finish flush with the facade plane
Inside is an oasis of calm. The minimalist interior is detailed in birch plywood, contrasting beautifully with the weathered exterior. The studio is designed in such a way that you feel totally enclosed by nature: the big window frames a surprisingly fine view of the green and watery surroundings.
▼住户透过大窗户欣赏到房子周边迷人的绿色和水景,the big window frames a surprisingly fine view of the green and watery surroundings
▼室内一派宁静,桦木胶合板构成极简主义风格的内饰,inside is an oasis of calm, and the minimalist interior is detailed in birch plywood
The access door and smaller ventilation window are fitted with glass and covered in perforated weathering steel panels. During the day the perforations admit light and air, while in the evening they cast a pleasant glow into the garden. As soon as the artificial light shines through the facade, the hard and sturdy skin acquires a poetic appearance.
▼多孔耐候钢板覆盖在门和小窗的玻璃表面,the access door and smaller ventilation window are fitted with glass and covered in perforated weathering steel panels
▼夜晚时,光线通过多孔板在花园中投下斑驳的光影,in the evening the perforations cast a pleasant glow into the garden
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,1F plan
Location: Hoofddorp, Netherlands Client: Private Year: 2018 Status: Completed Team: Serge Schoemaker, Alexander Beeloo, Ilaria Saggese Photography: MWA Hart Nibbrig